
Chapter 109 - An Outstanding Youth

Chapter 109: An Outstanding Youth

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Upon returning to his bedroom on Earth, Chen Jin pulled the blankets over his head and immediately fell asleep. Besides eating and transporting the components at midnight, he basically did not go out of his room for the next three days. The majority of his time was spent playing games on the computer, watching anime, and sleeping. He was living his old life as a dispirited and self-indulgent homebody in an attempt to forget about all of his troubles.

At the dinner table, He Li asked with concern, “Son, what’s wrong? Why do you stay in your room lately? You don’t come out at all! Are you experiencing difficulties?”

Chen Jin raised his head and said with some weariness, “It’s nothing, Mom. The stress has been a bit too much recently. I’m a little frustrated and just want to relax.”

Stress? Sitting beside him, Chen Gang nodded. “It’s normal to experience stress. You are the boss of a company that has thousands of employees. It would be more worrying if you’re not stressed. Without stress, one would simply live carelessly. But, you have to adjust yourself to it as well. Respond in a positive and appropriate manner; solve your problems calmly and steadily. This is a better situation than what I’ve experienced in the past when I participated in the development of the landing gears. I met with some problems on a few occasions and the management would demand that I solve the obstacles within three days. The stress was crushing, but I still grit my teeth and pulled through...” His dad talked about his old days of struggle and glory, imparting some of his stress-relieving tips to Chen Jin.

Chen Jin nodded. “Hmm, thanks, Dad.” After his dad’s counsel, he felt that his mental state had improved significantly.

He Li recalled something and said, “Son, I have something that I want to talk to you about. Recently, the municipal management is looking to select the ’10 Most Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs.’ It’s jointly organized by the municipal party committee, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and the Tax Bureau. I’ve registered you for the selection so you can bag the honor of being one of the ’10 Outstanding Youths.’ With your achievements, I think it’s a piece of cake to be selected as the champion.”

“10 Outstanding Youths?” Chen Jin did not find it particularly attractive. Shaking his head, he said, “Mom, what’s the use of this dog and pony show? What benefit can it bring me? It’s very risky to be an entrepreneur nowadays. Does getting a title prove how capable a person is? Who knows; you could be an outstanding youth today but your company could go bankrupt and collapse tomorrow. How awkward would that be? Don’t register me, I don’t want to participate.” Entrepreneurs of this day and age could not be compared to entrepreneurs of the past generations. The “outstanding youths” of the past were indeed very outstanding. Now, the title provided nothing more than a superficial veneer. There were no benefits in getting such a title. On the contrary, the title would become an invisible source of stress for the entrepreneur.

“Who says that there are no benefits?” Cracking her fingers, He Li recounted, “There are many benefits. One, after you are awarded the title of an ‘outstanding youth,’ the government will increase the level of support for your business. Tax-wise, you will be given a preferential waiver. Second, when you apply for a loan at a bank, it’s very likely that it will be approved. You’ll be charged a lower interest rate too... For some years, the government has been encouraging young people to become entrepreneurs. It’s not just talk. They really will invest hard cash towards this purpose. However, you have to be proactive and strive for it. Son, nowadays, it’s impossible to fight your own lonely fight in the world of business start-ups without government support. Do you know how Hua Yao Company rose up? And companies like Lian Xiang, Baidu, and Ali? Do you think they can develop at such as rapid pace and become the giants they are without government support? You have to hold onto this massive form of support from the government.”

Suddenly, Chen Jin understood. Having the support of the government really was a great benefit! Henodded repeatedly at her explanation. “Mom, you’re right!” Readily following her good advice, he said, “I will participate in the selection process for the ’10 Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs.’ I want to become an outstanding youth!”

Smiling, He Li picked up some vegetables with her chopsticks and placed them in his bowl.


On the first of July, the selection of the “10 Most Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs” in Shang Hai City started on a grand note. There were more than a thousand registrants for the event. The entrepreneurs were very positive and vied enthusiastically. After many rounds of selections, only ten youths got the title in the end.

