
Chapter 870 Answers

These words seemed to echo in the air, taking a life unto themselves as they flitted around the corners of the gigantic welcome area of Elysium before entering the ears of those who were present again and again.

Yet... It was not these echoes which made the three remain rooted to their spots with completely bewildered expressions on their faces.

No, it was the revelation that of all places, this one, which had employed an almost perfect method to conceal itself and make that no one would even come close to entering it...had been breached.

Daneel knew exactly how the seal worked. It had been developed with the welfare of the continent in mind- there had been three ways in which it could be activated, with each one addressing different outcomes of the war.

If it looked like Angaria was going to win without resorting to the Grand Inheritance, the seal would have been temporary, mainly to ensure that the victory was absolute.

If it looked like Angaria was going to lose, with or without using the Grand Inheritance, the seal would have lasted for the longest time possible, in order to ensure that all those within would be able to live and develop a resistance that could hopefully, at some later point, take back the continent. In this specific case, a provision had also been made for a special group containing those with great talent to enter Elysium in order to train inside and pass down the fire of resistance.

The outcome of the war had been the third one, and hence, it had been the third seal which had been activated.

This one... Would only come into effect if Angaria won by using the Grand Inheritance, which meant that the continent needed time to recover. In that case, the seal would rather be for keeping what was inside from getting out, rather than preventing those from the outside from coming in. Still, in the initial stages, the seal would be absolute, not allowing people from going out or coming in. After a period of time, it would be open for those from the outside to come in in case they wanted to access the resources within, with the hope being that by that time, the monstrosities would either be dead, or weak enough to be defeated. Still, because the possibility existed then Elysium might need to be used in case Angaria was once again targeted later, it continued to remain as this kind of bastion which would hold the resources and just stay there as a place of risk, only existing to reward those who were worthy and talented enough to pass its tests and obtain what was within.

But somehow... Someone had bypassed everything and massacred all those on the inside, before going deeper? And he was still supposed to be alive?

With the f*ck?!

Daneel was at a loss for words, and it looked like it was the same for Faxul and Elanev, too.

This trip had already been fraught with ups and downs, but nothing could have prepared them for this kind of truth being thrown at them.

However... For some reason, Daneel felt as if this would not be the last unbelievable thing that he would have to come to terms with on this mission of his.

Taking a moment to calm his nerves, he finally managed to say, "Elaborate. Who was this person, and how exactly did he enter Elysium? How do you know that he is still alive inside, and that he will kill us if we enter? And finally, you still haven’t answered how you know about the condition on the continent. We need these answers. Now."

His words woke up Faxul and Elanev, too, and they nodded with extremely serious expressions on their faces as they heard the questions that had been stated.

The voice took a little bit of time to reply, but when it did, it spoke in a strange tone, akin to one that would be used by a man who had been lost in a desert for far too long.

"What is that? I-is it...genuine care and concern? Oh, how long it has been! I even forgot that these emotions exist! I- AAHH!"

With a shrill scream, it fell silent, and the three in the room could not help but frown, wondering whether what was wrong.

However, when it returned, the insanity that had been audible until then was no longer present, and this brought small smiles to their faces.

"So that is how mad I have become...your words have allowed me to regain a semblance of clarity by throwing off the wraith of madness that has been clinging onto me for centuries. These episodes of perspicuity used to occur occasionally, even after I slipped into the embrace of lunacy, but I don’t even remember the last one...thank you for this. Let me answer your questions, before it leaves me. After that, even if I descend to the same person I was before, it shouldn’t really matter much..."

Daneel was pleasantly surprised as he heard this, because he had thought that the man might be too far gone. He had heard that all those who were mad would have moments like these, which would be triggered by all kinds of things. For this person, it seemed to be honest emotions, and after listening to him, he was also reminded of the way that he had introduced himself before: it had been when Daneel had stated his sincere opinion that all of the people in front of him should be buried honourably for the sacrifice that they had done, and it had seemed as if the one to whom the voice belonged really did appreciate the gesture.

As the voice began to speak, all three of them listened with full attention.

"He came like the first winds of winter: sharp and ruthless, with a chill that cut to the bone. You must understand that this room only had Peak Warriors, at most: he mowed through us as if we were nothing, and he was done in barely a few seconds. It was only because my consciousness lingered within my bones that I was able to catch the briefest glimpse of his face. Only... Even this will not help you, because it was clear that he had cast some sort of a camouflage spell. If a clue can be found, then it is only in his methods, which were nothing like I had ever seen before. If you remember, I am a researcher who has been exposed to all kinds of Paths, but I can tell you with surety that his was not something that I had even heard of or seen before. Hence, it is most likely that he was some sort of a hermit who lived alone, and over the years, I have come to the conclusion that he must have emerged from his hiding place and used the moment of vulnerability between when the seal was activated, and when it came into full effect to enter and hole himself inside. I could not ascertain his power level clearly, either, but it is completely possible that he was also a peak Warrior, albeit one so much more talented and powerful than any of us. His plan might have been to use the resources inside to live for as long as possible. But... I can tell that you have already detected the problem in this theory."

