
Chapter 196 - 196 - Revive

A small light flashed by the window. Tian glanced out. Fan Xui\'s house was lighting up in a weird way. All the windows were closed in the house. She couldn\'t hear anything from that house though. \'What\'s going on?\'

Something in her heart said that things were not going according to plan. "I\'ll go check out what\'s going on," she stood up from the sofa.

Juda tugged at her shirt with a cute pout. "Let them talk it out privately."

"No, I will just take a look, okay. I promise I won\'t interfere okay"

Sighing, Juda kissed her hands. "Go, come back soon, soup is getting ready,"

Smiling, Tian left the house over to the neighbour\'s. The gate was left wide open and an unconscious person was sprawling on the ground.

Upon closer look, it was that screaming guy. His nose was bleeding profusely, and the man was mumbling incoherently.

\'Yue had done a good job,\' she mentally praised Yue as she was getting to the door.

Just as she touched the door handle, a stinging electric current passed through her body. "fuck!" she let go. "What the hell..."

Lights flashed through the small gap below the door.

Swiftly she searched for a stick or a piece of wood. She couldn\'t find anything nearby. All she could find was an empty water bottle.

She hit the door handle hard with it. The door swung open slowly. Cautiously she pushed the door open with the bottle.

Entering the house, she could feel small electric currents hitting her from all sides. But they were not so hurtful.

Suddenly her eyes caught a figure on the ground. The sight she saw made her heart stop.

Yue laid there unconscious holding o to Fan Xui\'s hands. That guy\'s eyes were half-open, with a weird white glow shining through.

"Oh fuck!," she hurriedly ran to Yue and hit their connected hands had until they were not connected anymore.

Swiftly, she pulled Yue away. His body was cold and his fingertips were black and burned. "Yue, hey...." the first thing she checked was his breathing.

There was none...

He was not breathing.

"Shit! Juda! Come here!!!" she pushed Yue down onto the ground and started emergency chest compressions. "Juda! Juda!! Come here!"

She hurriedly breathed in some air into Yue\'s mouth and continued pumping his chest.

He was not responding.

"Hey, Yue! Buddy, come on! Breath!"\' without a break, she continued doing chest compressions and sending air through his open mouth.

Soon she heard a small footstep walking towards them.

"oh god, Juda, come here. He is not..."

The flashing light cast a shadow of a figure holding a dagger high on the walls.

She swiftly dodged the attack, but the person managed to stab her leg. "Fuck off! Fucking asshole!" she kicked the person\'s shin. Using her flames, she kicked again, burning that person\'s pant legs.

"agh..." the unknown stranger ran out of the house trying to put out the fire.

All through this, Tian did not stop the compressions.

"Come on! Come on! Yue! Wake up! You little shit! You... you can\'t leva like this!" tears started fogging her eyes. She swiftly wiped them away and started punching his chest. "wake up! Wake up! Come on wake up!!!!"

Yue finally let out a small gasp.

"ah thank god.. Thank god," she opened his mouth wide open and rolled him to the side. Electrocuted victims are prone to puking. Laying on their back will only end up choking them to death.

Yue wheezed loudly, rolling up like a small worm.

"Yue..." Tian pulled him over her lap.

By then the whole house heard her cry through the open door.

Juda hurriedly came in.

"Watch out for him... something is wrong with his body.." Tian said glancing at Fan Xui. Now it seemed like he was just unconscious. His eyes were completely closed.

Juda went to check on him.

"Careful, he can electrocute you.."

"It\'s okay,"\' Juda carefully poked him. Only after that, she checked on his pulse. "He seems to be breathing fast. What happened here?"

"His powers went out of control..." Tian lifted Yue up. "Call for Hary, we need to take them to the barracks,"

"I\'ll go," Lui volunteered. "I\'ll call for a stretcher as well," she said, disappearing from their sight.

Only a small cloud of dust was left in her path.

Tian carefully examined Yue\'s fingers. it was definitely burned. She tore her t-shirt and was about to tie it up.

"No, you should not use normal cloth. I\'ll bring some gauze. Wait here," Juda ran out.

In the doorway, Yue\'s parents stood there in shock. His mother almost fainted leaning against her husband weakly.

"it\'s okay! he is okay," Tian nodded to them. "he is okay...."

She rushed out of the house. Waiting for Hary to get here will take time. It would be better to Yue to them. His body would most likely sustained internal injury from the high voltage current.

"W-wait Tian.. wait.." his father stood in her way. "Just wait a bit here," he ran back into the house and came back with the rat. "She.. she can... hey Trexa wake up. Your baba is sick... Trexa?" he shook her bit the rat seemed to be deep in sleep.

"We don\'t have time to waste." she walked past him and ran.

On the way, she noticed Lui rushing past her on the road. "I called them. two cars are on the way. I asked the emergency doctor to be on standby."

"Good," Tian panted softly as she ran.

Lui ran alongside her. "Do you want me to carry him? I can go faster?"

"n-no... he might have internal injuries. Going fat will only aggravate them...."

The way she was holding him made sure that he was not moving that much. It was for the best.

Occasionally she touched his neck, checking his pulse. It was beating...

"You pulled through this Yue.. you did it! All you have to do is get better.... just hang on okay, sister will take you to the doctor," she whispered softly into his ear. "My baby brother. Nothing will happen to you. I won\'t let anything happen to you...."

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