
Chapter 125: Dragon Slaying

The wyvern\'s teeth all missed me on the first attempt, so the creature opened its mouth and prepared to bite again. The brief opening isn’t enough for me to escape. A slimy tongue dragged me back between the two rows of deadly fangs.


I activated werewolf mode in time and pushed against the incoming upper jaw. Utilizing my armor\'s strength bonus, I slowly pried open my death trap. When it opened up enough I quickly took out my lance and set it up to hold the wyvern jaw in place. The wyvern is still trying to bite me down, but the suddenly pain caused by the polearm prevented it.

Now that my hands are free, I took out my master sword and stabbed it into the upper jaw above me. The sharp weapon went into the creature\'s head without much trouble. Then I took out all the flying swords and gave the wyvern a good needle treatment.

The tongue around my waist went away. Since I’m feeling a free-fall now I probably killed the wyvern already. I quickly pulled the master sword back and used it to control all the other swords to slice the wyvern head open.

I jumped out from a hole I created and found the panicked wyvern rider in front of me, so I took the chance and gifted him another hole on his stomach. Me and the two corpses finally fell into the water.

I raised a hand to catch one of Phiona\'s claw when she sweep past to pick me up. Lucky just got rid of the last wyvern attacking him.

Above us, The poison dragon dived at me from Phiona’s blind spot. Her smaller avian body was rammed away by the dragon. When I’m falling I saw the poison dragon\'s bloody maw coming at me.

Not gonna happen again!

"Absolute Defense!!"

This skill granted by my wing blades only lasts for 20 seconds. But it is enough to protect me from those dragon teeth for now.

As expected, the dragon neglected the barrier and bit down with great force.

Ka-crack! Four teeth fell down into the ocean. How do you like that you ugly face!

The poison dragon shrieked in pain, which gave me just enough time to jump away. I didn’t escape though. I caught its jaw and leaped onto the dragon’s back.

The rider is still thinking about why his dear pet lost some teeth instead of killing me. I ran along the dragon\'s neck and charged, aiming my sharp gauntlet fingers at the rider\'s own neck.

He dodged my attack by several backflips. I couldn’t stop my attack. My entire right hand sank into the dragon’s body below, causing it to roar again and roll around trying to throw me off, which...won’t happen, because my hand is stuck inside its body for good. I can’t get it out!

I used my left hand to took out a dagger. I didn’t use this thing much before, but I’m sure it\'ll do a good job when cutting meat.

I slit around the area around my right hand, freeing myself. The action also brought down some dragon scales. Now these things are valuable crafting materials sought by Clark. Of course I can’t take them from Lucky, so how about...

The rider charged at me in anger for hurting his pet. I thrust my hands forward, expanding my dragon cords and caught the running rider. I then poured some magic into the cords. They immediately sliced the trapped rider into some broken flesh and armor pieces.

Next, I walked onto the poison dragon\'s head and drove my lance down as hard as I can. The vital hit killed the dragon instant.

I leveled up to 467! This is some rewardful fight.

I left the falling dragon corpse and landed on Lucky\'s back, while Tank hovered over and caught the corpse. Oh right, he can eat corpses to evolve. I wonder what will happen when he eat this thing.

I ordered Tank to return to Bi-Lin to continue his meal. There are only three or four wyverns left now so I followed behind Tank and left the work to the others.

When Tank tossed the giant corpse onto the ship, I quickly took out a large jar from my inventory. A vial of Dragon blood sells 100 crystals on the market. If I can drain this dragon clean I’d probably collect several hundreds bottles. Clark\'s material list contains many kinds of liquid so I always keep all sorts of containers on me.

Next are the dragon scales. We can collect much of that too, judging from the size of the dragon.

Dragon teeth, bones, claws...they’re all money!

The remaining flesh will be Tank\'s feast. Or wait, the dragon soul is also good stuff so I spammed [Capture] at the corpse, hoping to catch a servant.

Everyone on the ship watched in horror as I carefully broke up the dragon into various materials like a corpse maniac. Looks like Coin is the only one who can understand what I\'m doing. She snatched away some scales and blood for herself too. When she\'s done, she stared at Lucky as if she’s not satisfied.

"No way." I moved in front of my companion.

"Oh, it\'s nothing, nothing!" She walked away, laughing.


We approached the enemy fleet since their air force is taken care of. They don’t have a single crystal cannon so the aircraft carrier without its "aircrafts" is just a moving shooting target for us.

Suppose we\'re going to raid Japanese cities, then we’re definitely taking a lot of goods back, and Bi-Lin itself won’t likely to hold all of them. The pirate ships aren’t really good for storage either, since their ships are designed to be fast.

Umhmm. We can use a big carrier ship like this.

They\'re still fighting back using several small cannons, so I took Lucky to suppress their attack. King commanded our fleet to attack the remaining enemy ships, who are soon overwhelmed by our absolute advantage and became burning, sinking scraps.

We\'re experienced this time. We looted the ships to the last coin before the escaping Korean fleet realized what just happened to their pursuers. Just as we\'re finishing up sorting out the trophies, Elfy returned on her pegasus, with an arrow in her hand and a pigeon stuck on it.

"This thing’s fast. I chased about a dozen kilometers before I finally got it."

"Good job! You can keep it for dinner."

"Hmm. Roasted pigeon. I like it."

We then moved onto the third Japanese fleet. If we can wipe out another two or three teams of them we\'ll sure win this fight.

Things don’t always go as you hope though. When we moved closer to our target we realized that this squadron has somewhere near 400 ships in it. Some of them must have already eliminated their Korean targets so they merged back.

This is almost three times more than our number... Will be risky.

"Opinion?" I asked King again.

"With our range advantage we can take out a hundred of them before they reach us. That makes it 200 to deal with...I don’t think that’s a problem."

"You mean we can do it?"

"Yes!" Hawk nodded firmly. "If we take out more ships now, they\'ll have less to fight us when we attack their port!"

"Alright!" I confirmed since everyone is agreeing. "Let\'s go. All units prepare for battle! And Zirai, how about a little air strike as a starting present?"

"Sounds good to me!"

I checked Tank before we move out. He\'s already changing, after devouring the dragon corpse. A single horn stuck out above his forehead. Spikes appeared around his limbs and behind his back, which almost make him look like a hedgehog.

[Golden Wyrm Beetle], max level 900.

Attack 3,000-5,000,

Defense 4,000, (*)

Speed 100,

HP 20k,

MP 5,000.

Attacks carry poison effect.

Talent skill [Strong Acid Spit], damage 120, causes continuous damage for 1,200 seconds.

Physical Resistance 50%,

Magical Resistance 45%.

Special skill: [Crystal Cannon shot], [Fire Bullet](Griffin), [Air Shot], [Hammer Down], [Poison Flame], [Dragon Breath], [Dragon Flame Sphere].

"Ha! I\'m pretty sure Tank will be the top companion in my team soon if he keeps eating stuff."

"Are you ready or not?" Zirai urged me.

"Yeah. Coming!" I jumped onto Lucky and followed Zirai towards the enemies.


(*) Tank\'s defense was 5,000 last time the author mentioned it. Maybe a bug.

Yeah...The bug got a bug.

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