
Chapter 607 Emperor Fenorass Last Night End

After getting all the details, he closed his eyes again and placed a request, following which he furrowed his eyebrows before taking out a tiny metallic box from some inner, hidden pocket in his robes.

It was battered and bruised, almost as if it had been the unlucky casualty that came in between two powerful Fighters, but the moment it got exposed to the air, a rich aroma appeared in the room.

The second man looked like he had been waiting for this. Eyeing this box with a ravenous hunger that could only be possessed by one who hadn’t eaten in weeks, he slurped up the drool that inadvertently came on the corners of his lips before waiting for the man to open it.

However...when that box disappeared back inside, his expression morphed into one of anger, and he almost looked like he would spring forward and attack the other man even though he would be pummeled to a state near half-death in barely a second.

He was just that captivated by that heavenly substance.

All this was carefully observed by the other man, who waited for the first to calm down and take a few deep breaths before speaking.

Shaking his head, he said, "I see I’ve addicted you to this, too. Well, when you asked me where the aroma was coming from, maybe I shouldn’t have offered you a cup. But alas, there is no joy in enjoying Addiol alone."

The first man almost nodded, but he didn’t when he took another sip of the last of the liquid that still remained in his cup.

It was thick and dark in color, and when the light fell on it, there was even a little bit of shine that could be seen inside the liquid, almost as if there were stars trapped inside.

Whenever one drank it for the first time, it would burn their tongue and throat before sliding down to their stomach and setting it ablaze.

But after that happened...the mind of the one lucky enough to partake in this heavenly drink would be subject to a rush of energy and focus unlike any other.

The true reason behind the man’s anger came after this, though.

There was a famous saying, even in Angaria, that to be at peace with oneself was something that could not be attained without luck, no matter it be whether one was on the Path to Power or not.

However...after that focus faded, one’s mind would enter a period of such calm that any and all things in the real world would feel far removed from them, almost as if they were in a waking dream where the only objective was for them to be content and...happy.

According to the other man, some even experienced visions in this state when they reached an advanced level. Apparently, this was a new concoction by a now very famous Bishop in the Church, and it was all the rage even in the areas surrounding the Headquarters.

The only problem was that it was heavily regulated, which made each and every ounce of the powder, which had to be mixed in hot water and then be subjected to a very complex Hero-level spell for the drink to be made, precious beyond measure.

Apparently, this man was part of a small clique, and he had access to a small personal supply, which was barely enough for one person.

However, because he was alone here and had to have someone for company so that they could pass the time, he had decided to share a little bit, only to make a little addict out of this poor guy who had been living alone on Angaria for all these years.

Switching on the Network Trinket in the room which had been changed to become one that took up a whole wall to give an immersive experience like no other, the man sought to distract himself from the worry of not having any more after this small can ran out.

He had asked for a little more to be sent, but he didn’t know if they would honor his request, as he wasn’t very influential. If that weren’t the case, he wouldn’t have had to come to this sh*thole in the middle of nowhere in the first place.

Thankfully, a few moments later, a light began to glow in one corner of the room, which made him hurriedly walk over and hold a peculiar wooden box that had 4 skulls embedded into its four sides.

The empty eyes of these human skulls glowed, making the man use his own Hero-level spell to help the transfer.

A few seconds, colorless smoke billowed out from the open mouths of these skulls, which made the man smile and open the box to find two items.

Yes! They had sent it!

A similar, battered metal can was in the box, along with a faintly glowing cube.

Although the latter was actually the valuable Artifact that had the ability to heal grievous wounds inflicted to Champion-level individuals, the full focus of the man was on the can, which he pocketed secretly without the knowledge of the other.

Even though he was the superior, addiction was a dangerous thing.

The moment he touched it, he had also received a message which made him rejoice.

"The Artifact has a typical use, but its main value lies in the fact that it can be used from quite a distance away. I had to have it made specially as per your requirements. Also being sent is a new batch, with reportedly increased effects. You’re lucky you’re out there: here, there are even fights happening between those who have a stock and who don’t. It’s under control though, so that it won’t come under the eye of the bigwigs. I pray to Saint Rectitude that we come see you soon, brother, for that will be the day when the Holy Purge bears down on all those sinners."

Going through the message, the man picked up the Artifact and tested the formations on it before confirming its peculiar function of being able to heal a Champion from over a hundred kilometers away.

The Church was, after all, known for being able to create unconventional Artifacts and trinkets which they used to great effect in all kinds of battles.

Hefting it in his hands and walking back to the hall, he said, "It’s here. Be prepared to move out soon. We can’t let these Heroes become calm. Maybe we can have a little battle to keep them on their toes, and then use this to complete the mission. Either way, first up is scouting."


