
Chapter 241: Odd Journey

Chapter 241: Odd Journey

"Abaddon?" The handsome man repeated, "What a strange name? It sounds a little dark. Does it have a meaning?"

"I do not know?" I whispered, struggling to speak as a wave of exhaustion consumed me. Feeling my body growing heavier, I backed away, trying not to fall into my vomit. Hitting a tree, I slid down as I closed my eyes once more.




Regaining consciousness, I slowly arose upon an uncomfortable bed. Removing the comforters from my body, I rushed up, looking at my milky white hands. Feeling everything was different, I felt a little out of place.

"I need souls; I used all of mine with that deal," I muttered in a warry tone. Killing off that entire city was quite lucrative, but all of that was gone. "Wait, why am I here?"

Regaining focus on my surroundings, my mind-melded into the darkness. Looking at the small encampment filled with around fifty young men and women, I scrunched my brow.

Taking out my phone, I looked at the day and the few hundred miss calls and messages. Shaking my head, I sent a message to Ezra telling her I was fine. Although I was a little annoyed, she didn\'t even come to find me. That was a dick move. I was out for about a month and a half.

Rolling my eyes, I felt around my new body chuckling at my success. There was a massive change, whether it was my mind processing information faster, my connection with nature, or my newfound inherent memories.

Streams of spells and Artes regarding swords and bows filled my brain as I gasped in shock. Looking through the runes and inscriptions, I could not help but cry a little. My Demonic Bloodline was useless due to how weak I was. Sure it had its moments, but I was far too weak to use any of it.

"No more are the days of me being defenseless during training. No more are the days of being spell less. I am finally able to learn!!!" I cheered in a joyful tone.

Walking out of my average-looking tent in a happy stride, I could not help but feel joyful about my recent victory.

Staring around without much care, my mind flashed back to the man I saw before I fell asleep. Scrunching my brow at the bloody robes of the disciples around me, I could not help but chuckle.

"The Blooded Association? Now that is kinda fucked up." I hummed, making my way towards the massive aura a few meters away.

Walking closer towards the large yet elegant bloody tent, I smiled as I saw two large guards glaring at me with cold intent.

"Wait here, Abaddon. I shall inform the Sect Master of your awakening." One of them coldly said as I nodded in response.

Waiting a few seconds, I silently observed the other guard glaring at me. Flaring his Heavenly Realm, I could not help but smirk, wondering what he was trying to accomplish.

"Abaddon, come in." A voice called out as the guard allowed me through.

Stepping in, I quickly took note of the man I saw before sitting in the lotus position drinking tea, along with a familiar girl with long purple hair.

"Tell me, Abaddon, what is a peak Gate of Life doing all alone? You are only sixteen, yet you are so powerful. It\'s quite a feat to be active at your age."

Cuffing my arms, I smiled, "I am from the Vanir Clan, on a journey. However, I was badly injured by this Arsene fellow."

Turning to me, the young girl, who I think her name was Sigurda, yelled, "WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF ARSENE!!"

Sending the girl a deep stare, I returned my gaze back to the Sect Master, "After that, I came upon a lucky chance and received some soul damage. Thank you for helping me." I thankfully exclaim in a humble tone.

Watching me for a while, I could not help but feel a little awkward before the Sect Master spoke," You are lying; the Vanir would never send such a weak disciple out on a journey."

Shrugging, I took out the emblem of I took from Silvia... for research purposes, "I am a part of the House of Scara. I work directly under Silvia Scara. I can essentially do as I please as long as it\'s not too abrasive."

Watching as his gaze opened wide in shock, Sigurda quickly closed her mouth while the sect master spoke, "Forgive me than Abaddon. "

Shaking my head, I smiled, "There is nothing to forgive, Sect Master. You helped me out plenty, but can you tell me where I am?" I asked in a light tone sending the quiet Sigurda a deep glance.

"We are just outside the Forst of Melimiota." He said with a respectful tone, "Since we found you, we have been traveling towards the Vally of Tomra. There we have another branch that will grant sanctuary. We have already contacted them, and it will take about two more weeks to arrive.

Narrowing my gaze, I pondered for a moment, "Do you mind if I travel with you? I am quite a chef; I am more than willing to make food for those around me." I responded with a vibrant smile.

Scrunching her brow in disdain, Sigurda sneered, "you cook? Is that not something commoners do?" She spoke without a hint of respect.

Sending the Sect master a look who looks like he was about the rage, I simply smiled, "If you feel that way, don\'t eat. I enjoy cooking; whether it\'s for commoners, we all need to eat."

Glaring at me, I shrugged as the Sect master laughed, "You are quite down to earth. Fine, but please do not take offense to my daughter; she is quite arrogant."

"No offense taken, she will understand every man has something they just love to do. Some play piano, some paint, while other battles. It does not matter if you are a commoner or not. At the end of the day, we all are the same."

"Well said, boy!!!" the Sect Master yelled in surprise. However, Sigurda was not there yet as she glared at me. Sending her a cute wink, I took my leave, never losing my smile.

Looking up at the night skies, I could not help hum as I made my way back to my tent.

"This is going to be an Odd Journey."

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