
Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung in hopes that they could enter safely.

As for Min Sung, he entered freely as if he was walking into his own house.

It was as if he didn’t care that it was the inner continent full of high-level rankers.

He was confident even in the most unfamiliar places.

Some would call him rash and crazy, but all Ho Sung Lee could do was shake his head.

“Stop right there!”

One guard shouted.

“We must check your identities. Follow the system.”

In response, a system window popped in front of Min Sung’s eyes.

Min Sung touched accept, and the information got sent over to the guard.

While they checked his personal information, Min Sung sighed.

He had no choice but to be passive in Beatrice.

Since he didn’t hunt very much due to lack of time, he didn’t get many quests, and in the end, he had to fight against the rankers in order to go up in rank.

But such disturbance was bound to become an obstacle on his way to increasing his rank, and he didn’t want to become a manic killer just so he could save earth.

This world revolved around power.

In that sense, earth was not much different from Beatrice.

He had no choice but to wait for those with the authority to give him an opportunity to his greed.

On top of that, he was a player without a guild, so he had to take on additional responsibility.

This might have been the inner continent, but that didn’t mean his ways would change.

If someone had heard this, they would have been surprised, but he had made his decision a long time ago.

“You’re a ranker. I apologize for the trouble,” said the guard as he made way.

Both Min Sung and Ho Sung Lee thought strangely that they let them through, but the guards simply waited for them to pass through.

As soon as they entered the castle, they were met with multiple people.

They wore fancy garments, and they all seemed to be on the reserved side.

“Welcome to the city of Chopin. We’ve prepared your dorm. Right this way.”

One of the men spoke with his head bowed low.

Min Sung glanced at Ho Sung Lee.

“What do you think?” Min Sung asked.

Ho Sung Lee tilted his head at the men.

“I’m not sure. I feel like it’d be rude to turn them down. I think we should just keep our guards up. What do you think?” Ho Sung Lee spoke in a small voice.

Min Sung nodded.

“Let’s follow them.”

Ass soon as the decision was made, Ho Sung Lee led the way.

“Thank you for your kindness. We’re right behind you.”

The men quietly led the way.

Min Sung, Ho Sung Lee, Bowl, and Ssol followed from behind while glancing from side to side.

There was another city within the castle, and compared to the outer village, there were extravagant and expensive buildings everywhere.

And there was a much larger proportion of women than men in the castle, and they all looked fairly beautiful.

This was also monopolized on women with power, but they were more explicit than anyone.

There are many women here. The leader here must be quite greedy. I doubt this is all out of 100% kindness, so I’ll take a careful look as soon as we get to the dorm.

Ho Sung Lee spoke through his trill.

A moment later, the men were leading them into the main building.

“Wait, why are you leading us to the main building?”

In response to Ho Sung Lee’s question, they responded as if he was weird.

This could be a trap.

Ho Sung Lee sent Min Sung a trill.

It doesn’t matter. If they’re going to give me a chance, I’m more than welcoming.

If that’s what you think... Okay, Sir.

Ho Sung Lee told them to continue.

They entered the main building.

The castle was large, and the inside of it was extravagant and warm.

They were led to their dorm on the 3rd floor.

The room was large with multiple beds, and across the window showed a great view of the city.

“Please get some rest.”

They closed the door and left.

Ho Sung Lee sighed out of relief.

Ho Sung Lee then approached Min Sung, who was looking out the window.

“Don’t you think this is too easy? The inner continent is this welcoming? I don’t think this is right. These people... are too nice.”


Min Sung didn’t answer.

While he looked out the window, silence fell within the room.


Ho Sung Lee sighed and sat on the sofa.

He tilted his head back and got some rest.

He tried not to make it show, but his body was utterly exhausted.

His stamina and magic power had emptied a long time ago from trying to keep up with Min Sung Kang.

He felt like a bowl of leftover black bean noodle sauce.

He felt like if he just melted away into oblivion right here, it wouldn’t be weird at all.

‘Anyway... Something feels off about this castle...’

Ho Sung Lee looked around the room with eyes of suspicion.

“Ho Sung.”

In response to Min Sung’s calling, Ho Sung Lee sprung up despite his exhaustion.

