
Chapter 34 Confrontation! The Moment Of Truth!

(Even though this ch was scheduled for 27th, on my bday..Due to a special reason explained at end, I released it early. It\'s a very long 3.5k satisfying chapter~ lezzzz go!)

Zhu Qing was too scared when Su Chen caressed her soft thighs.

"Ugh, don\'t be like that, weren\'t you a strong woman who practiced martial arts? How can you cry that easily?"

Su Chen chucked and moved closer to her as he removed the gag that blocked her mouth.

Zhu Qing\'s pupils dilated, her body started trembling fiercely but the very next moment before she could scream, she could feel Su Chen\'s hot breath touching her right earlobe.

"The thing that your family members took back was actually poison, and if they don\'t take an antidote within 2 days…all of them will fall terminally ill", Su Chen whispered slowly in her ears.

Seeing her not talking even when the cloth was removed from her mouth, Su Chen\'s eyes narrowed.

"If you want an antidote then let\'s make a deal."

But Zhu Qing was still unresponsive.

As Su Chen was about to further threaten her, he heard a soft sound.

He listened carefully,

It was like water slowly burbling down~

"Fuckk, don\'t tell me!"

He exclaimed as he hurriedly looked down.

There was already a puddle of water formed below Zhu Qing\'s feet.

Her trousers were soaking wet as she peed out of fear.

The stench of her urine started filling the car as Su Chen quickly distanced himself from her and sat in a corner.

Without wasting any time he took out a handkerchief from his pocket…with it, he covered his nose asap!

There was still no response from Zhu Qing, Su Chen looked over her side by bending a little but found she had already fallen unconscious.

Yes, the stimulus of suddenly being overpowered, tricked, kidnapped, and blackmailed was too much for her to take.

Zhu Qing, who strongly believed in traditional values and never had any close contact with the opposite sex, felt her mind being short-circuited by Su Chen\'s unruly touch.

It was too much for her to handle, even though she could perceive Su Chen talking about something important….her mind was in a total mess to comprehend about anything that Su Chen was saying.

In the end, her mind unable to cope with the sudden situation gave up as she peed her trousers and shortly fell unconscious.

Seeing her pitiful condition, Su Chen lost interest.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the messages he sent to Su Yinger for the past 5 days.

All of them asked her about when she will come back, but there was no reply~

Yesterday, he went to the company for a quick inspection in the morning, there he sent a message to Su Yinger from his secretary\'s phone and he got an instant reply saying that she was having a sunbath and will arrive in 2 days. From another employer\'s phone he again messaged and got an instant reply from Su Yinger, but when he messaged there was no reply~

Su Chen took a deep breath.

"Even though Su Yinger is a capitalist, who only sees profit, Why does my heart still feel that she did not approach me out of her selfishness?."

"Don\'t say that I did not give you a chance, Sister!"

He swiped down his contacts list as he called his mom.

The call was connected shortly,

"Hello, son, what\'s up?" She was in a good mood.

There was silence for two seconds before she heard Su Chen\'s reply.

"Mom, where are you?"

"I am at Mirk city, 2 hours from Roorke!"

"What happened? What\'s with your serious tone?"

"Send me the address to your hotel, I am coming there", replied Su Chen.

"I need to tell you something very important."

"It\'s serious!"

After hearing her son\'s strange tone, Su Chen\'s mother felt a little worried and quickly sent him her hotel\'s address.

By the time his call with his mom was disconnected, Su Chen had already arrived back home.

He called over some maids and told them to carry the unconscious Zhu Qing to one of the guest rooms.

The instructions were clear:- her hands and legs must be tied up with restraints as bodyguards guard her room\'s entrance.

"It\'s okay, we can play with her slowly! There are still 2 days left for the poison that the Zhu family took to take effect."

"In these 2 days, she is gonna herself beg me for the antidote."

Su Chen muttered slowly as he too got out of the car.

After changing his clothes he boarded another car and set his destination for Mirk city, 2 hours drive away.


In the hotel room where Su Chen\'s mother was staying~

Su Chen entered the room. The moment he entered the room, a beautiful lady rushed and hugged him tightly.

"Oh Son! Your mother missed you so much. Why did you not come back to the capital? Now, you are even done with that Mei Qing!"

There was some resentment clearly visible in her mother\'s tone.

"Mother, let\'s sit first."

Both of them sat on the bed.

His mother became serious, it was rare for Su Chen to act like this in the first place.

She understood that he must have something important to tell.

"Mother, do you love me?"

"Of course, Mom loves you the most?"

"More than Su Yinger?"

"Why are you mentioning your sister? Mom loves both son and daughter equally."

Su Chen bit his tongue at her reply, there was some dissatisfaction on his face which was noticed by his mother.

Su Chen knew that in all the villain novels that he had read, there was one thing in common~

The parents loved their children a lot.

He was counting on this fact to make the most out of the opportunity.

He knew his mother loved him a lot as she died trying to fight Chu Fang alone in the original storyline.

"You will have to make a choice."

"Either choose Su Yinger or me!"

Not giving her a chance to speak he continued

"I will kill her."

Hearing his words, his mom tightly slapped him.

