
Chapter 643 Waiting

The hammer was just that big: every time it was swung, it would smash either a tree or the earth, but the King deftly raised it again as if it weighed nothing.

Everyone had even begun to wonder how that was possible, and they also started to think back to that moment when the monstrosity had been smashed into the ground.

Initially, many had assumed that although the hammer was large, it might be hollow for the most part, but the more they watched, the more it became clear that that was not true.

These words made them redirect their attention on the Chief, but they kept watching the fight, too, and only reflected on what he said after seeing that the King and his opponent were still only testing each other out.

’Extreme’ Inheritance.

It did sound great, and its history was impressive, but what did it even do?

And if he had found that Inheritance, then just how lucky was the damn King? How could he find so many where the Big 4 hadn’t unearthed any in the past century?

The Chief spoke up to answer the first question.

"The path of the ’Extreme’ is the path to forego oneself for victory. An ’Extreme’ Fighter furiously burns through everything he has to result in a burst of power that only lasts for moments. However, this can only be done for a few times, and after it happens a certain number of times...the Fighter is completely disabled, because the body collapses in on itself. Who would want to lie on their bed for months in excruciating pain just to defeat an opponent? It is not even that this can be used as a backup technique. It requires great skill to master, so anyone who is focusing on another Inheritance cannot train in the ’Extreme’ Path as a backup to use when death is near. The King is using the ’Extreme’ Path. That is how he used only one punch to trap that Champion- he directed the force expertly, too, but if he didn’t have the power, this wouldn’t have worked. He is also using it now to swing that hammer that probably weighs over a ton. What a foolish choice. Power is important, but this is just an irrational method to obtain it."


Now it made sense.

After all, if a Warrior could defeat a Champion without facing any repercussions, the whole power level system on Angaria would have been upended by now.

Even though this was still impressive, everyone could at least accept it, so they just directed their attention onto the match again, which looked like it was picking up steam.



Xander was a man of few words.

He was always the stoic kind who kept his head low and just focused on training until his body and mind broke.

That was how he had exceeded his limits time and time again: by believing in himself, and doing the best he could.

Now, though...he was more frustrated than he had ever been in his life.

A flyswatter.

That was exactly how the King was using that thing in his hands, and this irked Xander to no end.

True, he had wings, which gave him incredible mobility and speed. His foes would usually be helpless as he could dive down and attack them from the air while they helplessly watched from the ground or tried to use silly jumps and hops in order to match him.

Yet, here...whenever he got close, the King would simply swing that thing with such force that just the vacuum created in its passing was dangerous as it could affect his flight.

Of course, nothing needed to be said about its freakish might which caused dents on the ground and destroyed multiple trees without any effort.

Each time, he would swoop down, and the King would even mock him.

"Here, fly fly fly. Here, fly..."

Xander could control himself to not be infuriated by this, even though he did feel angry every time he remembered how he had been called a ’cockier, larger fly’. Only, the King kept proving this every time with his actions.

He would swing the hammer as easily as if it were a 2-feet long sword, and it would whistle through the air with the intent to smite him.

He would have to dodge, and they would be back at the beginning.

So, he let out a sound of frustration, which made the King laugh out loud and say, "If a fly isn’t swatter, it’s the one trying to swat it who should be frustrated. Our roles are reversed! You have to admit that’s funny."

Daneel really was amused.

However, what Xander didn’t know was that he was keeping his eyes on a lot of things.

"System, how many are left?"

[Scanning. 6 individuals left. Correction. 5 individuals left, excluding the one known as ’Elanev’, who has just forced one of the 6 to teleport away. Target is now moving to a different Fighter.]

During these past few days, Daneel and Elanev had also been actively rooting out and defeating Fighters who had managed to hide themselves, or were flying solo.

It wasn’t too difficult, given the fact that they were at least on par with the most powerful Fighters in this contest. Of course, that ’most powerful Fighter’ was in front of him, and Daneel was even starting to wonder whether he deserved that title.

Still, it was a possibility that his opponent was holding back, which Daneel wanted anyway as his main goal was that he should stall this battle until such a point that only the three of them were left in the battlefield.

Daneel’s aim for this legacy battle had always been the same.

