
Chapter 1076 The Assault 2

And after studying this pattern for a few seconds, Daneel finally hit upon the answer, which he could not help but spell out with a gasp.


Indeed, not even a few seconds after his realization, the first massive wave came to the surface.

Back on Earth, tsunamis were created by underground earthquakes, and here, with the added help of the Sea which had always been filled with mighty force, the waves which formed had a strength that could take away the breath of even the most seasoned of Heroes.

The first wave, itself, which was the smallest, rose 100 feet(30 m) in the air, dwarfing everyone present, including the base of the Church, too.

When it struck, it did so with such a thunderous sound that it would have made any normal man believe that the very world was ending. Along with it came 10,000 more creatures of the Sea who had been dwelling too far beneath the surface to detect the beacons before.

Now, the beacons had been quenched by the actions of the members of the Church, but the promise of all the vast amounts of Energy that they could feel within the base was enough to make them cling to the large barrier that sprung up around the statue and attempt to bite a hole through which they could enter.

In this way, the entire base became covered with thousands of beasts of the different sizes and shapes, but that was only the case until the second wave hit, which rose to a height of 150 feet(45 m).

\\"So that’s what we’re doing? Allow us to help...\\"

These words made Daneel turn around and witness something that made his eyebrows rise with praise.

Where before there had only been a clump of Heroes, there stood now a 50 feet(15 m) tall giant with six arms and four eyes.

The face had no other features except the eyes, but the rest of its body was clothed in shining, crimson armor with a symbol in the middle of it.

The symbol was made up of an obelisk with an open eye present in the middle of it. Daneel had seen it before: it was the official banner of the Order, used in ancient times when the organization went out to war.

The banner hadn’t been seen in thousands of years, but today, it was worn proudly by its members who were determined to show that they were worthy of it.

The three assassins had also taken places in the giant, although Daneel could see that they were only acting as if they were a part of the group.

By the time the giant moved, the third wave that was even taller had been formed a few hundred meters away. The system was actively tweaking the waves so that they would always target the base of the Church, and after seeing the trajectory that it would take, the giant began to fly towards its back.

The moment it reached, it raised all of its arms which were made up of all the powerful Fighters in the group, and with a single punch at the base of the wave, the Heroes made it rise even more.

The majors did not sit idly as this was going on. They were all present within the head, and as they raised their hands together, many parts of the wave that were already in the air solidified and were granted with explosive strength to break through the barrier as soon as they came into contact with it.

[With the strength added to the wave, it has been estimated that the barrier of host’s enemy will be broken through. Standing by to widen the breach.]

The battle was going splendidly, and it looked like with the strength of the Order, victory was within their grasp. Daneel even placed his hands on his hips and smiled with pride, but that... was when Everything changed.

There was no indication, whatsoever. At one second, the wave was on the way to the base, but in the next, the sun above the Sea which was only vaguely visible deemed, blanketing the entire area with darkness.

Daneel felt his entire body go numb with panic as he felt a vast force come to life in the Sea below. He could only watch with his jaw hanging open as that force grew more and more with each second, but a few moments later, a different feeling engulfed him.

Until now, what he had been feeling had been from a point below the base of the Church in the depths of the Sea, but now, he felt danger from the base, itself.

This danger he could analyze, though, as the other was so much more complex. So when he put his mind to it and got the answer regarding just what it was, his mind moved quickly, and he found out instantly that he had been led into a trap.

The base was going to blow up. Frantically, he ignored the force below the base for a moment and asked the system whether they could get away from the radius of the explosion or whether there was any way in which they could survive, but all he received was one word that made his mind go blank.


He did not even have time to feel regret, as he saw a large ball of liquid fire replace the base at that moment, before beginning to expand at a terrifying place.

Only... at the same time, the source of the first feeling revealed itself.

Daneel would never forget this moment for as long as he lived. Just when everything seemed lost... a gigantic forked tongue broke the surface of the sea and tasted the air.

It was followed by the largest creature had ever seen. With green scales that glowed despite the darkness in the area, a gigantic basilisk which was at least 120 feet(36.5 m) thick arose.

It moved at a dizzying speed toward the giant, which it swallowed in a single breath as if it were but a small mouse that had attracted its gaze.

It was followed by a different, smaller basilisk that was coming for him. This one was only 30 feet(9 m) thick, but as he was only a single man, it was able to swallow him easily. There was nothing he could do to stop it; it was just that fast. Before even a single thought could form in his mind, darkness swept over his vision, and as he recognized the familiar feeling of being teleported using dimensional magic, the last thing he heard was an explosion which felt as if it were strong enough to destroy the Heavens and the Sea, alike.

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