"What are you saying? She is your sister!"

"I won\'t let you do anything to her."

Su Chen calmly repeated what he said once again.

"Get out of the room! I won\'t see you until your mind gets straight again!"

His mom was really angry this time.

He slowly raised his head as his eyes met his mom\'s.

"If I moved out of the room today, you are never gonna see me again!"

"I thought blood was thicker than water. Can\'t you trust your son this time? Mom!"

"Get out of the room!"

His mother glared at him.

Even though the past few days Su Chen had a calm face, unknown to others…under that calm face, he had secretly hidden various emotions.

Anxiety, Tiredness, Excitement, worriedness, fear, desperation~ there were so many emotions that were hidden deep inside.

This time, all of them like a dam burst open as if to relieve his pent-up frustration.


"At least I am going to tell you one thing. You never properly did your duty as a mother. Why was there a need to adopt a daughter in the first place?"

"Just because I was bad at business and lacked in some respects, you adopted a daughter and taught her how to take care of the family business. What was with this planning? Couldn\'t you have trusted me and given me some time to grow?"

"Since that is the case, be happy with your fake daughter, let her inherit the entire Su group, you are not going to see me from now on."

He took out the gun from his pocket that he had borrowed from his bodyguard earlier.

He knew for the maximum impact, the performance must be flawless~

Only by taking things to such a level can he have the situation under his complete control.

"With this gun, I am gonna shoot myself after getting out of the door. Since even my mom doesn\'t want me, it\'s better to die and live again."

"You know I could have taken action secretly against Su Yinger and no one would have known but I came here today thinking that my mom will understand me, and stand by my side unconditionally..I guess in the end I was wrong!"

Su Chen decisively walked out of the room, as the door was banged-closed from the outside.

His mom was still in shock.

Hearing Su Chen\'s words she was filled with self-remorse.

Yes, she adopted a daughter so that she could help Su Chen in future as he was weak in business. What\'s wrong with it?

She had good feelings for Su Yinger but in the end, Su Chen was right, she loved her real son more than a fake daughter…but how can she suddenly agree to her son\'s request to kill Su Yinger?

But seeing Su Chen\'s serious face and gun in his hand, her heart became turbulent.

And when he said that in the end, he was wrong to come to her today, his mother felt a string being forcefully plucked inside her heart.

She still tried to tell her agitating mind that Su Chen was saying all of it in anger, and will calm down later.

But as soon as the door was closed within seconds a gunshot was heard.

Her face paled at an alarming rate, as she screamed at the top of her lungs.


She got on her toes and rushed outside the room.

Su Chen was right, the love of a mom for her own child is much more than can be put into some mere words..in the end, love was thicker than water~

As soon as she opened the door she saw Su Chen testing the gun to see if it was functioning properly.

She hurriedly rushed into his arms, took the gun away from him and threw it as far as she could.

She checked Su Chen\'s body with her hands to see if there was any injury.

After examining his body she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The moment she heard the gunshot, the single thought that her son, Su Chen was no more, instantly filled her heart with endless despair. She felt as if her life was filled with endless darkness the moment she lost him.

At that very second, she realized how much she loved her son. She kept saying in her mind…please nothing should happen to you, as long as you are okay, mom will follow you unconditionally. If her son wants, she would help him kill Su Yinger. So what if she is an adopted daughter…Su Chen was her own child whom she had given birth to, whom she had kept in her womb for 9 months, whom she had fed her milk, whom she watched grow up.. so how can she stand on a fake daughter\'s side whom she had spent much less time to begin with~

Seeing him fine, she hugged him tightly.

"Su Chen, you are not allowed to kill yourself."

"Mom knows she made a mistake. I should have believed you. Mom will always stand on your side."

"Tell me what should I do?"

She hugged Su Chen tightly.

Su Chen, seeing her being so emotional, finally returned the hug and held her in a loving embrace.

He slowly told her about his plan.

His mom, Su Yuer, was the major owner of the Su group. Everything was under her firm control.

Su Chen\'s dad had been missing for the last 7 years so she alone had been shouldering all the difficulties.

But all of this was for her son, Su Chen.

She was shouldering all the difficulties so that her son could live a happy life in future even though he was incompetent, her mother would arrange everything for him so he shall never suffer~

But now since her son spoke out his opinion, she will happily follow his words~


Su Yinger rushed to the hotel the next morning upon being called suddenly by her mom.

But this time things were very different.

Her mom\'s tone while talking to herself was very cold.

She arrived at the room only to find Su Chen on a chair while their mom was sitting beside him.

Seeing Su Yinger enter, their mom got up~

"Okay, she is already here. You can now do whatever you want"; saying so, she walked to another room to leave privacy for the two of them.

Not getting what her mother said, Su Yinger walked towards Su Chen,

"Brother I missed you so much."

She tried to hug him but Su Chen slapped her hands.

"You don\'t belong to our family from now on, it\'s my and mom\'s joint decision."

Hearing his sudden words and seeing Su Chen\'s determined face, Su Yinger was taken aback.. after a moment of realizing what he actually meant she was thunderstruck.


