
Chapter 411 - Arrival

Chapter 411: Arrival

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The quiet and tranquility of outer space.

A large spaceship, with a shape similar to a long baleen whale, sailed onwards silently.

Perhaps because it had wandered for too long, the surface of the spacecraft was mottled and uneven, and the structure of many of its parts had become detached. There were even some patches that had been mended with steel plates due to impact damage.

It gave one the sense that the ship had been through many ups and downs.

At that moment, in the corner of a lean-to in the bridge control hall.

There was a bright white sleeping pod.

Suddenly, the screen of the pod’s control panel lit up, and a string of green-colored text appeared.

“Beep... We have arrived at our destination. Awakening the Supreme Commander.”

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Initiating awakening...”


A gust of white vapor leaked out from the sleeping pod, and the hatch slid down automatically.

After a brief while.


A groan sounded, and a woman in a yellow cabin suit sat up with some difficulty, spreading her hair out. She pressed her hands against her head and said with a pained expression, “This hurts.”

She opened her eyes, and her blurry sight gradually cleared up. Her vision took a long time to adapt to an environment with light.

At first, her brain was blank. Then some recollected fragments flashed through her mind, followed by more and more memories.

About five minutes later.

The woman stepped out of the sleeping pod and simply smoothed her hair down her head. She walked straight to the control desk.

Raising her head, she looked through the glass of the porthole.

An expression of excitement and joy suddenly appeared on her face.

Displayed in front of her was a meteoroid belt floating with countless rocks, a gaseous planet that could be seen with the naked eye, and, directly in the center, a star that emitted an orange-yellow light. The dim amber rays of sunlight spilled across her body.

She looked at the data on the dashboard. They were 5.8 astronomical units away from the main fixed star in the Walf Galaxy.

“We have arrived at a place where there’s new hope for human civilization,” she muttered to herself softly. She had maintained her stern and serious look for decades. At this moment, she could no longer restrain herself, and a joyful smile blossomed across her face.

“Yunhua, this is the first time that I’ve seen you smile.”

An elderly, mechanical voice came out from the console, and a middle-aged man’s face appeared on the screen.

“Pangu, we’ve arrived, right?” The woman asked him to confirm.

“Yes. It is as you see.”

“It’s been hard for you, Pangu. The situation was almost completely out of control for the last ten years. The only way was to put everyone to sleep. I’m really not qualified to be a captain.”

“Don’t undervalue yourself, Yunhua. We might have been worse off without you. We’ve arrived at our destination at least. You can breathe a sigh of relief.”

“Yeah.” Mu Yunhua took a deep breath. “The most difficult moments have finally passed, and we’ve come out of hell.”

“Right,” she said again. “Pangu, give me a simple report on the current situation onboard.”

“Okay. The Blue Space, after a long journey of 67 years, 91 days, and 14 hours, currently have 106,401 crew members. We have 0.01% of remaining material reserves; fuel has basically been exhausted. The extent of damage suffered by the spacecraft is 11.3%, and the simulated ecosystem is in a state of semi-breakdown....

“But there is one thing to be glad of. After 16 hours, the 13 unmanned mining ships that I’ve sent will be transporting back the first meteoroids from the belt that is in front of us. Everything will be improved.”

“That’s great.”

A smile appeared on Mu Yunhua’s face once again.


More than ten days later.

The mining ships had gathered sufficient materials for The Blue Space from the asteroid belt. The discolored spots and defeated appearance of the spacecraft had disappeared. They had completely renewed many areas of the ship.

The spacecraft’s power system recovered by 90%.

The ecosystem system for maintaining life onboard recovered 100% of its function.

The most obvious sign of renewal was the sight of bright light filling any and all corners of the spacecraft.

In addition, the first batch of crew members had been awakened from their sleeping state. Middle to high-level elites. They numbered about 1,000.

Among them, the 18 representatives with the highest positions started a conference at the big round table in the bridge control room.

At the core of the discussion was naturally planning for and unfettered imagination about the future.

“Yesterday, I used the astronomical telescope and saw a planet with water.”

“Its beauty is unparalleled, with a size that is 1.3 times that of our mother planet, Haierfa. 53% of the surface is covered with seawater. This means that the land area is large enough for 10 to 20 billion people to survive. There is a thick atmosphere, and it lies within the most suitable galactic habitable zone. The average temperature of the planet is 17 degrees, there are ice caps at the two poles, and it takes 32.6 hours for a full rotation on its axis. In addition, there is a geomagnetic field that is sufficient to resist high-energy particles.

“Perfect. It’s a perfect and livable planet.

“One could even assert that is only a matter of time until life is born on such a planet.

“Now it has become our second home, and will be transformed into a second Haierfa! Hahaha!”

This scientist was very excited.

Mu Yunhua coughed. “Dr. Huang, your words represent our unanimous consensus. The Walf planet will indeed become our beautiful new home, but the problem we are discussing now is whether to transfer most of the crew to the surface of the planet so that they can fully participate in the construction of the immigration base—or to transfer only part of the crew, leaving about half to complete some work on the spacecraft that will turn it into an immigration space station.”

“Isn’t that obvious? Of course most of the crew will be transferred to Walf planet.”

“Frankly speaking, I’m tired of this prison that we’ve been trapped in for six or seventy years. If possible, I want to leave this place and stay on the surface of the planet forever.”

“The majority of the crew should go to the surface, where a lot of people are needed. We’ll let Pangu control the spacecraft. As the highest grade of artificial intelligence, it can handle any problem.”

“Let’s transfer the majority of the crew. We will much prefer real land.”

Of the 18 representatives, 15 believe that most of the crew should be transferred to the surface of the planet.

Only Mu Yunhua and her two trusted aides did not make a clear statement, but they did not object to the transfer to the surface.

The majority supported the transfer.

Mu Yunhua felt a vague sense of that this decision was inappropriate, but, listening to the complaints of everyone, she also understood that it was not an exaggeration to describe the feeling of living in a big box for decades as “sitting in jail.” Their spirit had been suppressed for many years. It was entirely reasonable for most of the crew to want to head for fresh and beautiful land.

It was the wish of the overwhelming majority.

Coupled with the large amount of manpower required for the transformation of the planetary environment, Mu Yunhua could not find a suitable reason to object, and could only obey the wishes of the majority.

Subsequently, the Blue Space entered mid-range orbit around the Walf planet. About 80,000 crew members were preparing massive amounts of equipment and supplies. They were busy getting ready for the move to the surface of the Walf planet every day.

“Ha ha ha, ho ho ho!”

“This is our new home! Our new future!”

“We’ll start a new beginning from here!”

“Although it is still overgrown and wild, we can already see hope and happiness.”


The crew members felt very excited as they took their first steps on this promising planet filled with hope, and they cheered in jubilance.

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