
Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

“Puahahaha! Ah, this guy,” Ho Sung let out, pleased by his clansmen’s flattery. Then, seeing Min Wook walking toward him with a serious expression on his face, Ho Sung stopped laughing and asked, “Haha! Hey! Why the long face? What is it?”

“Sir, we need to talk. Privately,” Min Wook said with a forced smile. Seeing that, Ho Sung, sticking a cigarette in his mouth, tilted his head in confusion and followed Min Wook out of the bar. When he stepped outside, he felt the warm, stuffy night air.

Blowing the smoke out, Ho Sung took his cardigan off and asked, “What is it?”

After looking around to make sure that no one else was around, Min Wook turned toward Ho Sung and said, “The Central Institute requested a meeting.”

“...What?” Ho Sung let out, furrowing his brow with the cigarette still in his mouth and adding, “What for!?”

“Can’t say. Maybe they’re keeping us in check. We are most likely the fastest growing clan out here,” Min Wook replied, shaking his head. Dumbfounded, Ho Sung chuckled and said, “Son of a bitch... How does this make any sense? Why would an international organization even bother with some street thugs? Isn’t it strange?”

“I think so too, but shouldn’t we give them an answer regardless?”

“I suppose so. When do we need to be there?” Ho Sung asked with a displeased look, clicking his tongue.

“Right now.”

“Great,” Ho Sung said, chucking the cigarette in his hand. The still-lit cigarette landed on a cat passing by, who shrieked and ran off.

“I’ll come with you,” Min Wook said.

However, Ho Sung shook his head, patted him on the shoulder and said, “You stay here and take care of the boys. I won’t be long.”

“Understood, sir,” Min Wook replied, looking incredibly nervous.

To which, Ho Sung chuckled and asked, “Pff! You scared?”

“How can I not be? This is the Central Institute we’re talking about.”

“Don’t you worry. Things will work out just fine,” Ho Sung said and made his way toward the Central Institute without hesitation.

Smoking his cigarette, Ho Sung looked up at the Central Institute’s enormous building. Looking at its majestic appearance and soaring height, Ho Sung realized just how far he had come in life.

‘The Central Institute. Should I be flattered?’

“Hope they don’t make us break up or pay extra taxes,” Ho Sung murmured. Standing in front of the building, Ho Sung sobered up almost immediately. The liquid courage seemed to offer little help at that moment. The Central Institute was a completely different world from the Shadow Guild. Rubbing his flushed-red face, Ho Sung made his way into the building that looked like an eight-star hotel. Upon entering, one of the security guards asked him, “Can I help you?”

The fact that even the security guards were level 195 was indicative of just how massive the Central Institute was. Needless to say, an immense amount of pride could be seen in the security guard’s eyes. In fact, it was almost overbearing.

‘This place makes the Shadow Guild look like child’s play.’

Seeing the guard glaring fiercely at the level-200 aura user, Ho Sung realized just how empowered the Central Institute employees felt. However, that wasn’t exactly the best posture to take.

‘And that’s how you get jumped on your way home at night. Tsk, tsk,’ Ho Sung thought. Then, taking out his ID, he showed it to the security guard and said, “My name is Ho Sung Lee, and I’ve been summoned by the Institute. My code is F0301A.”

The Central Institute was strict in regulating who came in or out of the facility. Those who weren’t affiliated with the Institute had to go through a verification process in order to enter the Institute’s building, which required proof of identity and a code sent to the individual by phone ahead of time.

After checking Ho Sung’s code with his watch, the security guard opened the door and let Ho Sung in. Giving the guard a look of disdain, Ho Sung went inside, sniffling as he did.

As soon as he stepped into the lobby, he was met by a cold, refreshing air. It was as if the building was being cooled 24/7. There was a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and the height of the ceiling almost gave Ho Sung the impression that he was in a different country.

“The lobby’s massive,” Ho Sung murmured, looking toward the center of the lobby. Then, he made his way toward the elevator, one of seemingly eight of them. Following the instructions he had received along with the code, he pressed the button labeled ninety-seven in the elevator, wondering, ‘Who am I even seeing anyway?’ Shortly after, the elevator arrived on the ninety-seventh floor.

“That was fast,” he murmured, stepping out of the elevator and onto a spacious hallway. There was only one room in the hallway, and it was labeled in sparkling gold: VVIP ROOM.

“That must be it.”

Standing in front of the room, Ho Sung took a deep breath and prayed, ‘Please, God, let nothing happen to my clan.’ With that, he knocked on the door, and a woman in uniform opened it. With flowing hair, a well-defined nose, and dazzling eye-makeup, she exuded sexiness.

“Mr. Ho Sung Lee?” she asked, and Ho Sung, staring at her blankly, nodded by reflex. At which point, the woman opened the door completely and let him in.

“Come on in.”

Nodding, Ho Sung swallowed nervously and went into the VVIP room, which had windows all around that gave the people inside an incredible view of the city. In the middle of the room, was a couch, where another divinely beautiful woman was sitting. Seeing Ho Sung walking into the room, the woman, looking slightly weary, signaled for him to approach with her eyes.