Naturally and without any doubts about his success, Chen Jin was selected as one of the ten. Moreover, he was the youngest among them. The average age of the other nine entrepreneurs was almost 30. In the voting round for the most outstanding entrepreneur, the municipal leader, the leader of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and the leader of the Tax Bureau voted for him. With their unanimous votes, he was awarded the title of the “Most Outstanding Entrepreneur.”

“The young are promising and full of potential!” During the award conferment, the mayor, Secretary Yang, placed the trophy in his hands. Warmly shaking his hands, he said, “Chen Jin, I bought one of the robots that you created for my home, too. It’s really very useful. You’re amazing, very amazing! Our country needs more outstanding entrepreneurs like you.”

“Thank you, Secretary Yang.” Chen Jin nodded and shook his hand. Facing the camera, they posed for two photos together, Following the etiquette for the conferment ceremony of the certificate of honor, a row of ladies dressed in the traditional qipao walked up to the stage.

Chen Jin saw a familiar face. Su Yun! She was garbed entirely in a red qipao embroidered with lotus prints. Her figure was exquisite and elegant. The qipao revealed her long and slender arms. With a slight smile on her lips, she looked as demure as a shy daffodil.

Chen Jin was even more surprised when it turned out to be Su Yun who walked up to him and handed over the certificate. Chen Jin asked quietly, “Su Yun, what are you doing here?”

“Keep it up!” Su Yun only gave him a look of encouragement and turned to leave the stage.


At that moment below the stage, He Li smiled and asked Dong Lei who was sitting beside her, “Director Dong, what do you think? My son is pretty impressive, right?” Her face was full of pride over Chen Jin’s achievements.

With admiration filling her gaze, Dong Lei gave her a thumbs-up. “Yes, very good! He has a striking demeanor — noble, dignified, and talented!”

“Yuan Lin, what do you think about my son?” He Li turned to look at Yuan Lin, who was sitting on the other side of Dong Lei. However, she quickly shut her mouth and stopped asking. The answer was already written on Yuan Lin’s lovesick expression.

Yuan Lin thought, Although he’s not very handsome, his looks grow on you. He has the air of a successful entrepreneur coupled with a height of five foot nine. He’s getting more similar to the ideal image of my prince charming. Yuan Lin whispered quietly to herself, “I must ask you out for a meal one day.”


The next morning, on the front page of the “Shang Hai Morning Paper,” the headlines announced the “Selection of the ’10 Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Youths’, we should encourage more youths to become entrepreneurs.” In addition, the news article was updated on many government websites in its digital form for netizens to read.

For the first time, the photo of Ao You Xing Hai Technologies’ founder, Chen Jin, and Mayor Yang, as well as photos of the award ceremony and some of Chen Jin’s personal particulars, appeared on the internet. Soon, some of the netizens who had intentionally been looking for information on the company found this article.

Netizens discussed furiously.

“He’s the boss of Xing Hai Technologies. Isn’t he too young?”

“24 years old. He’s not even 25 yet he’s already the president of a company that’s worth millions. Dear god, what was I doing at 24?”

“I can’t compare myself to him. He’s tall, rich and handsome. I’m just a piece of salted fish.”

“I heard that the remuneration and benefits at Xing Hai Technologies are not bad at all. They are experiencing good momentum in their business development too. Recently, this company is looking to recruit a huge quantity of staff. I’ve sent my resume to try my luck.”

“The girl presenting the certificate is so beautiful. I think my heart just skipped a beat.”

“Me too. The girl had such a sweet smile and dignified air about her.”


Somewhere else, some photos were distributed in Yuan Lin’s circle of friends. In a moment, an explosion of comments followed.

“I found him! The prince charming of my dreams looks just like this. The one who I’ve been waiting for, forso many years, is him!”

“Ah! I feel like I’m in love all of a sudden. What should I do?”

“Yuan Lin, you’re a schemer, how long are you planning to keep my husband away from me?”

“Yuan Lin, I’ll break off all relations with you if you don’t give me the contact information of my husband!

“Yuan Lin, don’t force me to do this!”

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