
Chapter 289: Shadow Heart

Chapter 289: Shadow Heart

"I am alive?"

Opening my sights, I felt a little detached. It was night, yet I was not where I was before but rather within my chambers resting upon my bed. Hoisting my body up, a few strands of dark-colored hair filled with a faint ashen blemish appeared within my sights.

Slowly stepping into the mirror, I watched myself, watch me. I stood a little over two meters in height. My face had not changed much aside from my hair shifting to obsidian black, holding a strand of ashen all around. My eyes, however, had changed; they were no longer crimson but a soul-devouring black. With my emblem embedded into both my pupils, it was no longer a simple ring but rather a string of complex runes twisting overlapping with one another.

"What the hell? Didn\'t I just form a Mortal Dao? Why did my entire body change?" I could not help but ask.

"You evolved. You are a soul bender, after all. To awaken your mortal Dao within your soul means to alter your body, so is the nature of soul benders, but Is that not what you wanted from your body? To evolve without any form of limit?" A voice from the void echoed. It was cold, almost lifeless, holding no emotion.


"You already know the answer to that." It said, causing a crease to appear upon my face, "Head to the Isle of Yu\'drul. I grow tired of waiting. "

"You are not my brother."

"No, but one who shares your gift. One who also has the ability to adapt." He answered, falling silent. Yet his words still continued to resound within my soul.

Flama did say this power I hold was held by another. So he was related to me. Turning away from the mirror, I stepped outside upon the patio. To feel the gentle breeze against my skin.

"How long are you going to watch me?" I asked, feeling everything within my sights was a part of my zone. The subtle flow of qi, the faint, almost none existence tremor of space, I could feel and, in a way, control it all.

"You noticed?" Fraya said, appearing by my side.

Turning my head towards the Goddess of Love, my sights fell not upon her but rather her heart. It was crying, festering with hate and malice. A deep loathing but not at me. No, it was directed somewhere.

Slowly information I never knew appeared within my head, a face not seen since the War of Demons and Devils. Odin, the all-father, clenching an innocent Freya\'s throat. She begged, she screamed, yet was only met an excitement fueled by lust as he threw her upon the ground tearing her clothing away. Her first time, I believe.

"Arsene?" Freya called out.

Not saying a word, I came to understand the shadow of truth within her heart, her fears, and her will. Devil Hearts were not necessarily evil. They were the self dought, the remorse, the mistakes we contemplate every day. And Freya... her personality is founded upon a devil heart.

"Freya, how is the Court of Nox doing?"

Taking a step back, Freya frowned with alert eyes. "Why do you asked?" She questioned, confused as to why she seemed to be so defensive.

"I would like to know what they are giving you? You are, after all, working with me as well. I think it\'s only fair I know as well, don\'t you?" I muttered, drawing closer, feeling an unfamiliar control rising within me the moment I peered into her broken heart.

Freya, her very personality was founded upon her experience. The innocent she once held corrupted, the love she had for the All-father a lie, the child she should care for a stain upon her name. Everything about her was a lie, a persona she created to hide or rather fight against reality.

Shaking before my intense gaze, Freya\'s breath grew a little raged, "Your gaze... when did it become so frightening?" She asked, trying to play to my ego.

Smiling, I turned towards the stars, "Freya, do you know what your greatest desire is?" I inquired, knowing she herself did not know.

Feeling my gaze not upon her, a relief she did not express upon her face fill her heart. "The Vanir throne, I have never tried to hide that."

"Oh really, I would think it would be revenge," I whispered, licking my lips at the shutter that passed through her. "revenge against your husband!"

"HE IS NOT MY HUSBAND!" Freya screamed, consuming the skies with her divinity. Shaking the very realm of Midgard with her absolute power. "He is not my husband! Not anymore, not anymore!"

"Yet his hold still lives within you. Don\'t you think he has already won even while dead? Look at you, can you say you are the same little girl you once were?"

"I.. no, what does that matter?"

"What if I could give you your wish?" I softly stated, turning to capture her distraught appearance with my gaze. " What if... Just what if I could gift you him? Odin, that is."

Watching the malice burning brighter within her heart, a wave of newfound strength began to rise within me. I could feel her wrath and her lust for blood-consuming her mind. Her heart was mine, the Sin of Lust for his blood, the raging Wrath she held all of it within her was fueling my body. Freya, the walking Devil heart... she was mine.

Pulling the strings of her heart, I lifted her chin, "I will not make you a deal, Freya. No, not yet. Not when your so distraught, go and think." I said, wishing for the sins burning bright to fester. So is the way of a Devil Heart.

Leaving the Goddess of Love to her wonder, I made for my throne my eyes upon the many demons within my halls. Watching the torment of their souls burning in an infinite cycle of torture. Demons and Devils were said to hold no Devil\'s heart, but could it be because they themselves are tormented souls? Creatures are shadows of their former selves. It\'s not that they are immune to it, but instead, they are more willing to accept the change allowing them to fall deeper into their depravity, knowing they cannot change what they are. The insanity that is born from demons, the ruthless disregard for life, all of it stems from a simple truth.

Coming to a halt, I turned towards my blackened throne, "I should not call this ability the power of a devil\'s heart... For I have Fused the Seven sins together, with the Dao of kings, and numerous other concepts... I shall call this Shadow Heart. For it allows me to see the shadows of the past. The darkest secrets that are hidden by those lost in their madness."

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