“Have a seat,” she said in a beautiful voice. Tilting his head in confusion, Ho Sung did as he was told. At the same time, he was dazzled by her goddess-like beauty. Yet, to further add to his confusion, there was something familiar about her. Then, after some thought, Ho Sung shouted out, pointing toward her inadvertently as he came to the realization, “You’re the blonde lady at Oido!”

At that moment, the secretary came up to him, grabbed his finger and bent it downward forcefully.

“Agh!” Ho Sung let out in pain.

“Who do you think you’re pointing at?” she said, glaring fiercely at Ho Sung as if she would eat him alive.

With his face twisting into a scowl from the pain, Ho Sung waved his other hand and said, “OK! I’m sorry! You can stop now!”

Ji Yoo gave the secretary a subtle nod, and the secretary let go of Ho Sung’s finger. After which, Ho Sung rubbed his swollen finger. Then, when he looked up, Ji Yoo’s hardened expression appeared in his view. Slightly intimidated by her piercing gaze, Ho Sung looked at her cautiously.

“Mr. Lee,” she said.

“... Yes?”

“I need you to take this ticket and leave the country at once,” Ji Yoo said, pulling out a plane ticket and pushing it toward him on an incredibly luxurious table. Ho Sung, perplexed, looked down at the ticket.

“... What?”

“Like I said, I need you to leave the country. The plane takes off in 2 hours from Incheon International Airport.”

“OK, but why?” Ho Sung asked, dumbfounded, chuckling. Hearing that, the secretary, who had been standing by Ho Sung’s side, said in a sharp tone of voice, “Mind your tone, sir.” At that point, Ho Sung turned to Ji Yoo and realized that her name and title weren’t visible. Piecing the puzzle together, he thought, ‘Hm... Maybe she’s the daughter of one of the higher-ranking officers in the Institute. Whoever she is, it can’t hurt to be careful.’

“I-I apologize,” he said, straightening his back and his shoulders, tense. Although he was being polite, Ho Sung still had no intention of being forced to play by their rules. “May I ask why you want me to leave Korea? If this has anything to do with my clan...”

At that moment, Ji Yoo looked toward her secretary and said, “Would you step outside for a moment?”

Bowing politely, the secretary walked out of the room. The sound of her heels echoed through the room. Looking around nervously, Ho Sung scratched his head and thought, ‘Leave the country? The hell’s this about?’ At that moment...

“You’re being targeted, Mr. Lee,” Ji Yoo said.

“... Me? Why?!” Ho Sung asked, flabbergasted.

“If I were to be more specific, you’re being hunted by the regional branches. We suspect that they’re looking to take over all existing underground trading rights in Seoul and eventually take over the Central Institute.”

‘The regional branches are after me?’ Ho Sung thought, mind boggled. It was all too confusing, and the chaos made him feel sick.

“Why me?”

“Because you hold most of the underground trading rights in Seoul, Mr. Lee. Seems like the time of your success wasn’t exactly in your favor,” Ji Yoo said, putting her hand on the ticket. “There’s no time. Take this and leave the country at once.”

At her urging, Ho Sung reminisced about his short legacy, from his first encounter with Min Wook and the man’s suggestion to reform the Diamond Clan, which grew at an explosive rate after that, to the epic speech he had delivered after defeating the mercenary in the duel and the afterparty. Those were some of the highlights of his life, and he simply couldn’t let go of them.

“And if I don’t?” Ho Sung asked, staring into the air.

“You’ll die. I guarantee you.”

Looking weary, Ho Sung stared blankly at the ticket on the table. If leaving the country had ever been an option, Ho Sung would have done so long ago in order to get away from the champion and his terrifying reign. However, what had kept him from choosing that path were his dignity and self-respect. And now, he was being forced to leave the country for the sake of his life.

“One more thing. Do not, by any circumstance, ask for Min Sung Kang’s help.”

At that point, surprised to hear the champion’s name coming out of her mouth, Ho Sung asked, “You... know him?”

“If he gets involved, the consequences will be catastrophic. So, please don’t make this any more complicated than it already is. The reason why we left you alive is because the Central Institute is obligated to remain neutral at all times,” Ji Yoo said. It was a subtle yet deadly warning.

“Well, I don’t think you have to worry about him,” Ho Sung said, chuckling.


“The Min Sung Kang I know would never get involved in anything like this, even if I were to ask for help. So, you can rest assured.”

“That’s good to hear. In that case, you better get going. We’ll provide you with everything you need.”

Although frustrated by the reality that he was reluctant to accept, there was nothing Ho Sung could do. Being at the bottom of the food chain, the right to choose was a luxury to the likes of him. In order to stay alive, Ho Sung had no choice but to do as Ji Yoo had told him. With sad, somber eyes, Ho Sung picked up the plane ticket.

“I understand that this isn’t an easy choice to make, but please, try to remember that yours and this country’s well being are in my best interest,” Ji Yoo said with her eyes closed. Clenching the ticket tightly in his hand, Ho Sung rose from his seat weakly, blinking slowly, and showed himself out with sagging shoulders.

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