
Chapter 101

Chapter 101: <Chapter 101>

I exchanged messages with Clodys on a regular basis through a designated book in the library. Lucretius was aware of this arrangement as well.

After the dowager empress returned to the main castle, it was Clodys who contacted me to meet in person. Inside the black leather book was a small card with a date and time.

It was past dinner time at the same place inside the dark and empty library.

As I walked into the place, I felt like I was walking into a lion’s den. I ignored the feeling.

I didn’t trust Clodys completely. I was aware of how our relationship was a precarious one at best. Therefore, just to be safe, I ordered Agnes to hide nearby with a guard in case of an emergency.

In addition, I ordered my maids to be on stand by just in case.

“If I don’t come back from the library in an hour, please come find me.”

The maids looked surprised.


My face reddened in embarrassment.

“The thing is... Last time in the library, I got lost for a while.”

Elza exclaimed loudly, “Oh! That was why you stayed there for so long. Were you really lost?”

“Y, yes.”

I was mortified, because it was partly true. I WAS lost. Luis, who was sitting nearby, glared at her sister.

“That library is so big that many first timers get lost all the time. In the olden days, there used to be librarians to help, but not anymore.”

Hmm. So that was why the library was so empty.

I asked casually, “So there isn’t anyone managing the library at all?”

“After the emperor was coronated, he reduced the unnecessary budgets significantly.”

I already knew this. The royal coffer was not doing well, so it was time to save wherever possible.

With me as the only wife of the emperor, our quarters were nearly empty. The library was the least of the priorities to Lucretius.

“The servants go in once a week to clean, and that’s it,” Luis looked at me and continued, “but if I let people know that your highness likes to visit the library often, I’m sure the servants will take better care of it. They may even reinstate a librarian or two.”

I shook my head hurriedly. “That’s not necessary. I prefer the quietness of it.”

“Then should I accompany you, your highness? I have been in the library a few times so I can be of help to you.”

I shook my head quickly. “It’s alright.”

“But your highness...”

I replied to Luis firmly, “I need to be alone in a quiet place so I can think. Please let me be for a while.”

I didn’t tell them that Agnes was following me with a guard. They all thought Agnes was away on another chore. I didn’t want my maids to think I was planning something.


Luis didn’t look happy about it, but she let it go.

I was already a bit late. I got worried I might miss him. Since we didn’t have cellphones here, arranging meetings like this could be tricky.

Finding the spot wasn’t as hard as I expected because this was the second time I had been here.

When I finally turned around the corner, I saw a familiar figure.

He was standing with his back towards me. I cleared my throat and called out.

“I’m sorry I made you wait, sir.”

Clodys turned around and bowed with a smile. “Not at all, your highness. I just arrived here myself.”

It was a rather slight bow considering I was a royalty and he was currently a nobody, but I let it go.

Clodys looked handsome as he smiled and thanked me.

“... First of all, I would like to thank you for preventing Princess Liliana’s marriage to that old man. I should have thanked you sooner.”

“That was actually the emperor’s doing, so you should thank him.”

“But if not for you, the emperor would have never done it.”

“Well, I guess it doesn’t matter at this point. So where is Princess Liliana?”

“She will be here soon. She needs to make sure not to be seen by anyone, so it probably is taking her longer.”

It made sense. Princess Liliana was surrounded by spies both from Lucretius and the dowager empress. She had to be very careful.

The princess stayed with the dowager empress at Girand, so there was a good chance I should be able to get some good information from her.

However, I didn’t know when she will arrive, and I needed to start the conversation right away.

“So what is happening with the dowager empress?”

Clodys stopped smiling at the mention of our common enemy. He studied me like the emperor and the chancellor often did. The only difference was that his stare was more youthful and immature.

“Unfortunately, what I have are just guesses based on the information I got as a minor nobleman. I have nothing firm to share.”

“I know, but I assume you’re smart enough to be able to make fairly accurate guesses.”

Clodys grinned.

