
Chapter 534 - An Unexpected Homecoming

Chapter 534: An Unexpected Homecoming

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The grim undertone of the angel’s declaration made Baiyi feel dread. He tried to get his spirit out of the plush toy, but to his horror, it was too late; Noirciel’s pearly chains had also bound the soul firmly to the plush toy.

Feeling desperate, Baiyi decided to abandon the fragment of his soul in Lulu’s mind, after which he tried to return his consciousness to his suit of armor. However, that attempt failed, as well; Baiyi had lost the connection he had to his suit of armor.

Unfortunately, that was not the worst turn of events.

The world around Baiyi had come to a complete stop. The Lulu in the real world was hovering, and her wings of light were spread wide open. Mia and the Emperor stared at her in shock, with their mouths wide open, unable to let out the words in their throat. Everything had stopped: no one moved; nothing moved. It was as though time had stopped.

Suddenly, time accelerated at breakneck speed, like a movie set to play at 16x normal speed. The sun rose and set in what seemed like seconds. Cities were created and abandoned in seconds, as well, and blurry silhouettes roamed the land. Baiyi watched mortals get born, live out their lives, and die, whilst countries were founded, expanded, and eventually destroyed or left to become a ruin. History and time were slipping past him really fast.

Finally, Lulu and the Noirciel, the angel, vanished. When Baiyi came to, he was facing a white ceiling that looked familiar.

“What the hell?”

Baiyi tried to turn his head, but it did not budge. He was lying on his back. He wondered if he had been forcefully ejected from Lulu’s mind. If so, then where did he land? Baiyi attempted to sit up, but he could not feel his limbs. It felt as though there was nothing where his limbs should be.

This was a sensation that Baiyi had almost forgotten about. He had not felt like this since before he was summoned to the world.

“W-what has happened? Mia? Mia! Are you here?” Baiyi was sure he had just spoken, but no words escaped his mouth.

Baiyi was utterly confused. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over his head, blocking the light. The shadow belonged to a human — a woman — wearing a maid outfit that stopped above her knees. The outfit was paired with a white frock and black silk socks. The woman held a rag cloth in one hand and a mop in the other, and her footsteps grew louder as she walked closer to where Baiyi was.

Suddenly, Baiyi felt himself get lifted by the giant woman, who then brought him up to her face. Baiyi squinted his eyes and found himself staring at someone that looked just like Aya. This giant Aya smiled at him, and her lips opened and closed as though she was talking; however, Baiyi could not hear a single word she said.

The giant Aya wanted to take Baiyi somewhere, but her hands were filled with cleaning tools. She looked at her maid outfit, seemingly searching for a pocket, and when it became apparent that she had not chosen to wear the maid outfit because of its function, the giant Aya stuffed Baiyi in the parting between her bosom.

Soft but firm mounds held Baiyi firmly in place. He tried to get out, and during his struggle, he was able to lift his arm, which he had been unable to do earlier.

When Baiyi looked down at his hand, he did not see a cold, metal gauntlet; instead, it saw a small cat’s paw. Baiyi had been in the kitty plush toy all along! Aya had not turned into a giant; it was he that shrunk in size!

What had happened? Why did Aya wear a kinky maid uniform to clean someone else’s house? Why was he trapped in this plush toy?

Baiyi had planned not to remain in the plush toy for long, so the Emperor only cast a vision spell on the plush toy before sending Baiyi into it. Thus, whilst in the plush toy, Baiyi could not speak, neither could he hear.

Unfortunately for Baiyi, there was not enough mana in the kitty plush toy for him to move its limbs as he liked. Lifting the paw was already a momentous task, so escaping the soft prison had become impossible. What dragon lady Aya lacked in height, she made up for amply in her chest. The maid outfit squeezed her breasts so tightly together, Baiyi, who was in between them, felt as though he had been caught in a snare.

‘Alright; calm down. This is not that bad a pickle to be in. I just need to figure out what happened.’ Baiyi calmed down and paid no mind to the softness around him.

If Aya was here, and all suited up, then Baiyi must have returned to the future. The future in his field of view seemed to be his. Aya had a habit of sneaking into his chalet in a provocative maid outfit to clean up, hoping to catch Baiyi off guard when he returned home from work.

This did not explain why Baiyi had returned to his own time, in the kitty plush toy. Where was Mia? She, too, should have returned!