Daneel nodded as he heard this, as he hadn’t been able to stop the confusion from flashing across his features when he had been listening. The reason behind it... Was that there was no way for a Peak Warrior to defend himself from all the monstrosities inside.

"Yes, the monsters. Why did he go inside, if he knew that only certain death awaited him? My theory falls apart when you think about this, and the only explanation I can give you is a fleeting one. You must have known that after the activation of the Grand Inheritance, there was a small window of time during which the monsters were still finding their bearings and coming to terms with their increased size and power. In this period of time, it is possible for them to be slower than what their full potential would allow, and hence, if used correctly, one can get past them all. So... The plan of this person would be to use distracting methods to run past the monsters and then hide himself in the main vault, or at least the secondary one. No matter which one he finds, he would have enough resources to help him get to the Hero stage, and even beyond, if that was possible on this continent. If it’s not possible, then there are also enough resources to create Artefacts that can hold consciousnesses inside, if one knows of the method to create them. They are similar to the ones made by the Emperor when he implemented the plan to have Empire Spirits remain that would guide the future generations, and in fact, it was only after he was done making them that the leftover resources that he did’t use were compiled and transported here. Until now, I’ve only been able to give you theories, but thankfully, for your other questions, I have facts to give. But they’re useless!HAHAHAHA! HA-ah, apologies."

It was obvious that the madness had been about to take him again, because the laugher that they had already gotten accustomed to had burst out again.

Insanity that was brought on by being alone for so long was truly a terrifying thing, and as Daneel mulled over whether something like this could be cured, he saw the one from whom the voice was coming make a conscious effort to control himself.

Luckily for them, it worked, but there was still an urgent tone in the rest of the answer.

"There is a mechanism here which allows me to have an overall look on the continent, without alerting anyone that I’m doing so. It is only because of it that I managed to keep at least this semblance of sanity with which I’m speaking to you, as otherwise, I would definitely be a blabbering mess by now. All of your actions in the Central Continent were quite fun to watch, by the way. As for my deductions, they were obviously based on this, and I did not take into account the fact that you could have created a bond with an Empire Spirit- I guess it eluded me in that state. Now, coming to the question regarding how I know that he is alive... Well, it’s simple: he writes to me. I guess it is because he is bored, too..."

The last words were said in an almost casual tone, but they made the three stare askance at the large skeleton in front of the door.

Letters? What the f*ck?

As if he had sensed their doubt, the voice said, "I’m not lying. The letters burn up as soon as I read them, but they don’t contain any important information: they’re just random stuff about how I’m not alone, and how he’s waiting. He keeps saying that. That he’s waiting, waiting and waiting. I have no idea what for, but it seems that it is the one thing which is allowing him to remain sane. He also specifically sends letters in which he says that he takes great joy in toying with and then killing those who enter, and that’s how I know about their fate, and yours if you do the same thing. If I’m not wrong, he must be using the traps inside which he must have taken control of. With all this...do you still wish to go?"

Daneel’s answer was instantaneous.

"Yes," he said, putting aside the bewilderment that had been caused due to seeing the strange actions of the one inside, and hearing it, the voice sighed and replied, "I gathered as much. But I like you. All of you. For the first time, I wish that you would remain alive. How about this...take one of my bones with you, and I’ll help with my knowledge of any traps we might come across. And also, let me open the door for you."

Saying so, the skeleton plopped forward, and with a low grinding sound, the large stone doors began to open.

A musty smell suddenly struck the three of them, but this time, their barriers protected them from a coughing fit.

After it opened, all they could see beyond it was darkness that seemed to beckon to them, and slowly, the three exchanged glances between each other.

This conversation had been a good way to pass a little time and break the tension, and the information they had gotten might be useful.

Yet, time was short, so they could not dally anymore. Letting out a breath, Daneel raised his hand, palm-down, and Elanev and Faxul placed theirs on his, too.

No words needed to be said. The reasons behind them walking forward to risk their lives shone clearly in their eyes, and that was enough.

After a second, they nodded together, and raising his hand, Daneel made the collarbone of the skeleton float to him.

Analysing what he had been told could come later: Elysium was supposed to be a gargantuan place, so there would be time.

Hence, without further ado, they walked forward and were swallowed by that swirling gloom, and as the stone doors closed, it was as if the maw of a terrifying beast had just been slammed shut, trapping them within it forever, and ever.

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