“Yes, sir.”

“Prepare a meal.”

Ho Sung Lee smiled bitterly and bowed to Min Sung.

“Yes, Sir.”


Lownie, who collected an item from Pierre Desert, returned to the castle in the city of Chopin.

Every time Lownie walked around, he was showered with cheers and affection from all around.

Lownie had always responded with a warm smile, but not today.

His eyes looked blank, and his shoulders were dropped.

Once the people of the city noticed this, they no longer tried to talk to him or show interest.

Lownie continued to walk through the city with his blank eyes.

He then stopped in his tracks and clenched down on his teeth.

He felt frustrated about how his subordinates died.

He couldn’t believe that the top players from their own stars that managed to enter the inner continent died from a mere scorpion local in the middle of Pierre Desert.

And as the commander, he regretted that he couldn’t protect them.

He broke into tears.

After wiping his eyes with his hand, he continued to walk toward the castle with the same blank look.


Ho Sung Lee notified Min Sung that the meal was ready.

Ho Sung Lee cooked inside the room with the window open, making it unnecessary to even go outside.

This meal didn’t take long to prepare.

“It’s braised short ribs.”

Ho Sung Lee pointed at the dish that he put down on the table with a confident smile.

‘So this is the dish that caused all the delicious smells inside the room.’

Min Sung gave Ho Sung Lee a thumbs up and then sat down at the table.

“Please try it.”

The visuals were amazing.

White rice and the braised short ribs covered with red sauce that sat inside the pot.

There were also side dishes such as perilla leaves and various kimchi dishes.

After wiping his hands with a wet wipe, Min Sung wrapped a piece of the braised short rib in a perilla leaf. He added garlic and pepper and put it inside his mouth.

Om nom, om nom, om nom!


Min Sung shook his head while looking at the food on the table with a frown.

“This is impressive, Ho Sung.”

In response to Min Sung’s praise, Ho Sung Lee gave him a thumbs up.

“I just followed Chef Jang’s recipe.”

“It’s delicious.”

Min Sung continued his meal.

“I’ll begin eating as well.”

Ho Sung Lee sat down at a fair distance away from Min Sung where he had set a table for himself.

Meanwhile, Min Sung placed a short rib on a spoonful of rice. He added sauce and put it all into his mouth.

It was spicy, but not overly spicy.

It actually had a sweeter flavor. The meat was soft while the garlic within the sauce seduced his tongue, and the salty flavors graced the inside of his stomach.

It wasn’t too salty, no MSG could be tasted. The sauce was savory, and the meat wasn’t smelly whatsoever.

The braised short ribs were a work of art.

He took another bite of the rice, and when he put another piece of the saucy short ribs with radish kimchi inside his mouth, the refreshing radish and the soft yet intense flavor of the sauce exploded inside his mouth.

After that, he tried it with white kimchi, and it was so good that he was speechless.

He tasted refreshing water from the crunchy white Kimchi, and the braised short ribs that entered his mouth with it made him feel so pleased that he felt like he was looking out onto the beautiful scenery of the Atlantic ocean.

Min Sung was in awe of the fantastic flavors.

He was also impressed by Ho Sung Lee’s cooking skills, which improved even more since last time, causing him to tilt his head.

The reason why he tilted his head was because he was amazed.

Once he finished the meat, he used the remaining sauce in the pot to mix with the rice.

As soon as he mixed the rice with the sauce, he regained his appetite despite being completely full from the meat.

Min Sung swallowed all of the rice as if he was possessed.

It truly tasted as sweet as honey.


As soon as Lownie appeared, the guards saluted while looking straight ahead.

Lownie passed without even looking at them.

The guards glanced over at how different he seemed from usual.

That was all.

Once Lownie entered the castle, he went to find the leader of the city, Chopin, who was also the owner of the castle.

A moment later, he passed the halls lined with red carpet and stopped in front of a door.

As soon as he went to knock, the door opened automatically.

The five beautiful women standing in front of the door smiled at Lownie. They bowed and then left the room.

“This is Lownie.”

As soon as he revealed his name, he heard a voice from the inside.

“You may enter.”

It was the voice of ‘Chopin’ himself.

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