
Chapter 403: Solving It (3)

Chapter 403: Solving It (3)


Han Jin-Seong stood still and stared at his school\'s main gate for a while.

\'This feels really weird, doesn\'t it?\'

On some days in the past, that gateway resembled the mouth of Hell. The dread of all the bullying he might receive once he started the day made him reticent to take another step forward.

But today, that gate imparted a slightly different… \'feeling\' than usual.

How should Han Jin-Seong describe that feeling? A spoonful of mild heart-flutter was sprinkled on top of the dread?

Han Jin-Seong was nervous about the aftermath of all the \'scary\' events that had happened around him recently. On the other hand, though… The knowledge that some things were changing filled him with hope and anticipation.


Han Jin-Seong sucked in a deep breath, then willed his legs to carry him forward.

\'Yes, let\'s be positive. Things are changing for the better!\'

He didn\'t think things would improve just because adults got involved, but to his surprise, his environment was changing noticeably. That alone should be seen as encouraging, so…

“H-hey, Jin-Seong!”

“Eh?” Han Jin-Seong froze stiff on the spot. Before he could even step across the school gates, several of his classmates rushed toward him first.

\'What\'s going on?\'

Nervousness quickly flooded him. Would there be a reason for already-arrived students to loiter around the gate? Of course not. Besides, these kids didn\'t even have their school bags with them but still waited for Han Jin-Seong\'s arrival. That could only mean something untoward had happened.

“Dude! You\'re finally here!”


“Hey, man…” The kids seemed rather hesitant about something, then cautiously addressed Han Jin-Seong. “Dong-Min hyung was at the class earlier in the morning to flip the whole place upside down!”

“Huh?” Han Jin-Seong blinked his eyes.

“You gotta head to the third-years\' class pronto, dude. Dong-Min hyung wanted to see you as soon as you arrived, you see?”

Han Jin-Seong didn\'t even have time to think about his response and just nodded away. His body had responded automatically, but that didn\'t mean his head understood this situation.

\'What did they say? The?third-years\'?classroom?\'

When Han Jin-Seong faltered and hesitated, his classmates hurriedly pushed him forward.

“What are you doing, dude! Dong-Min hyung wanted to see you right away! Hurry!”

Why were these kids so desperate? Just what did Kim Dong-Min do in the class that these kids couldn\'t wait to sell Han Jin-Seong down the proverbial river?!

Han Jin-Seong recalled the… \'events\' of the day before, and a lump of saliva forced its way down his throat. While dreading what was about to come, Han Jin-Seong dragged his feet toward the third-years\' classrooms like a cow heading inside an abattoir.

\'He…?won\'t blame me for what happened, right?\'

No matter how much Han Jin-Seong racked his brain, he couldn\'t see how he was at fault for yesterday\'s shenanigans. Unfortunately, the school life he had observed until now was pretty unfair. It usually punished those without fault. The school wasn\'t some court of law where the innocent could earn their freedom.

In school, the \'strong\' could prey on the \'weak\' without any pretext and with a total disregard for rules. And Kim Dong-Min could be referred to as the top dog in this school. So, how could Han Jin-Seong not be cowered after someone like that had summoned him first thing in the morning?

Han Jin-Seong\'s heart tumbled to the pit of his stomach after recalling the image of Kim Dong-Min\'s cheeks getting slapped silly last night.

If Kim Dong-Min was rational, he wouldn\'t blame Han Jin-Seong, but... Would \'rational\' even apply to these school thugs?

Han Jin-Seong tried to encourage his shriveling heart while stepping on the third-years\' floor.

\'Uh…?Which class was Dong-Min hyung\'s, again?\'

Han Jin-Seong frowned, wondering if he should stop a passing third-year and ask them. However, he was saved from trouble when a student emerging from one of the classrooms discovered Han Jin-Seong and urgently waved his hand at the boy. “Hey, you! Come over here! Over here!”

“Y-yes!” Han Jin-Seong hurriedly rushed to that third-year student.

“Hey, you. You are THE brat from yesterday, right?”

“Ah, yes!”

Han Jin-Seong recognized this third-year. He was standing next to the team representative Kim Dong-Min and getting slapped \'occasionally\'.

“Okay, come inside,” the third-year beckoned to Han Jin-Seong.

“Y-yes, hyung!”

“...No, hang on a second. Let\'s not. Follow me, okay? We\'re going to the loo.”

“I\'m sorry?”

Why are we going to the loo all of a sudden?

Wait, are we talking about THE LOO, the favorite haunt for those seniors who like to bully their juniors? That loo? And am I getting dragged in there?

