
Chapter 853 Unexpected Visitor (8) - Slaves' Journey

"So, a pocket dimension or, like... it went into its own type of storage to avoid destruction?" Eldrian asked, seeking clarification.

"A pocket dimension would be the most accurate description."

"Then, how do I retrieve it?"

"You still have fragments of the original voidstone, do you not?"

Nodding, Eldrian took out the piece he still had on him. "Will this do?" He asked. Luckily, Solvi had only used a smaller fragment that she had broken off from the piece he had gotten from Agamemas and Zamia.

Nodding, Skepsi held out her hand and Eldrian gave the stone to her. Praying that he wasn\'t about to lose it, too. That would put him back to only having the Lightstone he got from Ashliel and himself as the element of time for the quest Kosmos.

"Don\'t worry, this won\'t consume the stone." Skepsi said, as if reading Eldrian\'s concern.

"I am simply using it as a guide to find the pocket dimension that your spear escaped to. Since it is still soul bonded with you, you only need to bring the stone to where the spear disappeared and supply enough mana in summoning the spear."

"How much mana is that going to be?" Eldrian asked, feeling an awful premonition upon seeing Skepsi\'s smirk.

"The best guarantee is to use a Mov Crystal to break through into the dimensional pocket. But, you might be able to crudely get away with using a large mana crystal."

Flinching, Eldrian sighed. He knew it wasn\'t going to be simple. Mov Crystals were extremely rare, not as much as magic crystals, but he had no idea how he would get one. \'Guess there is no helping to go to the capital to buy one...\'

The cost, however, wasn\'t going to be cheap. Understanding Eldrian\'s worries, Skepsi decided to throw him a bone. "Mov Crystals are often used when making dimension rings. They also form the foundation of teleportation arrays. It should be able to survive the strain."

\'Meaning, a large mana crystal will probably fracture on me? So trying to save money by going for it might fail and just lose me over a thousand gold?\'

"Thanks. Do you perhaps—"

"I think this was more than enough for today. Now, until you complete the first step of the quest, adieu."

With that, the purple-haired girl disappeared. However, the strange bed she had been sitting on remained, as did all the repairs on the now fresh looking house.

Eldrian took some time to investigate both, after which he headed back to Kynigo to prepare. Seems he couldn\'t ignore handing in his bounties any longer. Getting back Crystoi was certainly priority number one.

\'I should inform Solvi of the developments. She might want to come with to check what is happening... I wonder, would Boran be interested? He is still technically my teacher...\'

With those thoughts, Eldrian decided to make a detour at the dwarven kingdom too. Perhaps he could weasel a Mov Crystal from his supposed master.

Days had passed, and surprisingly, no one in their group had died. The undead were giving them enough food, water, and, most importantly, time to rest.

Sure, none of the group were in their top condition. They all were tired and weak, but no one was on death\'s door. They were kept at a point where fighting back would be impossible, but moving a few dozen kilometers a day was possible, though not easy.

"Get in." The skeleton who had bought them ordered.

A decrepit-looking carriage appeared before the group of slaves as they rounded the corner. Pulled by a pair of skeletal mules, wood rotting and metal rusting.

Wordlessly, the group climbed into the carriage. Taking care where they place their weight to not fall through the rotting wood. It was by no means comfortable, but after riding for hours on end, they were all happy that the undead hadn\'t pushed them this hard during the walk.

As Adriana drifted between sleep and consciousness, the bumpy road not helping the former, she wondered just where they were being taken. Surely they had travelled several hundred kilometers by now.

While the undead had been going slow by their standards, the group of slaves were all still Tier 5. Their endurance and stamina was far greater than normal people.

Watching the changing scenery, Adriana wondered for the first time why she and those with her were not suffering from the famous energy drain of the land of the dead.

It was well known that the land of the dead caused one\'s energy to escape. Leading to constant fatigue, and if one is of weak constitution, even death.

\'Is it the slave collars?\' Adriana pondered, having time to reflect on her situation for the first time since their defeat. The collars magically bound them to obey the one who owned them, but unlike an oath or spell of servitude, it was possible to resist.

Doing so would cause severe pain though, and in the state that her group was no one would be able to survive the backlash. Thus, none of them have tried to resist. They had clearly seen what happened to those who tried, and that thought kept Adriana from attempting so now.

Still, she did not wish to resign herself to fate.

She had trained diligently her entire life, reaching Tier 5 by her eighteen birthday and claiming the title of captain by her twentieth. She had not only mastered the art of close combat but also magic.

In fact, four of the others slaves were once her subordinates. They were all powerful fighters, each Tier 5 too. Though most only had one talent, with perhaps some strength in another class. But she was the only one who reached Tier 5 in two classes.

Now that she no longer had to focus on her steps, Adriana shifted her focused to the collar around her neck. Obviously, she was not familiar with slave collars. Taurus had no slaves. In fact, most of the civilized world didn\'t.

Thinking back, Adriana sighed at this fact. If only the kingdom had some general knowledge on the subject, she might then know how to escape.

But alas, all she could do was confirm how the collar was absorbing her mana. Ready to suppress her whenever she tried to take control of the flow.

If she dared to try to strengthen herself, or tried to cast a spell, the collar would activate. Pushing its own mana through her body and like an electric shock, causing her to become paralyzed while being consumed by an intense pain as the mana ravages her body.

Sadly, she failed to find a way to prevent this. She was not Eldrian. She could only use magic at the most basic of levels.

She was perhaps considered a talent, but she was no genius. At best, she could only lightly probe the structure of the collar.

And so, resigned as sleep won over her will and the rocking of the carriage, she drifted off to sleep.

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