
Chapter 90: Her Touch?

Chapter 90: Her Touch?

Rushing back to my room, I beamed in joy as I felt soul force racing through my body. It was something that could not be explained, yet as I felt its gentle force, I understood it was simply my will but something more, something deeper.

Sitting in the lotus position, my mind fell into a trance as I appeared inside Eternal Night, or at least it was what I called it. It was a place I had frequented many times, but it was only now I knew it was truly my soul.

This the place I met with Bael. It was the place I appeared when my mother activated my demon bloodline. And it is the place where the darkness invaded. I have been here so many times.

"Dark soul force...is that a thing," I asked as I felt comfort from Mother. My mind ran a hundred times faster and sharper. My power was insane to the point I may be able to battle saint realm cultivator.

The only problem was that Soulforce was insanely small; I could only last about a minute or two when applying it to my body. Yet, I knew that it was only at its infancy stage.

Gazing around at the void, I suddenly heard an inaudible voice and a gentle warmth that put shame the feeling mother(darkness) gave me. Opening my eyes, I frowned at my empty room. Touching my lips, my heart quivered as I looked towards Yura\'s room.

"Naw, it can\'t be her...Can it?" Shaking my head, I arose, rushing into a cold shower as I felt my entire body running abnormally hot. I was not too fond of cold showers, but at this moment, I felt it was one of the best experiences I would ever have as I gazed annoyingly at my dragon, ready for war.

Stepping out of the shower, I dawned my uniform before snapping, "Shadow, was anyone within my room?"

Puzzled, Shadow shook his head, "no, my lord, we picked up on zero lifeforms." he confirmed as he stared at me with confusion.

Touching my lips, I smiled as I felt my heart began to beat again. Shaking my head, I cleared that thought as I turned to shadow, "How long till we meet up with victoria and the other shits from the academy of war?"

"Two days\'s my lord, but we may have a problem...It\'s in regards to someone named Edain." shadow hesitantly said, " I know he is my lord\'s friend, but..."

"Kill that fucker if he interferes," I yelled, "The hell will friends get me. He is a good pawn, but I don\'t need him. There are many seventh-ranked Earth realm warriors within Asterion. Monster or not, he dies if he interferes."

"But is he not one of Yura\'s brothers." shadow declared, shutting me up. Remembering her teary face, I frowned...What the hell is wrong with me?

"Kill him, Shadow, if he interferes. this is not the time to be...to be emotional." I responded with a sour air.

Remember your lesson Arsene. Women are Evil!!... Down with your inner simp down with Simp Arsene. I\'m a man...although....No, no, focus!

"Have you gotten any information regarding Selma\'s plan? Yura humiliated him in pendragon, but it will be foolish to underestimate that man."

"WE have not, my lord," informed shadow with a hollow air, "but the Order of shadows are moving in hyper gear recently we may be in danger."

"Hmmm, let them be for now. What of Riverdale and the phoenix cunts?" I asked with a cruel smile filled with Venum.

"No word, even Dra\'s network has no news regarding their next move," Shadow said, bringing a cold grimace to my face.

"Than get some, and send someone to put Edain in his place," I commanded, walking towards the bridge.

Yet a frown soon appeared as I gazed at the depraved appearance of Marquess Wayee. Her eyes were all but stain with blood as she fell to her knees, "Please give me my children," she begged as blood flew from her skull.

Blackmail is such a cruel concept, but I truly wonder if she will play her part well, "Let\'s have a private dinner tonight. I have commanded my chiefs to prepare something rather special for you. I\'m sure it will remind you of the good days with your late husband."

Watching the hopefully stare of Jane, I smiled as she flickered away. Turning to one of my men, I narrowed my gaze, "Tell the cooks to take the remains of her husband and cook it. We should still have it in our inventory."

Staring at the horrid expression of my men, my hand slowly passed through his flesh, blasting the top half of his head off his body, "Get someone to clean this up and prepare for what I asked. I don\'t need emotion but an emotionless killer. I have trained you all for years, express your emotion in private, not before me."

Flickering away, I smiled as I felt soul force fade from my arm. It was honestly ridiculous how powerful this force was. Unfortunately, it came at a high price as I fell on my face, my mind all but confused and fussy.

"It takes time, Arsene. Soul bending is one of the hardest concepts to control. Even now, I can only last two minutes. With your control, you can last about 2 seconds." Yura exclaimed as she patted my back, helping me up with a hollow smile.

Sensing my mind clearing up, I gazed into amethyst as she seemed different. There was a dark air around her, unlike anything I have ever felt. An there were those catlike slit within her eyes glowing with a burning profound crimson hue.

"Yura? is everything going alright? your eyes...No something is completely different about you." I said, gently taking her hand. Pushing Qi into her body, I frowned as she suddenly jerked her arm away. Studding the ruby red ears, I tilted my head, "Yura?"

"It\'s fine...I\'m just awakening my bloodline." She weakly said, Yet I knew that was a lie. Her arm was hot, and there was a predatory gleam in her eyes.

"Don\'t lie to me, Yura...I may not consider the little rabble around you friends, but you are different." I explained, "Tell me what\'s wrong."

Seeing the hesitant look, I shook my head, "Fine, don\'t tell me, but will you be Ok."

"Yes, you will not be put in harm\'s way at my change...At least not you."Yura voiced with sadness as her body began to fade, "Tell me when we reach...I\'m going to ...cultivate."

It was strange, but I was a little angry at her reply. Walking into my room, I began absorbing Yin qi revolving around my black burning sun. Watching as my dantian slowly began growing, my thoughts never left Yura\'s odd behavior as I remembered our kiss. It was subtle, but I felt it...A connection that was always there.

Pushing it from my mind, a knock suddenly rang as I opened my door. "My lord, dinner is served. I have informed the others not to come as I believe this meal is just for Marquess Jane?"


Walking past my frightened guard, I appeared in the empty conference room, watching as a bewitching blonde graced me with her presence. Dressed in a dark blue dress that brought out her azure eyes, I smiled, taking a seat.

"Sit, my dear, we have much to talk about," I uttered with a devilish voice. Feeling the mark of sacrilege trying to act up. "Shall we start with your kids?"

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