Han Jin-Seong freaked out and was about to say something, but Kim Dong-Min emerged from the rear entrance of the classroom first. His face was deeply crumpled in displeasure, too!

\'Holy cow…’

Here was the proof that everything in this world was situation-dependent. Kim Dong-Min behaved like a scared little puppy with his tail tucked between his legs before Jo Hyeok-Tae last night, but today? He was like an uncaged lion.

The lion lording over the jungle called \'High School\' spotted Han Jin-Seong and frowned unhappily. “You, come with me.”

“...Yes, hyung.”

When Kim Dong-Min took the lead, Han Jin-Seong had no choice but to follow obediently. It seemed it\'d be wise to ask his questions later.

“Hey, get out of the way, will ya!”


Every time Han Jin-Seong saw this scene, he kept getting reminded of the fact that once a group like this was formed, the \'core\' of the group would never act as the loud one. That job would always fall to the \'guards\' surrounding the core.

Once they stepped inside the loo, Kim Dong-Min\'s pals chased other patrons of this smelly establishment away. In the blink of an eye, only they and Han Jin-Seong remained in the loo.


Han Jin-Seong nervously swallowed his saliva.

Kim Dong-Min stared at the tense boy for a second or two before sighing loudly. “It\'s about what happened yesterday…”

\'Here it comes...!\'

Han Jin-Seong knew the time had come for him. What should he say here, though? Was apologizing first the right thing to do?

While the deeply-nervous Han Jin-Seong searched for his replies, Kim Dong-Min sighed loudly again. “I\'ve already straightened up that little bastard, Yoo Da-Bin. So, I promise you, that boy ain\'t gonna get in your face ever again.”

“Eh? Straightened… him up?”

“Yeah. We f*cked him up real good.”

“...” Han Jin-Seong clamped his mouth shut as strands of cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

“No need to get that tense, Han Jin-Seong. I didn\'t call you here to do something bad to you, anyway. Want something to drink?”

Han Jin-Seong almost reflexively blurted out,?Dong-Min hyung, we are in a toilet, you know?!

“N-no, I\'m fine, Dong-Min hyung. Thanks.”

“Okay, got it.” Kim Dong-Min patted the shoulders of the paralyzed Han Jin-Seong. “I\'ll make sure to look after your school life from now on, so relax and enjoy your time here, okay? If some dumb losers try to annoy you, just come talk to me.”

“I, uh, I will…”

“I\'ve already spread the word around, you see? You shouldn\'t have some losers trying to run their mouths in your face. So, uh…” Kim Dong-Min suddenly became hesitant and fidgety. The relaxed attitude of an apex predator from a second ago was nowhere to be found now, replaced by a weak prey sweating nervously before a hungry hunter. “So… Uh… If you run into a problem, let me know first, okay? I swear to you, I\'ll deal with it flawlessly. Flawlessly! W-what I\'m trying to say is, uhm… Don\'t directly call Hyeok-Tae hyung and talk to me first, okay? Please?”

Han Jin-Seong dazedly nodded.

“This is our school matter, so it\'s uncool to have a graduate… No, hang on, a drop-out butting in, right?”

“Y-yes, sure…”

Although Kim Dong-Min was bringing up one or two… \'good\' arguments here, everyone could tell he didn\'t want to get smacked around by Jo Hyeok-Tae.

In a way, this was a humorous situation, but Han Jin-Seong didn\'t find it funny. Not even close!

Rather than funny, he actually found this situation eerie. Frightening, even. That was because he realized that Kim Dong-Min, effectively this school\'s king, and Yoo Da-Bin, basically the devil within Han Jin-Seong\'s class... were completely powerless in the wider society.

“Alright, dude. You can leave now. Remember, call me first if something happens, okay?”

“...Yes, hyung.”

“Oh, and… I\'m saying this out of concern…” Kim Dong-Min smiled awkwardly. “Can you do me a favor and not say anything about what you saw yesterday to anyone? I have my reputation to uphold, you know?”

“I\'ve already forgotten about it, hyung.”

“Good. Good. I\'ll be grateful if you do that. Oh, and I\'m not threatening you. I\'m just asking you for a favor.”

“Understood. I didn\'t take it as a threat, hyung.”

“Good. Good!” Kim Dong-Min patted Han Jin-Seong like a long-lost friend.

“Can I go now?” Han Jin-Seong cautiously asked.

“No, that won\'t do,” said Kim Dong-Min.

Han Jin-Seong immediately tensed up. “I-in that case?”

