
Chapter 515: Azeroth - Prologue of War

Chapter 515: Azeroth - Prologue of War

Is it worth it? Just getting the Origin Crystal, I already had? Screw Arsene, Screw Lilith, Screw Asmodeus, all I want to do is sleep and study that damn Crystal when I feel like it.

Yet, for some reason, Sera is here drawing her blade. "I want my brother\'s soul," she said, eyeing me with her misty eye.

Out of all the Arch-Angels, I swear Sera is the most tolerable. She doesn\'t behave with a stick up her ass like the rest. That may be the reason I let her go last time.

"Arsene holds with him the Devil Soul of a Prince of Hell. Are we also not in the same boat?" Drar\'ethiul added.

Sending a particular glance towards the Devil I could not be bothered to address, I shifted my attention back to Sera.

"Sera, if you attack now. This planet will surely die, but Arsene will live." I claimed, finding it harder to fly. Man, I need a nap.

"Times are changing Azeroth," Sera uttered, lowering her weapon. Creasing my brow at the deadly shift in the air, she continued. "I am no longer the new Arch-Angel you once battle alongside, my brother. The Laws of Concordance is gone, and we are free."

I smiled, "So you finally did it, huh? Shame, I wonder how many fallen this will breed. Guess this is where everything changes. However, Angel, do you think the natural order will change because of this? We devils and Demons have struggled for the longest to grow. Simply recreating your Laws will do you know good."

Seraphina lifted her blade and pulled at the scarf around her neck. Letting her neck breathe, she grew solemn and fearless. "I am getting my brother back, Azeroth."

"I swear, why can\'t the angels be like everyone else and simply wait till the wedding." Said the scornful voice of Arsene.

Startling everyone, a being with two enormous wings unlike anything I had seen upon a devil or Demon soared into the skies reaching Drar\'s side in a matter of seconds; he narrowed his eyes. "Greeting Lady Seraphina. Allow me to introduce myself."

"No need. You will soon be ahead upon my blade."

Arsene shrugged, "I heard that plenty of times. But hear me out, what are you going to do about the two Fallens hiding in the shadows?"

"What are you talking about?" Sera startlingly said.

"Don\'t tell me none of you have gone out to make some treaties with the other Planes. Or did the Shadow and King refuse an audience?" He darkly mentioned with a chilling smile.

"Another devil\'s ploy! The last Fallen was killed by the—"

"Asmodeus, Baphomet, Azeroth, and Levi-Chan?" Arsene finished, grinning from ear to ear. "Seems like this is but another thing the Angels are not aware of."

Crackling with a bit of laughter Drar, spoke up, "Now this is quite the theory, Arsene. Who would believe such a thing?"

"So even the great Prince of Deceit doesn\'t know. But you, of all people, should be able to tell if I am lying. So tell me, Drar am I lying."

Is this true? It seems a lot of stuff happened while I was asleep, or maybe I wasn\'t listening. Baphomet, like Asmodeus, likes their voice. They never stop talking.

Drar stared heavily, growing a bit pale at the recent news. "Your—"

"Awesome? Total badass? Yes, I know, and I do accept your apology. Arsene Snow doesn\'t lie." He said with a blatant lie. All devils lie; it\'s what we do.

Passing my hands through my hair, I shot a lazy glance towards Sera, whose expression couldn\'t be paler. "I-I-I will not take the word of the devil."

"Come now. I am not so bad." Both Drar and Arsene said in sync.

Shooting each other a glare, Arsene held a cheeky smile, "I do employ you not to listen to me, but it\'s only a matter of time before you find out. SO why not simply confirm now, before it\'s too late. It would be a shame if you sent an Arch-Angel, only for them to be killed. You Angels seem to be the type to attack first ask question later."

"They have their mission, and I have mine," Arching her blade towards Arsene, the Devil in the face of the flaming sword chuckled.

"I am but a shadow, here to distract you while I make a quick escape. Thanks for that, by the way." He said, vanishing like a shadow appearing in the light. "Although I do expect to see you at the wedding, I have a surprise for the entire cult of Angels."

"If I didn\'t like my head, I would tell you, but Asmodeus would kill me. Till we meet again, on the day of the wedding Lady Seraphina." Said Drar disappearing in a mist of demonic smoke.

"So, is this done?" Tang Feng hastily asked, alongside Sultan. "No planetary destruction?"

"Man, I hope so; I just want to sleep. You guys talk a lot. This is why I like demons more; they just kill."

"Is what Arsene and Drar said true?" Sera feebly asked, a little unsure of herself.

"All Devil lies has some truth to it. So please take what you can from his words." I answered, noticing her blade hanging low to her ankles.

Arching her head towards the skies, I narrowed my gaze at the string of divinity flowing into her mind.

So this was a plot. But for what? To find out information? Or to see who all was hiding. The latter would make more sense. Although, I don\'t think Arsene was trying to hide any of this. Whatever it has nothing to do with me.

"Farewell, Devil," Seraphina uttered, vanishing in a flicker of light.

"Thank the stars!" Tang Fang cried, "Damn, that was close."

"Yet you saw fit to side with a Devil once again," shouted Sultan.

Rolling my eyes at this irrelevant conversation, I snapped, summoning a world gate. Moving was too much of a hassle, so this is the next best thing. Letting the gate swallow me whole, I once more appeared in my room.

Falling to the bed, a smile appeared on my lips, "I\'m just going to take a small nap... two million years after that, I will get back the Origin Crystal."

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