
Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

Min Sung and Ji Yoo arrived at a famous coffee shop chain. While Min Sung was lost in thought, trying to decide on what to get, Ji Yoo took her card out and said, “I think I’m having an Americano today. How about you?”

Making up his mind, Min Sung nodded and replied, “Shaved ice with red beans.”

“Don’t most people just go with the flow in situations like this and get coffee?” Ji Yoo asked with an awkward expression on her face.

“Your point?”

“... OK. Whatever,” she muttered, adding, “Jerk,” in a whisper.

“I can hear you. Also, I believe ‘honest’ is the word you’re looking for. At least I’m not rude or shameless,” Min Sung replied, putting his hand in his pocket.

“What are you saying, huh!?”

“You barged into my house and refused to leave. I think I proved my point.”

While Ji Yoo glared piercingly at the champion, the clerk’s eyes darted back and forth awkwardly between them. At which point, Min Sung took his debit card out and said, “Why don’t we go Dutch?”

“You are KILLING me right now. Can we please just put it on my card and get this over with!?”

“Suit yourself,” Min Sung said, putting his card back in his wallet.

“Here you go,” Ji Yoo said, handing the clerk her card. After taking the card, the clerk swiped it through the card reader.

Shortly after, with a cup of coffee and a bowl of shaved ice in her hands, Ji Yoo walked toward the champion, who was sitting at the table by the windows. It was then that all the men in the coffee shop stared intently at her, some even being punished by their significant others for their indiscretions. Paying no attention to them, as if she was used to it all, Ji Yoo stood across from the champion and put the coffee and the shaved ice on the table, still feeling the piercing gazes from all the men in the coffee shop on her.

“Isn’t it a guys’ job to bring the stuff?”

“I don’t see how the responsibility always has to fall on the guy,” Min Sung replied.

“Well, it’s not ALWAYS on the guy I suppose... But, I’m talking about the ladies-first mentality, you know? Like a gentleman?”

“I took you for a feminist, especially considering your position.”

“You just gotta have the last word on everything, huh?” Ji Yoo said, shaking her head. Ignoring her, Min Sung picked up a spoon and looked down at the shaved ice. Garnished with sweet red beans on a bed of snow-like flakes of ice, there was nothing visually striking about it. Yet, that was precisely the reason why Min Sung was fond of the dessert.

‘Gotta eat it while it’s still frozen,’ Min Sung thought, taking a spoonful of the ice and bringing it up to his mouth. Smooth in texture, the ice melted away as soon as it touched the champion’s tongue. Not only that, the ice had been made of milk, giving it a pleasant sweetness that danced on his tongue. The flavor of the ice alone was impressive.

Staring with intrigue at the champion savoring his shaved ice, Ji Yoo said, “You know, I’ve never met anyone like you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Min Sung replied, looking up.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you can focus that intensely on a bowl of shaved ice when there’s a beautiful lady sitting in front of you? Or the fact that you’d even order shaved ice at a time like this.”

“Have you considered getting professional help? A therapist, perhaps?”

“Oh, c’mon! Couldn’t you play along even once?”

“Get to the point,” Min Sung said, mixing a small dollop of sweet red bean into the spoonful of ice and bringing it up to his mouth. The delightful sweetness of the red bean combined with the refreshing, milky shaved ice made for a charming, joyful experience. Despite having already eaten, Min Sung thought the shaved ice was as delectable as ever.

“We’ve received some intel from the Shadow Guild. I was told that Ace told you that...” Ji Yoo said, dragging on as her face grew serious. She continued, “Soon, all hell will break loose, and there will be nothing you can do to stop it. You too will be swallowed by the great chaos. The day the ‘Tower of Demons’ opens up, this world will turn into hell.”

Putting his spoon down, Min Sung leaned back against his chair, crossed his legs, and stared at her with a clear look of displeasure.

“So, that was the catch. More information.”

“I bought you the shaved ice, didn’t I?” Ji Yoo said with a friendly smile. While Min Sung rubbed his temple and let out a heavy sigh, Ji Yoo said as the smile faded away from her face, “Mr. Kang, take me as you will, but this is a serious matter. The fate of this country depends on it, and I have to do something about it, even if it costs me everything.”

Staring intently at her, Min Sung clicked his tongue and said, “Give me a moment.” With that, he picked up his spoon and pulled the bowl of shaved ice toward himself.

It wasn’t until the champion had eaten every bit of the shaved ice that he realized just how much he had eaten. Thankfully, it was still morning, which meant plenty of time for digestion. After that, Ji Yoo resumed the conversation without delay.

“All done?” she asked, her eyes sparkling. Pushing the empty bowl aside, Min Sung leaned back in his chair once again and looked into Ji Yoo’s eyes as a gesture for her to speak. Catching her breath, Ji Yoo looked toward Min Sung and said, “Before we start, I have another favor to ask.”

“What favor?”

“As you know, Ace took countless innocent lives, including those of hunters from the Central Institute and from ordinary clans. Not only that, we’re extremely shorthanded, and there are new dungeons appearing across the country out of thin air as we speak. At this rate, it won’t be long before panic strikes the citizenry.”

