
Chapter 1142: You're done here, it's my turn!

The Go players were all stunned!

The netizens were jumping for joy!

"Aiyo, I\'m dying of laughter!"


"Requesting to view Peter\'s \'phobias\' stats!"

"Did PeterGo crash?"

"How does Zhang Ye come up with such complex josekis at the snap of a finger!"

"It\'s already the third one! This is already the fucking third one!"

"Just how many does he have left?"

"Who knows!"

"Could he possibly make a comeback?"

"There shouldn\'t be anything left to play for in this game, right?"

"Is Teacher Zhang spiting the Americans on purpose?"

Five minutes!

Ten minutes!

Fifteen minutes!

Peter seemed to have crashed!

Zhang Ye smiled and looked at the screen. Ever since the start of the game, he had not shown any trace or acceptance of a loss. He was either just very calm or wore a smile on his face that no one could understand. No one knew what Zhang Ye intended to do and felt that he was just trying to mess up the board state on purpose. But they all had to admit that Zhang Ye really knew how to make trouble for Peter. Just with those three extremely complex josekis that no one had ever seen before nor replicable by anyone in the Go world, Zhang Ye had done something to Peter that no one before him could manage. Let alone being able to make Peter "vomit blood," they could not even cause it any trouble. Further, Zhang Ye had won yesterday\'s game fair and square!

Wu Changhe sighed, "This kid, what\'s the point of constantly playing those josekis? Even after taking all that trouble to play them, he was still killed off by that P-whatever its name was thingy! Does he even know the difference in scores? He can\'t catch up!"

Hu Liang thought so too. He yelled at the screen, "Professor Zhang, why don\'t you at least try to catch up! This kind of joseki is too complex! You might find yourself getting entangled in it!"

"Is he going to lose?"

"Aiyo, I\'m dying from the anxiety!"

"Professor Zhang, show your might!"

"Do something like that Hand of God you played yesterday!"

With this Avalanche Joseki played, everyone felt like they were breaking down. But there was nothing that they could do since he had played it!

Zhang Ye could understand why they felt that way. He had brought out all three of his previous world\'s most complex josekis, all of them within just one game. This was not even seen before in his previous world at any of the official tournaments, and it was practically impossible for something like this to happen. How would most professional Go players react when they saw the Magic Sword Joseki? The Avalanche Joseki? The Great Slant Joseki? They would all be pissing their pants already! It was certainly not something that they would play, and if any one of these complex josekis made an appearance in a game, it would be a feat! So for three of them to appear within one game? That would surely be the death of them!

If that was how a world with these three josekis already in existence would react, then it wasn\'t necessary to speak of just how a world that had not seen them before would react!

The three complex josekis have all been played!

This was a fucking hell game!

There shouldn\'t be another Go game as complicated as this one, ever!

Of course, the appearance of these three josekis was a result of Zhang Ye\'s deliberate guidance. It was easier to accept that the Magic Sword and Great Slant Josekis had been played as the conditions to form the patterns were simpler. But the Avalanche Joseki was much more complicated and would rarely appear due to being much more conditional than the other two. After Zhang Ye\'s failure with the Magic Sword Joseki, he had to purposely bring the game over to the structure in the other corner. Relying on a bit of experience and luck, as well as his slight understanding of Peter\'s cognitive principles, Zhang Ye was finally able to lead Peter into the trap!

Come on!

Have a taste of this!

The time left on Peter\'s clock was slowly dwindling!

The live broadcast camera zoomed in on the digits of the clock as they counted down—there weren\'t even 30 minutes of left on its clock. Only 26 minutes were showing on the clock! Even though they were in the middlegame, and though Peter was leading by quite a bit, it had very little time left on the clock!

In contrast, Zhang Ye still had an hour and thirty minutes left!

When there were just 25 minutes left on Peter\'s clock, it made a move!

Peter played a push 1 !

Zhang Ye went with the flow and fought it!

Peter countered!

Zhang Ye called an atari!

Peter gave up on the stone!

Zhang Ye captured a black stone!

Two moves later, Peter called an atari on the side of the board!

Zhang Ye did not allow it!

Peter thought for a good five minutes before placing a stone, which was a crucial move!

Chen Ying could not help but say, "Beautiful!"

Yu Yingyi said, "Peter seems to be playing much faster!"

Xiang Rong said, "Yes, compared to earlier, it\'s much faster!"

Zhang Ye did not have a good way to deal with this move yet, so he had to retreat from there.

But Peter pressed on!

That resulted in Zhang Ye countering with an atari on his next move!

This move of his was welcomed by applause and cheers from those in the commentary booth, as well as everyone else who was watching the match!

Chen Ying said, "Good! Great!"

Xiang Rong was taken aback as he realized that Zhang Ye did not suffer a loss this time. Not only did he not suffer a loss, he even captured a stone and regained a few points against all odds!

The Qiyuan\'s people were astonished!

