
Chapter 916 Uncover

Sending Lilith off to Ezra\'s location, I made my way inside the Black estate and was met by Valice, crossing her arms with an icy stare.

"You wife. Where is she?"

"With Ezra." I revealed, " Why do you ask? I thought you\'d be happy I survived."

"I would have been happy if you told me you were alive. Who the hell are you, Mr. Blackwater." She asked, her voice thickening as she drew close like a panther stepping close to its prey. "I\'ve been looking for you for hours. I thought Raziel\'s power might have disintegrated you."

"Has my face finally entered your dreams?" I asked in a teasing tone causing her perfectly symmetrical face to be flushed with anger. " I kid. I kid. Gods, you\'re no fun. Sorry about that, but it was date night. I wouldn\'t have returned if not for—"

Hearing someone racing towards us under cover of night, Valice and I frowned as the messenger fell to one knee, " My lady, there\'s reports of an attack in the southern sector."

"Oh, that was me. Some idiots attacked my wife and me during a handcrafted dinner. They were using equipment from Genisis, although what type of affiliation they might have is a mystery to me." I said, knowing all I said would push Aethers king and wife to side with me; this should force the Court of Nox to \'think\' we are allies. Two birds and one stone.

Eyes narrowing, I smiled as she spoke. "Do you know who they were?"

"I\'m afraid not. However, I did sense a demonic aura around them.

"That makes sense," the messenger added. " From what a few angels are saying, there seemed to be a devil amongst the corpses."

"Send me the full report," Valice uttered.

"Already done," the messenger said, vanishing from where he knelt.

"Arsene Snow\'s appearance, Raziel\'s wrath, and now those two strange angels whose power seems to surprise even ours. What in the world is going on." She whispered, folding her arms over her chest, with pursed lips.

"An interesting conversation we\'ll have soon," I said, chuckling, enjoying the narrowing of her dark black eyes, devouring light as she stared.

"Good night Mr. Blackwater."

"Goodnight, Mrs. Black. Till the dawn rises." I replied, making my way towards my room and pulling out my holocube when I entered my housing.

"I will not speak about my master," Was the first thing Avar said, as an azure hologram appeared, of her serene expression.

"This isn\'t about Zariel," I replied. " I was just attacked by a squad caring Genisis gear. Who also seem to know my identity."

Avar\'s eyes narrowed as she frowned, twirling her minty hair, " I see. Do you know who attacked you?"

"Court of Nox, an organization found in the Bed of Chaos. They were a problem before I entered the Abyss, but with my current strength, I could kill them with a snap. Or so I thought when they attacked me today."

Avar lips curled down as a virtual scream appeared in front of her. " The equipment atomized the moment they were in the hands of the Angels for longer than ten seconds. But based on the report I\'m seeing and the images that were taken at the scene, there is no doubt this gear belongs to us. However, I don\'t understand what it is you are asking. "

"Who the hell gave the weapons to the Court of Nox?" I snapped, feeling my patients being tested.

"The way genesis is formed, there is no way for me to know without proper clearance." She said in a flat tone. "I\'m an admiral. What happens in our home world is of no consequence to me. However…" she paused, and her tone dropped, " Some of these weapons are military grade. I\'ll see what I can do."

"Avar," I hesitantly inquired. " What is it you do? How much power do you actually have in Genisis?"

"Well, as the Supreme Admiral, I have all the power but none of the power. If I say we are in a state of war, then everything is under my control. I don\'t deal with politics. I just kill," she said flatly. "As of right now, our president is leading our people till I say otherwise. as war is on the horizon, I\'ve some leeway."

"Thanks anyway, Avar. I know you\'ll think of something," I said, cutting the connection, before calling Freya, who answered almost immediately.


"Head to the Black Estate, and use the darkness to mask your location. If you are attacked, use all your power to flee, even if the enemy is a low god. Also, tell any Shadowfell in the city to go into hiding or keep their cover till I say otherwise."

"Confirmed," Replied Freya without asking questions.

"Good, head out now."

Hanging up, I looked up past the ceiling thinking of Zantar and Balor, who hadn\'t done anything since the attack. But it\'s now clear Raziel is a pawn in their scheme. Those dead eyes told me everything: Him stealing the Heavenly Throne, the Law of Concordance, which Zantar and Balor should have had. All of this stems from those two fallen.

I shook my head. "There\'s no use thinking of it. We are on the same side till the gates open. I need to survive that. Before anything else."

Falling into the lotus position, I narrowed my eyes as I opened my palm just above my lap and produced a multitude of tiny black embers. That slowly transformed into flames that didn\'t feel hot nor cold but relatively empty.

The flames shimmering like wood on the fire crackled as the flames began burning reality itself. Laws and concepts started to recede in fear.

"Arsene." A voice called, startling me as I looked up at the masked man.

"Zero," I said, shaken by his arrival. "Why are you here?"

"To ensure Mephisto has not compromised you." He replied, approaching me while I rested with my legs crossed. "You\'ve been learning from him for about a hundred years. And I\'ve got a suspicion he\'ll approach you tomorrow to continue your lesson from earlier."

"And you know this how?"

I could feel a smile linger behind his mask as he handed me a small black talisman," Keep this on you at all times. And try not to die. You\'ll ruin everyone\'s plan if you do."

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