
Chapter 700 Petty Officer - The Twelfth Plane

Cannon fire hailed over the black skies, tearing trees existing for thousands of years, if not hundreds of thousands of years, from the ground, turning them to ash that fluttered the skies in a haze of lethal death. As the twin suns of this realm began to set on the bridge, a challenging, evenly stern voice sounded.

"That shall be enough," Captain Soral commanded.

Quickly acting, I gave a full report of the damage to the planet below, " Sir, ninety-seven percent of all life forms have been exterminated in a seven-kilometer radius. We are also picking up on Seventh Generation Holocubes."

"Seventh?" Captain Soral repeated. He turned to me with piercing blue eyes. "Are you sure?" He said to confirm, and I nodded, "Where the hell are we?"

"Did you not hear the announcement?" A voice cold and sweet that sent a chill down my spine sounded. Standing just ahead of the captain, near the ship\'s helm, her hand poised behind her back, draped in a piercing white uniform, Avar Limm stood. Long lime green hair tied neatly, while beneath her left eye stood a masterful work of cybernetics that ran like a moon arc, from the corner of her eye, trailing down her cheeks at the center of the arc-like a tear.

Appearing no different from a tattoo, but with the added benefit of actually being helpful, Avar Limm\'s cybernetics hummed with a blue light that matched her sky blue eyes that at times held an amethyst glow. Somewhat short, without any muscles, and a lean figure, her uniform wrapped tightly around her, no officer aboard the bridge dared to meet her icy gaze. But the respect held by Avar was, without a doubt, the highest.

"Admiral," Soral started, his gaze locked onto the ash unfolding like clouds, " This must surely be a game our enemies have carried out against us."

"And what enemies would that be?" Avar Limm remark, her tone sharp and crispt for all to hear, yet soft, leading some to believe her to be fragile, if not weak. A foolish thought." No, captain." She said with unblinking eyes." I think we\'re indeed in the Abyss, at least a relatively safe zone. How fascinating. Send out a squad, and secure the Area."

"If I may," Soral hesitantly said, " What was the point of bombarding this area?"

"How else will we build a base without even land,\' said Avar softly. "We were attacked without rime or reason. It will seem we were thrown into a war between low-tech civilizations." A pause left her lips, and Avar gaze landed on me, " Petty Officer, Orian," she addressed, " Hack into these Seventh Generation Holocubes without a Keslor Crystal."

"Yes, sir,\' I swiftly said, running my fingers over the control panel, only for my brow to furrow as I locked onto the growing signal that seemed to originate from some of the deepest of our archives.

"Problem, Petty officer?" Said Captain Soral.

"Its encrypted, Captain,"

"I would hope so, Petty Officer. That\'s why the admiral asked you to hack into it. It\'s only a seventh-generation; there should be no issue." Soral snapped and stepped towards my terminal, where his eyes turned wide.

"It\'s a model from Noctem?" He whispered, but the disbelief was quite visible in his heart. "That\'s impossible; run it again—"

"No need. Why can\'t we hack into it?" Admiral Avar calmly asked, a smile over her delicate features.

"They are using an image modulator, based on an image from the soul as a lock. Usually, we could use easily archaic technology, by piecing various images together, for an almost ninety percent success rate, but—"

"But it seems like the image doesn\'t seem to exist in the universe?" Avar interjected.

"Yes, Sir."

"Give me a scan of the planet, and where is my search party." Captain Soral thundered as all hands went on deck. "Send out some Nanomechs, find me this Holocube that seemed as old as our connection with Iluthath."

My eyes locked onto the virtual screen before my eyes as a 3D model of the world slowly began to appear. But before any of us could do anything, the image was corrupted.

"My God, you guys are monsters," A voice said, and a surge of energy flared, as a silver-headed woman, with amethyst eyes appeared.

"No one move," Avar calmly said, her gaze stern, observing the strange woman that seemed to eclipse the stars, with a beauty no man nor god should possess. "How did you get through our barriers and wardings? Lilith, I presume?

Nodding her head, she glanced around with marvel, \'Sorry, but I had to take a look. Never before have I seen such a great ship. Everything is so white." She exclaimed, staring at the interior of our starship, "it\'s so clean."

"You here to kill us?" Avar calmly asked.

"Nope," She said, "That would be against my own rules, but if you wish to learn more about that cube, more about Noctem, I suggest you stop raining fire over my land and look west. I did not think your presence would be such a force of destruction." Shaking her head, Lilith peered up and drew a little closer, " Such an interesting race you are. Seems like this festival is going to be far more interesting than I think. Arsene Snow will be there to answer any question you want. I am sure you can persuade him to speak.\' She said and vanished before without any indication.

Avar narrowed her eyes and turned to leave, " prepare my cruiser. I want this base ready within an hour. We have the materials. Get a sample of the dirt, trees, and anything else of value. There is much to learn." She commanded, stepping off the bridge.

Whispers were quick to spread as many of my comrades slowly began to discuss amongst each other, the concern quite evident in their voices. If this was truly the abyss, none of us were getting out of here. No one. Except for maybe Avar.

Clenching my fist, Captain Soral patted my shoulder and shook his head, " Get us a lock on that holocube, Petty Officer, Orian. You will be our eyes and ears on the ground.\' he explained, and I solemnly nodded.

"Sir, Yes, Sir." I saluted.

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