Baiyi searched his mind to see if he was still connected to the main portion of his soul, which was still stuck in the Void, and to his immense relief, he could. He could also hear other Voidwalkers in the Void engaged in a discussion.

“Big sis, where do you think my Doofus went? You don’t think he really eloped with Mia, do you? He only treats her as his daughter! How then could he do something so savage?”

The voice that rang out sounded sweet but ditzy. Did it belong to Lady Assassin Walker?

“Oh my gosh. Why do you insist on asking the same dumbass question every day?” Another sweet voice reverberated around the room. “My darling will never do such disgusting things. He must have gotten into an accident; I can tell.”

‘Is that the Fairy Walker?’ Baiyi wondered, noticing a hint of anxiety in the reply.

“Oh, I know! I know. I just... He’s been gone for such a long time, and he did not leave any messages. Big Sister Warrior has looked for him everywhere, but she did not find even his shadow! I... I miss him so much, you know.” Lady Assassin said, audibly close to tears. This made Baiyi’s heart ache.

Baiyi’s consciousness returned to the Void, and he poked her quietly; however, she yelped, “Oww! Who was that?”

“Sorry. I’m, uh, back,” Baiyi sheepishly replied.

A shriek rang out in the Void, closely followed by a wail and loud sobs. This got the attention of the other Voiwalkers, who began to whisper in excitement.

“Okay, okay! Please stop making a scene! We have a lot to discuss,” Baiyi said, using his consciousness to forcibly cover Lady Assassin Walker’s mouth. [1].

Baiyi turned to the other Voidwalkers and said, “Later, I’ll tell you all what happened to me later, but now, I need someone to tell me what happened while I was away.”

Lady Assassin Walker, whose mouth had been sealed shut, grunted in discontent for a while before settling down.

“Nothing of note has happened, to us. Dale has not summoned any of us; I take that to mean that things are calm on the outside,” the solemn Second Voidwalker replied. “We were all really worried about you, though.”

“‘Because you’re our only hope, you know,” the Devil Walker quickly added.

“Where have you been? Why were you silent even within the Void?” Shadow asked.

“It’s a long story. How long was I out?”

“About three months, I think. Luckily for us, your harem’s access to the real world is not dependent on your existence, so they were the only channel we have had to the world outside. We would not have been able to tell the time, otherwise,” the Third Walker said. “Their efforts to find you did not cease, so we don’t know what has happened out there.”

“So, time didn’t stop, huh?” Baiyi noted in dismay. When Baiyi and Mia were thrust into the past, he discovered that time in his era had frozen. Now, though, it seemed he had been mistaken; time in the past and future had been moving at the same pace. The Void may have been peaceful in the last three months, but Baiyi was not optimistic that this was the case in the real world.

“Please, call the Warrior Walker back to the academy. I’m going to need a lot of help,” Baiyi said to Lady Assassin Walker, whose mouth was still covered.

“Mm mmf!” Lady Assassin Walker expressed her discontent.

“Come on; have the decency to first explained what happened to you. She spent the last few months being worried sick about you! Are you going to kick her away like that, without any explanations? Do you not understand women at all?” The shadow Walker chided Baiyi.

“Alright! Here’s the gist,” Baiyi said and narrated everything that had happened as clearly as possible. When Baiyi was done, he shared his vision with the other Voidwalkers, allowing them to see what was happening in the real world.

“As you can see, I’m now stuck in a plush toy that cannot handle my mana, neither can it move more than a few inches,” Baiyi said, The plush toy was just a frail toy; if Baiyi tried to siphon his real power into it, it would explode in an instant.

“I see. Darling, permit to ask: where exactly are you right now? Those things besides you are fair and smooth.... How intriguing ,” the perceptive Fairy Walker said.

“Eh hem! You really shouldn’t worry about such trivial things,” Baiyi quickly replied as he released Lady Assassin Walker. “We have a lot of things to do, so please be quick!”

“Sure thing, Doofus. When I recover your body, I’ll demand more kisses as my reward!” She replied triumphantly. Although she wanted to remain by Baiyi’s side for a while longer, even a lovesick girl had priorities. She took control over the Divine Leathersuit, and the Warrior Walker, who was using it before, returned to the Void.

Before Baiyi could speak to her, he was pulled into an embrace. The Warrior Walker did not say anything, but her consciousness trembled like that of a weeping woman, who was gasping for air. [2]

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