
Chapter 619 Legacy Battle 2

Seeing the completely puzzled expressions on both of their faces, the one who had called himself the peculiar name ’Tall’ shrugged and said, "I know, right? It’s just that strange. All we do know is that at the end, a few people are selected to be mentored by the Chief. They obtain all of the best resources and facilities, and they easily go on to become powerful Champions. This year, I want to achieve that, too."

The last sentence was spoken with a singular determination that Daneel had seldom seen in others.

Clearly, this guy was someone who had set a goal, and his passion for fulfilling that goal was capable of attracting others to his cause.

In fact, in many ways...Daneel was the same, although he was equipped with just a liiiiittle special something that set him apart.

Of course, even though that was the impression he got, and even though his expectations had been subverted, he had no intention to trust this guy so fast.

After all, it was still possible that he might be being set up as a scapegoat.

Deciding to hear everything he had to say before making a decision, Daneel said, "How do you plan to accomplish that, though, when there are no metrics?"

In response, it was Tall who answered again.

"There are two things that can be done by anyone who wishes to excel in the Legacy Battle. One...survive. That is the name of the game. Although more than 1000 people take part in the Battle every year, only 100 remain until the last week. And on the last day, it’s usually a miracle if even 20 or 30 are still alive. This is because the Champions acting as crazy destroyers grow stronger with time, and even start adopting various tactics to flush us out. All in all, if someone manages to survive till the last day, they will at least ensure that they have a chance of being selected."

Daneel nodded. It did make sense.

"This, in itself, is easier said than done, but I have a secondary goal. It is...to stand out. Every year, those who give stellar performances while excelling in some matter or the other typically get selected, and their talents are nurtured. For example, last year, my own elder brother, Kanor, was selected because he was really adept in making others enter situations where they could only flee or be killed by the destroyers if they targeted him. Resources are also scarce, so there is a lot of infighting. He is...was a master of using his surroundings to full effect."

Both Daneel and Elanev could clearly detect the hint of sorrow that was present in Tall’s tone as he said this.

The one who had been called Lean even walked forward and laid a hand on Tall’s shoulder, who shrugged it off and said, "I’m fine."

In this situation, the typical thing that anyone would do was ask and find out the story behind why this guy was sad.

However...Daneel wasn’t someone typical.

He hadn’t come to the Big 4 to make friends and acquaintances. He had enough of those in the Central Continent, and his objective was to save them all by using everything he obtained here. If he went into sidetracks while he was here which might end up resulting in him jeoparding his main goals, he would never be able to forgive himself.

True, he was interested, and he was ready to help if he could do so without going too much out of his way.

But if it was something where he would have to go up against some powerful figure which would result in his time being wasted massively, he would have no qualms in ignoring this for now and keeping it in the back of his mind for a time when, maybe, he was the leader of this sect.

Well, right now, it would seem like a farfetched dream, but people had said the same about an Alliance until they saw it formed.

Daneel didn’t have to ask Tall to tell him the reason, though. Tall turned toward them and began to talk, which made the King of Lanthanor look at him with just a tiny hint of suspicion in his eyes.

"I apologize. My elder brother was killed recently in a fluke accident during a friendly tournament with another member of the Big 4. I simply wish to follow in his footsteps and make sure that our family is ’Named’ once again instead of remaining ’Unnamed’."

"It’s all right. Losing someone close to us can be tough."

It was Elanev who said this, but the message he sent to Daneel through the communication trinket he had was totally different.

"He’s probably a lying sack of sh*t."

Daneel felt like smiling as he heard this. Clearly, he and his elder brother shared the quality of suspecting someone if they gave away even the tiniest of clues.

Elanev had always been someone smart who chose his battles wisely. True, he was a flirt and he loved bravado- he even loved mixing the two together which netted him a lot of the women in Lanthanor, but he had never been someone who blindly believed someone or something just based on face value.

That was one of the reasons Daneel had looked up to him as an elder brother, as he had treated these as qualities he should learn.

And it looked like he had grown up and done just that.

Both of them kept their suspicions close to their chest, so Tall just continued without noticing anything.

"I called you here because I have been following everything you were doing in the Central Continent. Others think that you were lucky, but I think you must have some trump card of your own. And, of course, everyone knows that you have an Inheritance which you displayed to beat a Champion, but they use various excuses to dismiss that, such as that a newly ascended Champion might not have fully understood his own power. Their prejudice blinds them and makes them see someone to scorn, but I see an opportunity. Work with me, and I will guarantee that you will also be selected in the Legacy Battle. At least, I can promise that I will give you the most chance for that to happen. We still have a month, so you don’t need to rush to take a decision. Before that, many things can happen, so I will only look for an answer a week before the battle, as we will have to plan strategies if you do agree. Are you ok with that?"