“You came all the way here for us, so we should escort you back to the class, no? Let\'s get going.”

\'Eh? Escort?\'

Even before Han Jin-Seong had a chance to protest, Kim Dong-Min wrapped his arm around the younger kid\'s shoulders and headed to Han Jin-Seong\'s classroom.


What the hell?! What is going on here?!

Walking through the third-years\' corridor was tolerable. None of the third-years seemed to care or find this scene weird, after all. However, that situation rapidly changed once they arrived on the second-years\' floor.

Every kid witnessing Kim Dong-Min\'s friendly arm around Han Jin-Seong\'s shoulders urgently stepped aside to make way, their expressions stiff.

\'Ah…?So this is what they mean by a donkey in a lion\'s skin…

Of course, that interpretation of this situation was a bit problematic since… Well, Kim Dong-Min wasn\'t a tiger, and Han Jin-Seong wasn\'t a donkey. This was more like a rat was wearing a fox\'s skin to threaten a bunch of rabbits!

Once they reached Han Jin-Seong\'s classroom, Kim Dong-Min smiled brightly and let Han Jin-Seong go. “Okay! Be careful on your way, Jin-Seong.”

“Y-yes, hyung.”

“Don\'t forget to contact me if something happens, okay?”

“I will.”

However, Kim Dong-Min didn\'t stop there. Despite Han Jin-Seong sneakily grabbing his arm and pulling him back, Kim Dong-Min still peeked his head inside the classroom and threateningly glared at the students inside.

That was more than enough. Every kid inside grew pale from fright from Kim Dong-Min\'s silent pressure. And Han Jin-Seong could only chuckle hollowly at that.

\'Whatever. I\'ll just go with the flow…’

He had finally surrendered to his fate now.


Kang Jin-Ho sighed and spoke into the phone\'s receiver. “I\'m still doubtful if it will be effective.”

- Don\'t be, Mister Jin-Ho.

Jo Gyu-Min replied in a confident voice.

- Tell me, who was the scariest person while you were serving as a private in the Korean military?

“I wasn\'t scared of anyone, actually.”

- Oh...

Jo Gyu-Min quickly realized his question was incorrectly phrased, so he quickly changed it.

- Of course you wouldn\'t be scared of anyone. However, what about other privates? Who were they most afraid of?


- The answer is the private first-class. Or, their direct seniors.

“Mm, I think that was the case.”

- If you only look at the chain of command, a private should be scared of sergeants or those with higher ranks, not some measly private first-classes. However, that\'s not how it\'s like in reality. That\'s because sergeants or higher ranks wouldn\'t go out of their way to directly bully privates. People are usually more scared of those in the hierarchy that can influence them the most.

Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded. “I see. And that\'s the seniors of high school in our case?”

- Correct.

Jo Gyu-Min continued with his explanation.

- Those living in society are scared of the law and people with status. But that\'s not the case with students. They still haven\'t learned how scary the law can be. And they certainly haven\'t been taught how terrifying the violence and authority endemic to our society can be. No, what they fear is violence within the school. Since that\'s the case, we can keep them in line with the threat of even worse violence.

“Hmm…” Kang Jin-Ho contemplatively nodded.

Whenever junior-ranked soldiers did something stupid, the higher-ups would always summon the seniors of those idiots and berate them instead. Kang Jin-Ho always wondered why that was, but Jo Gyu-Min\'s explanation helped him understand those situations better.

“Still… It doesn\'t feel so good since it feels like a chain of nagging, somehow…”

- Haven\'t we decided to let go of things that can be given up for the sake of achieving favorable results?

“Well, yes. We’ve done that.”

- We\'re doing this for the children, Mister Jin-Ho. Not just Jin-Seong, but other kids should get to feel the effects of all the changes by today. Their classmates might be scared and unsure, but give them a few days, and they\'ll finally figure out the new power dynamics and try to befriend the orphanage kids.

“Hmm…” Kang Jin-Ho quietly moaned.

It was hard to refute Jo Gyu-Min\'s assertion. This was what human nature was like, after all.

- In any case... With this, we\'ve successfully pulled off the primary response to the situation. Of course, there will be other minor frictions in the future, but let\'s solve them one at a time.

“I agree. Thank you for all your hard work,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

- No need to mention it.

“Mm? Jin-Seong is coming out of the school now. I\'ll call you in a bit.”

- Of course.

Kang Jin-Ho ended the call and drove his car toward Han Jin-Seong by the school gate.


Kang Jin-Ho stopped the car next to the gate and waved his hand at Han Jin-Seong. “Over here.”

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