“I am flattered.” He responded humbly, but he seemed pleased at my compliment. “Even though the marriage with the princess has been cancelled, Marquis Galisia is still staying close to the dowager empress. I am concerned they may be planning something dangerous.”

Just then, a noise was heard behind me. Clodys shouted with hostility.

“Who’s there!”

I turned around in shock. I didn’t see anyone, but I heard someone running away.

Far away between the bookcases, I saw a glimpse of an exotic ivory dress. Beautiful white blond hair and dark skin.

‘Princess Ludia!’

My blood ran cold.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called my name from behind.

“Your highness?”

When I turned around slowly, I saw her.

“Princess Liliana...”

Liliana walked towards me worriedly. “Is something wrong? You look pale. Where is Clodys?”

Just then, Clodys, who ran after Princess Ludia, returned. He looked frustrated.

“I couldn’t get that person.”

I shook my head and answered, “It doesn’t matter. Even if you caught her, it would have been useless.”

“Do you know who it was?”

“Genoa’s Princess Ludia.”

Clodys and Liliana gasped in fear. I knew I looked scared too.

I didn’t know what to do. Princess Ludia would tell Prince Coronel and Ksania immediately, and I could guess what they would do.

I grabbed Princess Liliana’s wrist. Looking like a fragile white lily, her eyes widened in fear. I said to her desperately.

“Princess, no Liliana!”

“Y, yes?”

“You need to do me a favor. You can consider it a payback for the emperor and myself for helping you avoid the marriage to Marquis Galisia. If you do this, it may help all of us, including Clodys. Will you do it?”

Liliana was only a young girl, the same age as Lisbeth. A girl abused by her mother. I felt guilty for putting so much pressure on a child, but I had no choice.

This could be the end for everyone, including Lucretius and I.

Thankfully, Princess Liliana nodded determinedly and squeezed my hands.

“Yes, yes! Your highness!”

I smiled.

“Please call me Sa Bina.”


As I expected, I was called to the dowager empress’ quarters two days later. Since I knew this would happen, I wasn’t surprised at all.

I ordered my maids to dress me in my finest clothes. I fashioned myself with the violet dress I wore at the celebration ball and put on a blue diamond tiara, which used to belong to Lucretius’ birthmother Empress Beatrice.

Makeup, dress, and jewelry were like armors for women, so I was dressed for a battle. I would meet with the enemy, so I needed to dress for it.

I ordered Samantha, “Please let the emperor know that I am heading to meet the dowager empress regarding the matter we discussed earlier.”

Samantha looked nervous. She didn’t know the exact details, but she knew something was happening.

“Yes, your highness.”

I took only a few of my maids and entered the dowager empress’ room. Inside were the dowager empress sitting on her throne and a group of now-familiar foreigners.

Ksania, Prince Coronel, and Princess Ludia.

I greeted the dowager empress nonchalantly.

“Did you want to see me, your highness?”

“You look astonishing today.”

Suddenly, the woman standing next to the dowager empress said sarcastically, “You are dressed like an empress.”

It was Ksania, who was glaring at me openly.

I calmly replied, “I was on my way to see his highness when I was asked to come here. The emperor asked me to wear this dress for him.”

“Of course.” Ksania smirked. “I just don’t understand why you are having an affair when his highness has been so loving to you.”

I replied without a blink, “I don’t know what you are talking about. Why would I do such a thing?”

“Ha! You say that, but who knows what you have been doing behind his back?”

“I don’t understand what you are talking about, my lady, but if you continue to insult me this way, I won’t stand by idly.”

Ksania opened her fan, which had exotic symbols, and covered her face except for her eyes. She continued to glare at me furiously.

“How dare you.”

I didn’t back down.

“It is you who is being rude, my lady.”

“What did you say?!”

It was the dowager empress who stopped this nonsense.

“Let’s stop this silly fight and discuss what really matters.”

Ksania turned towards the dowager empress and glared at her. She looked even angrier, but the dowager empress ignored it.

“Now, I called you in here because Ksania made a serious accusation that you are having an affair with another man.”

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