
Chapter 236: The Trickster God

Chapter 236: The Trickster God

"I can\'t do it," Ezra muttered in an annoyed tone, "He is at a higher realm than I. You or Lilith will have to do it. None of you can be tracked or watched unless—"

"That\'s why I ask you, Ezra. We cannot take the chance of it being a puppet. A devil child I can deal with but not a puppet. This is war; we are fucking killing everyone. Kill and ask their souls later. I will relay any information I have from those I killed."

Teleporting back to the forest of Melimiota, a chilling air consumed me as I spoke, "Loki, don\'t you think it\'s time we finally speak to one another?"

Not hearing a word or sound, a sinister light began to consume my gaze, "Fine, but I find it odd that the Trickster God is being fooled. It seems like your divinity is behind, more so than I thought."

"You truly have a mouth upon you." A deep voice suddenly called out from behind me. Narrowing my gaze towards the being, I once saw within the auction house. I didn\'t bother to show any emotion as he drew closer.

"What are you talking about?" He asked in an amusing tone.

"During my time within Midgard, there are many things I learned regarding the Gods, especially the Aesir Gods. One being the hatred you and Heimdal share for one another. ."

Losing his earlier amusement, Loki snorted, "I do not hate him, but he has been interfering with all my plans since my birth. He is quite infuriating, but there is no real bad blood between us."

"Loki, it is accurate to say you are the reason for this war, but why did Heimdal, the all-seeing God, not try to interfere? Am I missing something? Freya made it sound like there was no one to stop... Oh, Shit."

"Son of a bitch" Loki yelled before bellowing in laughter, "They got us!!! It\'s not just Hiemdel, but it seems the Norns are helping him. They should have predicted this. Those bitches really got me!"

"Who are these Norns," I asked as I had never heard such a term.

"A bunch of bitches that need some dick." Loki annoyingly spat, "Have you ever heard of Ragnarok? Those are the bitches that told us about it. They are the Gods of Fate. Being able to see the future, past, and present. Both Heimdall and they share a similar power."

Sneering, I suddenly released a smile, "So what will you do with this info?"

"Nothing, I don\'t care about what happens! I am a lord of Chaos, and it seems like Heimdal has finally joined the dark side."


"I figured you would say that, but if I can give you a bigger war that does not just consume the mortals, but every single creature within the Nine Realms that Yiggdrsill holds." I asked in a cruel manner, "One of my thralls said that the Bifrost is closed due to the Will of the Gods. Is that true?"

Opening his eyes wide, I could see a powerful tremor trace his body, "What would happen if they were all open at the same time. We do not need to institute a war, for it is already here. Suppose I can force these gates open. Every single realm will be consumed in your war. It will no longer be a civil war, but a realm war and Midgard will be the focal point."

"That is—"

"I am not asking if it is possible but whether you, Loki, are interested. We have two monstrous Demons. Opening the bridges should be a simple task for them; they have already linked a teleportation rune to it. I see no reason they can\'t open the world Gates."

Scrunching his eyes, a deep gleam sprung from his gaze as he looked up, "What is stopping Hemdel from watching us now?"

"Does it matter, Loki? It\'s a gamble, work with me or remain in the dark playing with your scheme." I lightly whispered as my body began to fade, "Come to me when you decided; however, even without you, my war will continue on."

Flashing back to my hotel, I could not help but curse beneath my breath. Having Loki as an ally would be wonderful; as a Trickster, I am sure he is quite adept at schemes, not to mention his age. That experience is invaluable.

Tapping my fingers against my chin, I stared up at the rising sun in the distance. Feeling the rays against my skin, I began informing Ezra of what I wished for her to accomplish as I remained still pondering our next plan.

Suddenly a dark thought came to me as my body vanished, appearing within the throne room of the Jarl. Narrowing my gaze out at the familiar faces, I didn\'t bother to acknowledge Shana, Drulan, and the others as my cold words sounded.

"Get out! Geir, we need a word."

Scrunching his brow Geir stared deeply into my eyes with deep malice, yet he was not the first to speak as Drulan stepped forward.

"Lord Snow—"

"Drulan, during any other time, I would love to speak to you; unfortunately, I am quite busy. Geir, I am waiting."

Clenching his teeth, Geir waved his hand as many gritted their teeth. Drulan didn\'t seem to do much as he walked past me, sending me a deep glance. Not minding, I waited for the room to clear before I spoke.

"Your army, what is its purpose?" I asked in a cunning fashion.

Narrowing his gaze, I could see the folds of fat cover his eyes as he arose from his throne in a jiggling puff, "You walk into my home, kick out my men, now dare ask what my army is for? Arsene, while we may be allies, do not push me!"

Releasing a burst of hollow laughter that seemed to captivate the chilling air around me, I sneered, "Gier, I am in no mood for these games. In case you haven\'t figured it out yet. there are only two reasons as to why my people haven\'t killed you."

"One, it is to train Ezra, and two, the knowledge you hold regarding the realm. A lich is quite the vessel of Knowledge, but do not test me, Geir. I am quite forgiving, but everything has its limit."

Clenching his teeth, the skin upon Geir began to melt as his true form appeared before me. Giving me a chilling gleam from the golden flames that were his eyes. My gaze held steadfast as he bitterly nodded without choice.

"Good, now tell me, Gier. What was the reason for this army?" I repeated once more.

"I needed a sea of bodies to start claiming land. With the Civil War with the Vanir and Aesir clans running wild many powers are starting to rise and fall. Their hands are truly tied, even if it doesn\'t seem so. Oceans of Crimson are being formed as we speak. My army was for me to—"

"I get it, Geir. You are greedy for land and power." I coldly interrupted as he confirmed,

"yes, these lands are filled with ES and various forms of Relics from the gods."

Snorting at his response, I could see his soul glimmer with power as I approached with a hint of grace within my steps, "So here is the deal Geir, I turn you into a demon or devil, and you keep your freedom, and your soul, but you must join Vavictus. You must work with us till our order is buried and gone!"

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