
Chapter 183: First

Chapter 183: First

Watching as the light fade from Erika\'s eyes, my smile deepened as my elder ring formed deep within her soul. Knowing she was now mine, my smile only deepened as I finally allowed Orion to speak his mind.

"NO, GOD NO, WHY WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!!!!! FREYA, THOR, ODIN, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!" He begged as I felt a rush of pleasure from his suffering. Watching him cradled his lovely wife, I didn\'t feel pity nor remorse. This was, after all my nature, cultivation, to put it simply, is about becoming narrow-minded. It pushes all your earlier feeling and understands to another level. If you are a bad person, it will turn you into a monster. It enforces your ideology, evolving you to the best or worse possible creature you can be.

Not even those that follow the path of light are free of this. There cannot be a middle ground because your Dao Heart is who you are. If you believe all your actions are justified by god or yourself, then so it shall be from your perspective. To me, cultivation is one of cruels forms of the mind that most do not realize. It\'s the perfect method of warping your morals or ideology as the only way of growing stronger is to reinforce the likes and dislikes of your life.

Sending a capricious look towards Zanris, who simply turned her head in shame, I snickered as Lilith laughed, "Can I also mark her? I want her as well. She would make a wonderful addition when I start raising my own Demons."

"Can you make an abyssal demon?" I curiously asked, imagining one of the most feared creatures at Lilith\'s control.

"I don\'t know, but I can make slaves...Naw you keep her, I\'ll find my own. She is too innocent for me, and I don\'t really care for breaking them like you, but it is enjoyable watching you do it... it adds some dramatic flair.

"You truly are a wonder. I wonder who needs more psychological help, you or me?" I remarked, gazing at Erika as Orion wrapped her arms around her.

"Now now, no need for tears. It\'s not like I will prostitute her...Well, I can\'t promise that... Why am I explaining this to you? You\'re a fucking slave, a plaything." I spat, rolling my eyes at my idiocy. "Erika, go gather your most loyal followers. Orion prepare me something that will help me recover my qi. It\'s about to be a long night, and I have work tomorrow."

With a delectable smile, the sun slowly began to rise as I began turning all of Orion\'s courtyard into my slaves. Since I had no upper limit, it had only taken three hours to turn everyone within his courtyard into a slave before I moved on to the other elder\'s families.

They were a little difficult, but the process never really changed. I started with the younger generation, mainly the children and babies that could not defend themselves. Using them as leverage, I slowly made my way up the spectrum turning everyone into my slaves, stopping at the elders. This process was truly not that hard aside from the few Zanris and Orion had to knockout; everything went perfect. Leaving me an army of a few thousand. Although about two hundred were children with low cultivation... these people really know how to have babies.

"But it is a major family," I tried to justified feel my connection pulsing at my intent.

Those at Elemental Star were different; I needed not just to trap them but think of a way of what to do if they refuse my contract. Not everyone was as cold as me, and most of these elders were over a thousand years. Some were bound to be bastards that would ignore every one of their bloodline dying out. Although I can\'t blame them, they can always rebuild.

Currently, there were about nine Elder\'s not including Orion. Two of them were women making things even more difficult. Men were easy to deal with, but women could be difficult when they held power. They did a lot to get to the top; forcing them back down is even more difficult. Whores get rid of men, but women are far different creatures, especially when they are cold.

Staring at Orion with a broken light, I snorted as he shook in fear. "Tell me who is the kindest elder. There must be a few that would give up anything for their clan."

With a crazed laugh, I watched as Orion\'s soul began to turn darker. Not minding, I waited as he began slowly telling me about all nine elders, including the patriarch.

"The kindest Elder is Vamp. He is located within the library, but he is also the oldest and most experienced. He has a close affinity with the younger children. The next is Halmor; while he is vicious, he holds great respect for all those around him..."

Smirking as Orion continued, I gazed at the sun slowly rising as my smile began to increase. Making up my mind, I slowly patted Liliths behind as she slowly rose from my lap. Stretching her muscles, she grinned, "Need my help?"

"Kinda... I need Captain\'s Vis\'s help. I need a list of all the major families, but I want you to return to Asterion."

"Huh?" Shocked at my request, I nodded in confirmation.

"My movements are being monitored, so it\'s hard for me to do things, especially with my upcoming trials, but I want you to start with your army there. Turn them into slaves and experiment on them. We need to know if abyssal creatures are real. Them suddenly turning into Gods is impossible, but if they change races, we would have an army of the two most unstoppable beings. "

Pondering for a while, Lilith nodded, "Fine, but Arsene, do note most of my time will have to be spent here. There will be some younger Devils and Demons visiting, and you will die if they see you. The Nines are ruthless, and a variant soul like yours is..."

"I don\'t plan on being a demon/devil for long. It will be impossible to see me as such once I\'m done." I coldly said, Looking down at Silvia\'s sleeping face, " She has one of the highest bloodlines for elves; while she was born in Midgard, she will do perfectly."

"Are you sure? Elves do not even enter the top hundred races. While they have a high affinity to the Dao of Nature, there are better races." Lilith said with a frown.

"I know, but how many of them own their own Emblem? She is not just any normal High Elf." I lightly said slitter her wristed as blood ran for into a vial I prepared. "Although I will say, it\'s not about her Emblem, but rather the Dao of Nature itself. I believe such a Dao could be game-changing."

Shrugging her shoulders, Lilith sighed, "I still hate her...dumb bitch ruin our night." She cutely said, lightly kicking the girl on the floor as though she was a child. "Whatever, I have stuff to do. See you tonight, Arsene."

With a wave, Lilith began to fade as she sent me a cute wink before vanishing. Pursing my lips, I rolled my eyes. "One day... One day."

"Master?" Erika said, "What is my mission?"

Sending a side glance to Orion, I smirked as he shivered. Snorting, my body began to overflow with Demonic Qi as it flew into Zanris, Orion, and Erika. Watching them pale, I smile as I felt a link with them.

"Bael, is this the way to turn people into demons and Devils? Just take the souls if it\'s less than a thousand." I asked, waiting for bael to respond.

"Yes, but it\'s a slow way. Demons and Devils are essentially soul entities that slowly began to affect our bodies. That\'s why you look human compared to other demons. It was your soul that was the first to get corrupted, then your body. The fastest way of turning someone is using your Soulforce or normal soul qi to corrupt the soul. Qi of Heaven and Earth is the slowest and most impractical way of making one of ours."

With a glint that held a vicious light, my lips rose as I flashed, appearing in front of Zanris in an instant. Placing my hands upon her head, my body pulsed with the sin and the Will of the NInes.


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