
Chapter 262 - Possibility Of Moving The Portal

Chapter 262: Possibility Of Moving The Portal

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Before getting married, Chen Jin had been plagued by a very troublesome question.

Where should he live after marriage?

Was it ok to continue living in apartment 302? It was the marital home that his parents had prepared for him.

There was definitely a problem with that.

The portal to Haierfa was right in the toilet attached to his bedroom.

Of course, Chen had remodeled the toilet a few months ago to increase security and further avoid suspicion. All washing facilities were removed and the bathroom was transformed into a cloakroom.

The wall where the portal was located had become perfectly connected to the wardrobe.

The level of secrecy had increased yet again.


Chen Jin still hoped that there would not be additional people moving into this apartment.

Unless the time was right, he would never reveal his secret to anyone... Not even his parents.

He was still operating on that same logic – it was way more difficult for two people or more to keep a secret as compared to only one person..... He did not want to add more variables.

Moreover, there were dangers and challenges Haierfa planet. It was fine to bear them alone.

When the situation on Haier’s planet became a lot more positive and he urgently needed more people to assist him, he would naturally bring some of his closest and most trusted people over there.

But not at the moment.

At the very least, that would have to wait until the environmental transformation of Haierfa had been completed. Only then he would bring people over to Haierfa.

Therefore, for the sake of minimising the risk of his secret being exposed, apartment suite 302 could not be used as a marital home for him and Su Yun.... After all, it would be too difficult to keep the secret under wraps when they would be living together every day.

The facilities and layout of the apartment in Sunshine District were unsatisfactory. It was impossible to live in such a simple and crude place.

Moreover, his mother, He Li also hoped that Chen Jin would live closer to them. It would be more convenient for them to visit their grandchildren or to bring them out..... Living in the downstairs apartment of 302 was the most suitable choice..

“Mom, it’s not good to live so closely to you and Dad.”

Chen Jin said, “Moreover, I want to have two kids. When they grow up they will have their own families too. One apartment is not enough. We need to at least have a few more homes.”

However, he promised, “I will buy two apartments in this neighbourhood. We’ll live in the same neighbourhood and we won’t be far away. This should be acceptable?”

He Li was still rather unhappy about his decision. She sighed indistinctly, “Ah, when the son is grown, he can’t be bothered about his mother. The status of the mother in his heart has dropped after he marries a wife.”

Su Yin did not have any opinions. On the contrary, she supported Chen Jin’s decision. There were not many modern women who were willing to live with their mother-in-law. In addition, her mother-in-law was her superior at work. Her opinions would most likely be swept away if they had to live so closely together.... It would be better to live a little further away.

Chen Jin and Su Yun then spent more than ten days viewing many apartments for sale in the Court of Happiness.

After many rounds of selection, they finally settled on an apartment with two levels in Block 6.

First of all, Block 6 was closer to the entrance of the housing estate community. They would be saved from 100 meters of walking to the entrance. This was convenient for travel.

In addition, this double storey apartment had an area of 280 square meters. Apartment 301 and 401 were not connected at first. The original landlord had cut through a portion of the floor of 401 and added a set of stairs to connect the two storeys. Thus, the double storey apartment was created.

It was also due to the massive size of the apartment that the original landlord was not able to sell it for more than a year. In addition, he had urgent need of money. Hence, the price has been lowered again and again. In the end, the apartment only cost $48,000 per square meter.

Chen Jin thought that it was a good price and he planned to buy it. However, Su Yun still felt that it was too expensive and had persisted in bargaining with the landlord for a few days. Finally, the transaction was completed at a price of $43,000 per square meter.

But the landlord requested for a lump sum payment.

Of course this was only a small matter for Chen Jin. He immediately transferred the money to the landlord after signing the contract.

Besides this.

He also transferred 1.4 million Su Yun’s account.

Upon receiving the text message, Su Yun asked him inexplicably. “Why did you transfer so much money to me?”

Chen Jin said, “It the bonus that you had earned with your own ability. Of course I have to transfer the money to your account.” He had witnessed the bargaining ability of the woman and her meticulous calculation, He must reward her.

Su Yun said helplessly, “What do I want your money for?”

However, she did not return the money in the end. After all, this was the money that he had helped to save through her own abilities. She felt a warm glow in her heart. She had money to buy necessities for her baby now.... Her period had been late for 5 days. Good news was likely on the way.

They bought the apartment.

But they had to remodel and redesign it before airing it for a year or so.... They could not move in it right away.

They could only live in apartment 302 in block 16 during this transition period..... He Li was very happy about this.

Hence, Chen Jin had to make another series of adjustments again.

For example, he transformed the south-facing master bedroom where he had been living in into a large gaming lounge. The cloakroom was changed into a storeroom.... He and Su Yun could only live in the north-facing bedroom.

In addition, considering that it would now be impossible to go to Haierfa at night, Chen Jin brought over a simulated reality headgear in order to facilitate the management of Haierfa.

He could wear the headgear and have discussions with the AIs, Nuwa and Alice for any matters pertaining to Haierfa in the future.... This would reduce the frequency that he had to open the portal.

Su Yun saw him wearing this device on his head which seemed to be straight out of a sci-fi novel. Although she was curious, she did not interrogate him about it.

Chen Jin took the initiative and explained, “This is an epoch-marking gaming device that my company is researching in secret. Wife, do you want to experience it?”

Su Yun nodded and donned the headgear. The realism of the simulated world caused her to yell and shriek in succession.

When the experience was over, she said excitedly, “Hubby, your company is too awesome. I’m sure you can sell tons of this headgear!”

Chen Jin shook his head, “I can’t distribute it for now. Its radiation is relatively high, and it causes certain damage to the human brain. It cannot be used for long periods of time.”

“Ah, there’s radiation?”

The woman received a shocked upon hearing the word “radiation”. She reflexively kicked him aside. “Don’t come close to me. This is not good for the child. Don’t use it in this room.”

Su Yun touched her abdomen.

Chen Jin’s eyes brightened.

He took the simulated reality helmet and ran towards the “gaming lounge” across.

It was just that constantly donning this headgear to manage Haierfa was not the most intuitive or direct to the senses. When it was evening on earth, it would be the dark of night in Haierfa. It was not convenient at all.

In the simulated world.

Chen Jin asked Nuwa and Alice: “Is there a technology that can be used to move the portal? Perhaps it can even shrink and expand the portal anytime so that I take it wherever I want?”

Nuwa and Alice nodded at the same time, “Yes, there is!”

“For real?”

Nuwa said, “As long as you master the technology of space, you will be able to manipulate space. This includes moving, expanding and compressing. And on this basis, you could even develop a curvature engine for flight at superluminal speeds.”

Alice added, “But we are unable to master such high-level technology at the moment. Maybe some hundreds or thousands of years later, we will be able to make a breakthrough.” Alice added.

A few hundred years?

Chen Jin shook his head, “I hope that you can achieve a breakthrough as early as possible, the earlier the better! How about this, the two of you can set up a research lab for space technology. Invest a certain amount of resources for this and proceed with the research. No matter if it will be fruitful or not... Starting the research in advance is absolutely the right thing to do. ”

Nuwa and Alice nodded, “Yes, master!”

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