
Chapter 925 Ilthad, Yornen

Peering from the window, stretching from one end of the room to the other, I stared at the city below, sighed, and waved goodbye to everyone. I was sure Valice had many questions, and getting a ruling realm on my side to engage in trade would help substantially against Balor.

And despite my battle prowess and hacks, there\'s been that itch on the back of my throat the stronger I grew. Balor and Zantar are sure to have—

My brow jerked down as the hairs on the back of my neck rose on end. My eyes narrowed as I felt something. A ghastly pressure weighing upon my Soul Flame appeared, watching me! Studying my every action.

Suspicion rippled through my mind as I looked back and forth before reaching into myself as I tried to feel the flow of Intent around the world. I droved deep into my senses into a sea of will, whispers traced over the edges of my ear, singing their song, and after a brief moment, I turned to my rear.

"Show yourself," I commanded, peering at nothing yet something. Someone was standing beside me.

"Has he finally gone mad!" Sig uttered, resting with his greatsword on his lap.

"Sheee," Freya hissed, unsheathing her sword.

"I know you\'re there." I continued, ready to peer into the weave to gauge the threat level.

"So you\'re an Intent Practitioner. No wonder Drar and Bael lasted only a second." Came the response of a soft-spoken voice. "Forgive my intrusion. I am Yornen, of the Deep."

A ghost? No, this is Astral Essence. And a pure amount at that.

"Can I assume Drar has already spoken to you about me?" He said, his appearance still hidden beyond a veil of nothingness.

Astral Essense filled my eyes, but nothing seemed to come of it to my dismay.

"Think nothing of it, Master," Zax echoed from the Ring of Bael within my mind. "Astral Essence is its own beast. One cannot just learn it if they have it. The application, as you should know, is limitless, but to use it requires cycles of practice, and unless you are born with Astral Force, the chances of you genuinely mastering it is minuscule. Of the two strongest forces, will and Intent, that coexist, Astral Essesne will bond these two powers within you. You only have a will due to Astral Essene granting you a soul."

Bael had written about such things before, but Soloman and Bael had clearly failed to explain what Astral Essense is. They had been purposely unclear, thinking about it now.

"Drar will be joining me from now on," I replied after some thought.

"Shame. I\'d hope you would have tormented this Former Prince of Hell for all eternity. You surprise me, Arsene Snow, but such a mistake will not happen again."

"Former? You don\'t mean!"

"Oh yes. I needed one of my fellow ilthad within the Hells. Such a realm is so secretive, carrying so many demonic Artifacts Asmodeus failed to use, and I figured it\'s time we start our expanse. The act of killing Drar if only his body was just what I needed, though I\'d hope you would have killed Bael instead of Drar."

He\'s good, really good. But to name a Prince requires Asmodeus Rule or a King of Hell. And I know for sure Piomon is backing him, but what about Asmodeus?

"Why do this then? Why go after my wife? Surely we\'ve nothing against each other." I couldn\'t help asking, trying to prob what type of person this man was.

"Zantar and Balor believe due to the nature of Lilith\'s body, dead or alive. She can help awaken the Gates to Iluthath. I don\'t care one way or another, but it\'s not my decision that I attack you."

"Then who\'s decision was it?" I inquired, but the Ilthad did not reply to my question but instead stated his own.

"How would you, Monarch of Noctem, like to partner with the Ilthad?"

My mind blanked. " Excuse me? You expect me to partner with you?" I spat, almost bursting into laughter at the madness.

"Far from it. I suspect I\'ve already been burned in your eyes, but my people shouldn\'t be. They could transform Noctem into something that could reshape the core of the Fourth Heaven."

"You are shameless."

"There\'s an argument for that. But everything we Ilthad do is for our people. Uniformity for the Great One."

Great One? Fucking Cthulhu.

"Then someone will be contacting you. Due to my circumstance, we are enemies, but I hope one day we can all return to the will of the Great One." Yornen said, his presence fading away, leaving nothing behind but a hollow sensation of falling into another trap.

I am interested in the Ilthad, but this could be a long-term trap to overthrow me. Then again, every major family in Noctem hates me, so it doesn\'t matter. A king must be able to use his enemies and allies to his benefit. In the end, I am the one who has the last say.

"Are you done talking to yourself?" Sig barked, rising to his feet. He placed his arm over his waist in complete dissatisfaction. "I might seem low-key lazy, but I do need an hour or two to train a day, you know."

"Y-you didn\'t hear him?" I remarked

"Hear you ramble on,\' Said Kurt, rolling his eyes, " yeah, no one cares. Take care of your shit, and stop getting us involved."

One two three. One two three. One two three

"Kurt, you know once the Gates to Iluthtath is open, I can just kill you, right? Worse I could force you into pleasuring a pig. So please keep testing me." I kindly reminded, ignoring the paling of his skin; I turned to Freya, who sheathed her blade.

"Astral Force." She said knowingly

"You know of it?"

"Of course. " Replied Freya," I\'ve got hundreds of spells that require Astral Force, all of which are abstract and strong. What this person used should be called Clairvoyance. It allows you to be anywhere you want, assuming you have a specific target or location in mind. It\'s a low-level spell that is not hard to pick up and is easy to learn as most Astral Sea mortals can use it."

"How do I defend against it?" I coldly asked, figuring our location would always be known from here on out. Lilith and I could defend ourselves, but those without astral Force were doomed to be prey.

"Project your location everywhere. It\'s a little trick gods use to trick mortals into allowing them to believe they are everywhere yet nowhere. Although to do that, you need—"

"Astral Essence."

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