Daneel thought for a bit and nodded, as there was time.

True, a lot of things could happen.

Smiling again, Tall took out another bottle of firewine from another inner pocket and placed it on the table before saying, "A gift because it is our first meeting. Lean will act as your official guide. Apologies for using that method of making our meeting happen- I had to do it discreetly, as there are many other factions eyeing the battle, too. Be rest assured that mine is one near the top, though. And if you want to find out more about us, just ask anyone about the ’Unnamed’. Goodbye for now, King."

Daneel nodded once again and smiled slightly, following which Tall stood up and began walking in the direction of the door while flanked by the other three. Lean stayed behind, and his attitude seemed to be much better than their previous guide.

Daneel was just about to take his own bottle of firewine, but he paused when he heard Tall say one last thing before exiting from the door.

He was just a step away, but he had paused and turn around to say it.

"A word of caution regarding your friend, by the way. He is not welcomed in this Sect because many believe he doesn’t deserve the position that he has automatically obtained. The way forward is marred with thorns, so I would advise him to tread carefully."

A flash of realization passed across Elanev’s face as he heard this.

So this was the reason behind everything he had seen since coming here.

He had already figured out that the machinations of the old man in his head had enabled him to gain quite a lot in this Sect.

However, he should have known that this would cause displeasure.

Back when he had been saved from that bear by the Empire Spirit, he had been told one thing which he still remembered clearly.

"Boy, a Fighter’s life is filled with obstacles. Each one you pass will threaten to break your spirit. Your body will be broken countless times, but it can at least be healed. Your spirit, though...if it shatters, all will be lost. So I ask you one last time. Are you determined to become my disciple? I can promise you that I will make you the greatest Fighter of your age, but all that will be for naught if you break on me. If you decide to be cautious, I will understand, and there will be no debt that needs to be repaid."

Elanev repeated the same answer that he had given the Empire Spirit on that day.

"F*ck caution. My old man always used to tell me that when I learned to walk, I never looked down as I didn’t care about anything else but getting to where I wanted to go. I am still the same. I’ll smash my way through anything that dares to stand in my way. Go tell those thorns that."

In response, Tall smiled enigmatically before leaving the room.


Meanwhile, Faxul and Kellor were in the same underground room where the incident that had led to Faxul becoming a Champion had occurred.

This was actually Faxul’s favorite place now, as he had never imagined that he would once again have a body to call his own.

Sitting at that same spot as before, he kept an eye on all the commanders of Lanthanor who were undergoing the ’Road Through Hell’ that was supposed to make them Warriors.

Kellor was doing the same, but he had a hopeful expression on his face.

A few minutes later, he suddenly clapped his hands and said, "Yes! Finally! The last stage! Faxul, get ready! It’s the most crucial part!"

Raising his eyebrows, Faxul got up and walked to the array of display trinkets that were broadcasting everything happening in the various sections of the Road.

Multiple torture devices and situations which were meant to pull out the inner potential and ’push’ of a Human could be seen, but they were all empty, as they had all been passed successfully.

The Road was typically something that took a few days to even weeks according to Daneel. Time needed to be given for the participants to rest between attempts, and this was the main reason behind this.

These commanders had no idea that so, so much had happened outside since they had been trapped inside the Road. For them, their only goal was to get the f*ck out so that they could get back to their King.

After many days, Cassandra and Aran had finally reached the final step.

It was a coincidence that they had done so in generally the same time, but when one realized that these two always trained together and had comparable strength even though their Paths were different, it would make more sense.

They were standing in empty rooms, frantically searching for the traps that had made them pull out everything they had to survive.

Only...they saw nothing, until a mist suddenly began to appear from minuscule holes in the walls.

Cassandra had reached this room first, and she was the one that Kellor had seen and exclaimed. She fainted, and as Aran entered a different, similar room a half hour later, the same happened to him.

The mist brought one face to face with their deepest fears. If they overcame them using one last push, they would break through.

Otherwise...if they were allowed to suffer for too long, they would become mentally unstable.

Hence, Faxul needed to be alert. The moment he saw that something was wrong, he would have to jump in.

So, with bated breath, the two men waited to see whether these two Commanders of Lanthanor were capable of taking their fate into their own hands.

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