Meanwhile, Daneel was still in a dilemma regarding what he was supposed to do.

Behind him were two giants going at it with a kind of enthusiasm that did not make it seem, at all, that they were a couple that were coming together for the first time.

The Emperor actually seemed to be the one to be most eager, despite the fact that the woman had been the one to initiate it. It sounded as if some kind of insatiable appetite had woken up inside him that even he didn’t know existed.

Just when more ripping sounds began to be heard, Daneel gritted his teeth and said, "System, fast forward the vision to the one they where they are talking."

[Affirmative. Fast forwarding.]

Daneel closed his eyes as the sounds disappeared.

He knew that no one would know if he turned around and watched everything. Heavens knew that many, many people would jump at this opportunity, especially because of how ravishing that woman had been.

However, these memories had been entrusted to him by the Emperor as the man had trusted him. True, not much dialogue regarding this had passed between them, but at the moment when their ’exchange’ had happened, Daneel had been able to take a glimpse into the true feelings present inside that piece of consciousness.

Along with the yearning to find out whether all of his countermeasures had worked, the Emperor had also been sure that his character was trustworthy enough to be allowed to view his memories, even though there was no chance, according to him, that they would be perused idly in this way.

If Daneel were the kind of guy to want to view such a scene just because he could, he might never have come this far. He knew clearly what was wrong and what was right, and watching someone during their most intimate moments was something wrong. It didn’t matter whether these people were alive, or dead, nor did it matter whether anyone would know about this.

All that did matter was that he would know. And he knew clearly that his judgment was right.

This might seem like a small thing, but Daneel identified it to be a clear display of who he was.

He was someone who would choose to do the right thing just because it was right, and not because someone else was watching, just like the case of numerous people back on Earth.

"Nayana, I..."

These words from the Emperor made him open his eyes, but he didn’t turn around as he could still see the torn clothes of both of these individuals on the ground.

He could tell that they were lying on the bed, together, and all he was here for was to listen, and find out the Emperor’s thoughts regarding this aspect of his life.

"Hush, Fen. Can we not have a single night where we just enjoy each other’s warmth? Come morning, the battle drums might make my blood run hot, but that is nothing compared to what I just felt. I wish..."

"We had more time."

A gasp could be heard from the woman.

"Fen, you-"

"Yes, Nayana. I always knew that you were the only one with whom I could entrust anything. That...includes my heart, too."

"Then why didn’t you-"

"I always thought we would have time. That I could grow even stronger, before giving you, and Angaria a safer future. Look where that brought us. If there was another chance, I would have definitely..."

"Enough, Fen. Don’t say it. If you do, I will shatter into a million pieces with the regret that so much could have happened, yet didn’t. Just hold me. Just let me have this night, so that I can march into battle for you without any qualms, whatsoever. Can you hum me that song you always hummed to yourself when killing thousands, one after another, on the battlefield? Where is it from, anyway? Although you would only hum it in that situation, I can tell that its tune is not meant for that."

Even without turning around, Daneel could feel the smile on the Emperor’s face, which was similar to the one he had seen on that piece of consciousness, which was a testament to the amount of satisfaction and joy he was feeling.

"When I was a slave in the mines of Gortak, the old man who taught me everything would always sing this. He was blind, and before he was imprisoned, he was a simple farmer who used his magic to feel around and work. Around the time that he always came back to his village from the field, his daughter would sing this song, so that he could find their house by her voice. He told me that it is the song of one who moves forth even when they cannot see anything in front of them, with the singular hope that at the end of the song, they will find their home. I...thought I might never find it after my blunder. I was wrong. I have, in you."

No more words needed to be said.

The song began to echo in the room, but Daneel was no longer in the memory.

Instead...he had just teleported to the grounds in the Academy, which was coincidentally the exact spot where he had gained his first followers all those years ago.

Two beautiful women whose skin glistened in the moonlight waited for him, but the moment he appeared, he spoke without giving them any chance to say anything.

"Eloise. Xuan. I apologize if I have hurt either of you with my actions. But I have made a decision. I was foolish to keep putting this matter off, when it is often the case that one can find themselves with no more time in the future. When that time comes, instead of being filled with regrets, I wish to be filled with the satisfaction that I at least tried, and that I wasn’t foolish enough to completely ignore everything even though there might be reasons behind that. The truth is that those reasons will seem trivial when those regrets appear. Hence, I have chosen this. I like both of you, for different reasons, but I don’t feel anything truly special for either of you. What I want...is to at least give a chance for whatever that ’special’ thing is to appear."

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