“And?” Min Sung asked. Looking at him, Ji Yoo let out a small sigh and replied, “The regional branches are no better. There are not enough hunters to go around, and they’re struggling to keep the dungeons under control in their current states. All in all, the regional branches don’t have enough manpower to spare to send to Seoul.”

“So, you’re asking for my help?”

“It would be greatly appreciated. Even if it’s for a short time,” Ji Yoo said, looking at the champion with desperation in her eyes.

“Sounds like a hassle, if you ask me.”

“OK. How about this? You’ve heard the news that warp gates are in the process of being commercialized, right?” Ji Yoo asked, and Min Sung responded with a quick nod.

“Once one becomes available Korea, the fee will be at least a hundred and twenty million won per trip. If you agree to help us, we’ll grant you unlimited access to the warp gate.”

With that enticing offer, the champion immersed himself in thought. Then, clicking his tongue, he asked, “What do you need me to do?”

“Is that a yes!?” Ji Yoo shouted, her face lighting up.

“Nothing kills my appetite like a monster roaming about the streets.”

“... Oh! Right. So, it had nothing to do with warp gate,” Ji Yoo said, slightly flabbergasted.

“You do the math. I can make billions just by clearing one labyrinth. Why would I even bother myself with your problems just for unlimited access to a warp gate?”

“It’s for the country. You might have your reasons, but I must say, Mr. Kang, you’re doing the right thing,” Ji Yoo said, her eyes sparkling. She was smiling at the champion.

“Only for a time,” the champion said, and Ji Yoo nodded without delay, saying, “Just until the Institute stabilizes.”

“So, what do you need me to do?”

“We need you to focus on the newly-formed labyrinths and clear them. It might be dangerous, but I have confidence that you have what it takes to get the job done.”

“How fast are they forming?” Min Sung asked.

“On average, there’s been one new labyrinth appearing biweekly. Normally, we would be able to detect new dungeons, but it’s been getting increasingly difficult to predict the pattern in which those dungeons are appearing. For that reason, I will contact you personally as soon as we detect a new labyrinth.”

“What about the ordinary dungeons?”

“As I said, we are rather short-handed at the moment, so I will also be raiding dungeons personally. That should help make up for our lack of manpower somewhat,” Ji Yoo said. The influence of a miscellaneous type was apparent in her words. A single miscellaneous type was far more powerful than dozens, or even hundreds of ordinary hunters combined. For that reason, they were often regarded as the primary authorities of their countries.

“I was told that there haven’t been any new miscellaneous types in a while...” Min Sung asked.

“That’s right. I’m the only remaining miscellaneous type in the entire country,” Ji Yoo said, looking down at her coffee sadly.

“What would that mean in the distant future, when you’re not around anymore?” Min Sung asked. However, Ji Yoo couldn’t answer that question as readily. Fiddling with her coffee mug, she put on a forced smile and said, “We’re working on figuring that out ourselves.”

The air sank into a heavy silence. Yet, paying no attention to it, Min Sung looked out the window. For a change of pace, Ji Yoo placed her arms on the table and drew her face close to his. Her dazzling beauty filled the champion’s eyes. Despite that, Min Sung furrowed his brow and asked annoyedly, “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I think I’ve done enough talking. Now, tell me about the demons and the Tower of Demons.”

“Did the Shadow Guild not know anything about those things?” Min Sung asked, and Ji Yoo shook her head.

“No. Nothing.”

After a brief silence, Min Sung opened his mouth and said, “The Demonic Realm.”

“The Demonic Realm?!”

“Seems like a new path has opened up for the demons.”

“Demons as in... with horns and tridents?” Ji Yoo asked.

“Not exactly. They’re no more than filthy beasts,” Min Sung said, his face scrunched up with disgust.

“And how do you know so much about this?”

“That’s not important. One thing is certain, and that is that they will all die by my hands. Every single one of them.”

At the champion’s remark, Ji Yoo straightened her back, startled by the ominous, suffocating presence emanating from the champion. At that point, caught off guard, she looked around the coffee shop. Thankfully, none of the civilians seemed to be affected by the champion’s demeanor. Fixing his ice-cold gaze on Ji Yoo, the champion said, “If you find out anything, and I mean ANYTHING about those things, you come straight to me. This is a burden far beyond what you can carry.”

“What about the Tower of Demons? What is that exactly?” Ji Yoo asked nervously.

“I’m sure it’s a tower built by those creatures.”

“And how powerful are those creatures?”

“It’ll depend on their numbers, but a flock of ten would easily wipe this country out within half an hour,” Min Sung said nonchalantly. However, Ji Yoo simply couldn’t grasp the words that had come out of the champion’s mouth. Shocked, she remained at a loss for words for a moment.

“... Mr. Kang,” she said.


“Who are you exactly? As far as we know, you’re Korean, but frankly, you appeared out of nowhere and you have enough power to take on the entire world. And you clearly have an extensive knowledge of the Demonic Realm and the demons within it...”

“I’ve said enough,” Min Sung said, rising from his seat and looking down at Ji Yoo with emotionless eyes, and added, “If you learn anything about the demons or the Demonic Realm, you come talk to me. And from now on, do NOT bother me. This will be the first and the only time I’ll be helping you.”

With that, the champion left the coffee shop, and Ji Yoo let out a frustrated sigh while staring in his direction.

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