"But Su Chen, we already have an intimate relationship now!"

-Even though Su Yinger exclaimed with a hopeful expression, her eyes conflicted with somewhat resentfulness.

"Sister, tell me..if you had not heard my thoughts in your head, then would you have taken the initiative to be closer to me?"

"Tell me honestly, when you first heard my thoughts, you thought about how you can benefit from knowing the storyline in advance, right?"

"Don\'t lie! Instead of worrying or caring about me, your actions are led by the pre-motion of how you can achieve an ending where you benefit the most, right?"

"Wasn\'t it the reason you were away from the city for so long?"

Hearing Su Chen\'s questions, Su Yinger gritted her teeth. She wanted to say no but her heart was not truthful…Su Chen\'s sudden words caught her out of the blue.

Yes, the reason she was out of the city was to avoid having any contact with Chu Chenxi, Chu Fang and even Su Chen, even though she gave him a blowjob she thought later that he was still a variable. She felt- it was only in the heat of the moment that she got close to Su Chen as she wanted to save herself and maybe she did not have much affection for him in the first place.

Her calculative mind led her emotions…while she was away, she even planned things about how she would make use of Su Chen\'s information regarding the future plot so she can benefit the most.

All the days, when she was away from the city…she was busy making plans about how to mislead Su Chen and trick him to tell her about the future events in advance.

She deliberately avoided Su Chen\'s messages and calls as she thought their relationship was already confirmed and now, she was in command….. there was no need to worry as without a doubt, Su Chen would save her from Chu Fang in the future. There was no point to bother with him anymore, just enjoy your little vacation…When she comes back home, she is gonna give Su Chen a sweet hug and a fake kiss and he will forget any grievance if he had~

All her life, she had seen Su Chen as Mei Qing\'s licking dog and thought of him as a useless fellow with the only advantage of having rich parents. There was a part hidden deep inside her mind that thought she was better than him and that she should be the rightful heir of the Su group~

She could have tried to tell Su Chen that she and other heroines could hear his thoughts but she didn\'t …

As a sister, she could have supported Su Chen to plan things about how to face Chu Fang together…but no she didn\'t. It was in fact Xia Ai-Chan, who fulfilled her filial duty as a virtuous wife, and confessed everything first-hand and even planned various things with Su Chen.

She could have tried to make him a better person by helping him with business and other stuff but she didn\'t..

Likewise, she could have done so many things but she didn\'t….

Su chen was not stupid~

He was someone who had failed the plot 4 times!

All these past days, he had been in deep thought, thinking everything clearly so as to not miss out on anything.

He too was aware of all the above facts~

When yesterday he saw the message he had sent to Su Yinger which was still not replied back since 5 days..he finally realized it was foolish for him to even have hope from a person like Su Yinger.

Just because someone gave you a blowjob doesn\'t mean they\'re gonna love you, right? Su Chen, only after realizing all the above things came to his mother.

He has seen through Su Yinger\'s calculative mind.

"At least I deserve a chance, right?"

Su Yinger still has not realized the gravity of the situation.

-Su Yinger\'s eyes were locked with Su Chen at that moment of confrontation.

"Fine, sign this paper."

-Even though Su Chen\'s voice was calm, the aura around him was unfathomable.

With slightly shaking hands, she held the paper Su Chen gave her. She tried to calm down but her emotions were getting ahead of her…worthy of her title- The Business Witch of Roorke, who had manipulated countless in the business circle, she forcefully calmed her hastened breathing to read what was written on it.

Her heart was shaken~

"Su Chen, ho-howww?"

"How ca—How can you ask me to sign it.."

"…..It says that I, Su Yinger, is voluntarily giving up all my legal shares and claims to the Su group!"

With bewildered eyes which finally showed some anger, she looked at Su Chen standing in front of her.

This was the moment of the final test and the last chance Su Chen gave Su Yinger.

"Mom and I have discussed it, I am now ready to take full control of the family.. so everything in mom\'s name was already transferred to me last night."

"You only have 3% of the company\'s share under your name, even though it\'s not much, I think it\'s better to have everything under control of one person."

"That way, I will have full 80% of shares under my name and nobody would be able to shake our authority."

"Please sign it, sister!"


Like a cat whose tail has been stepped upon, Su Yinger glared deeply at Su Chen with her fierce eyes that could no longer be hidden.

"I will never give up my shares and claims to the Su group."

"I don\'t believe you have the ability to lead the Su group to a better future."

Su Yuer, who was eavesdropping from behind the door got angry upon hearing Su Yinger\'s words.

She opened the door and slowly walked towards them.

Su Yinger thought her mom will come to her side to support her as she was a better choice to lead the Su Group but reality was sure to disappoint her.

"Mom, slap this Su Chen, this incompetent boy is talking about taking control of the entire Su group!"

In front of her bewildered eyes, Su Yuer, her mom, stood beside Su Chen, and looked at her with eyes filled with complete disappointment!

Su Yinger didn\'t realise what she had done at that moment.



Ok here\'s the thing I need to sort out many things before I can begin writing volume 2 of this book, it may take 1.5 month-3 month but when I will be free after sorting that I will definitely update this book.

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