He wanted to be the only one who remained standing in the end, as he had a suspicion regarding the true nature of the Legacy Battle.

Putting that aside, Daneel commanded the system once again when he saw Xander shooting toward him one more time.

"Activate Extreme Technique for the duration of the swing."

[Activating. Catalyzing stored Energy. Deactivating.]


Once more, the hammer swung accurately, cutting off all paths for Xander and giving him no option but to retreat.

"Hey Drakos, do you think they figured it out, yet?"

"Certainly, Young King. But they must definitely be thinking all kinds of things about you, as it was only a technique that was chosen by fools."

"Haha! Exactly. Well, it’ll be fun when they confront me about it later. I have to say that the Emperor had so many backup plans that they are pretty dizzying. Hiding a super top-tier technique just so that it could be a hidden weapon in his sleeve if needed? The man was a genius."

"That he was, Young King. Once,..."

As Drakos began reciting a story about the Emperor’s great deeds which displayed his intelligence, Daneel chuckled and let the Dragon ramble on, as he already knew everything about the incident that the Dragon was recalling.

And as for the Extreme technique...the person in question had succeeded in developing an amazing technique, and rumors had been spread regarding its drawbacks to detract all, while it was added to the list of techniques that were compulsory for his personal corps.

The technique did allow one to use bursts of strength and speed.

But the limit of how many times it could be used was clear to the one using it, and they could stop before it became too dangerous.

With this being the truth, this technique was perfect for shock and awe, which was Daneel’s trade name by now.

Hence, he continued this battle while waiting for the number of contestants to decrease further, and he also recalled one decision he had taken this morning.

This morning, while writing down the note which Elanev would read after coming to their room, Daneel had pondered whether to write that Elanev should aid him, and then eliminate himself using a freak accident or something.

However, that had felt so wrong that Daneel hadn’t even hesitated before making his decision.

At the end...they would fight, and the best man would be the last one standing.

True, he had many goals and he could argue that he was doing everything for the good of Angaria.

But what would it be worth if he achieved it in this way?

What would a King be worth if he had to ask his subordinates to lose and stand down?

No, he wanted there to be a fair battle between them.

Daneel wasn’t oblivious to the fact that Elanev treated him as a motivation and someone he wished to reach, now or in the future.

He could even tell that Elanev probably endured all the pain he was put through with the final aim of being someone who could stand on the same level as him.

So...having to ask someone like that to lose on purpose just didn’t make sense.

Also...since the moment it had occurred to him, Daneel had to admit to himself that he...wanted the battle.

For the longest time, his own lust for battle had been sleeping as he had planned and schemed his way to victory during most of his recent battles.

So...he wanted to once again feel how it was to beat someone with his own strength, fair and square.

Hence, Daneel waited, while the rest of the Fighters continued to be eliminated, and while the Heroes, Champions, and Warriors watched with expressions of awe, and regret, because of the explanation that had been given by the Chief.

However, unknown to all of them, two individuals appeared 500 meters above the battlefield and sat down in chairs made of clouds.

"Sir, why are we here?"

One of them asked the other, who raised his hand and waved it to make the vista below them change.

What had looked like a calm forest till now, was now a battlefield with blood and roaring monsters all over the place.

And above it was a pavilion with multiple Heroes, Champions and Warriors.

"Look at that battle. He is the one we are supposed to test. With this battle, we can get an understanding of his Fighter power."

With a nod, the first man laid his eyes on the battle and couldn’t help but gasp when he saw the size of the hammer.

Yet, as he was from the Mainland, he had seen such techniques, so he just assumed that this person had been lucky enough to find one.

A few seconds later, his eyes drifted to the pavilions above the forest and scanned the individuals present there.

They paused on one man, and when he saw that face with its confident smile, he gritted his teeth and cursed silently.

Seeing this, the other one asked, "What’s the matter?"

Pointing at the Chief, he said, "He’s the one who beat me back last time. When the War begins, he will be the one I target?"

After a moment’s thought, the other man replied with a slight smile at the corner of his lips.

"Oh? Then prepare yourself. We can have a skirmish now, as we were ordered to remind them of our presence anyway. Make sure you give me a show, though. I hate boring fights."

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