This was the first time that Zhang Ye had made Peter taste defeat in a fight in the corners. But whatever this meant, they were not in the mood to think about it. Neither did their attention deviate to that as the battle on the board was so intense that no one was considering other things!

Only Zhang Ye eyes shifted as he kept smiling!

Perhaps due to its earlier mistake, Peter went deep in the tank for another four minutes before playing its next move, then thought for another 3 minutes for its next move!

Zhang Ye did not seem to need to think and played spontaneously!

Peter played a horizontal stretch!

Zhang Ye preemptively grabbed a position!

Peter hesitated for a moment before rushing to fight for it!

Zhang Ye then played a very unusual ghost move 2 !

Peter considered its moves for another three minutes!

Chen Ying suddenly said, "Peter is about to break the joseki!"

Xiang Rong did not say anything.

Sure enough, Peter\'s next move attacked straight in. With that, the deadlocked battle in the corner came a temporary end, and Peter successfully escaped. But unlike the previous two times, perhaps due to its internal configuration for time rules, many of its moves were hastily played without much thought at all. This led to Peter escaping the fight in the corner only after taking a loss of four or five points!

Yu Yingyi quickly asked, "How are things?"

Chen Ying smiled and said, "This time, Professor Zhang has played the joseki successfully!"

"What?" Yu Yingyi was pleasantly surprised. "That\'s great!"

Xiang Rong continued and immediately poured cold water on that by saying, "But Peter still has an advantage in the other territories. There\'s also still a 25, 26 point difference in the score!"

Yu Yingyi fell silent!

25 to 26 points?

The game was entering the latter half!

Chen Ying sighed. "It won\'t be easy to catch up. It\'s almost impossible!"

The mood dipped a little. This corner fight might have been won, but it was unable to affect the entire battle. Professor Zhang might have played splendidly here, but it did not affect the overall board state much!

The Americans heaved a sigh of relief.

They\'ve finally won!

A loss of four or five points? That was fine, it was totally acceptable. As long as they could break the joseki, it was all fine and they would definitely be able to take this game! Subtracting the compensation, they still led by 25 to 26 points? There was still more than half the game left to be played, so it would be very difficult for them to throw the game! Their advantage was clear as day!

The Americans representative smiled as he looked at Zhang Ye.


What other moves do you have left?

Huh? What do you have left?

However, one of the Caucasians in the group got startled. He looked shocked as he tugged at the representative and pointed at the computer in a fluster!

Chen Ying also realized it!

She shouted, "Something\'s wrong! Something\'s off!"

Yu Yingyi was taken aback. "What is it?"

Chen Ying excitedly pointed at Peter\'s clock. "Take a look at that! Look at Peter\'s remaining time!"

Yu Yingyi exclaimed, "Two minutes and twenty-two seconds?"

Xiang Rong\'s eyes lit up. "Peter only has two minutes left!"

The Americans could feel their hearts dropping. This was bad!

Meanwhile, the Qiyuan\'s people blew up!

Li Qinqin said in shock, "Two minutes! Two minutes more and the main time will end. Every move after that will have to be played within one minute! Peter is out of time!"

Hu Liang said, "Even two hours are not enough?"

Dan Donghe exulted. "It was all spent on dealing with Professor Zhang\'s three josekis!"

Xu Han gasped, "What is Professor Zhang trying to do?"

Everyone looked at one another and could see the shock in one another\'s eyes!

The three josekis were played, but Zhang Ye\'s plan was not to use them to win the game. It was not so that he could fight against Peter. His objective since the start was to make Peter run out of time! But would that still be possible? With such a great deficit of points, could he catch up? What moves did Zhang Ye have left?

In an instant, the atmosphere chilled!

The home viewers were also looking at their television screens in shock!

The American representative panicked but quickly forced himself to calm down. Impossible! He couldn\'t catch up! Even if Peter did not have much main thinking time left and could only use one minute for the overtime after the main time was over, it could still control the overall board state. Besides, with two of the corners already lost, how can you play on? It was too late for that!

A comeback?

Not even God could achieve that!

Chen Ying\'s voice was getting very loud. "The board is in a very delicate state! Peter has the advantage and is almost in a winning position, but it has used up most of its main time! It won\'t be able to make any more in-depth decisions! Is there a way to play on? Can Professor Zhang turn things around? Has this been what he was waiting for all along? What killer moves does he have left that he hasn\'t shown us? Right now, the entire pride of the Go world is in his hands!"

That\'s right!

Zhang Ye had been waiting for this moment!

He looked at the computer and smiled. We Chinese have a traditional saying called "You\'re done here, it\'s my turn." After hogging the limelight for so long, I guess you should be done here?

It\'s my turn!

This bro will give you a lesson today!

I\'ll show you another famous playstyle from my previous world!

1. 压/Yā/oshi | https://senseis.xmp.net/?Push

2. https://senseis.xmp.net/?BloodVomitingGame

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