
Chapter 839 The hell’s Lip

Chapter 839 The hell\'s Lip

A burning obsidian city filled with devils, their trade was the flesh of the sinners. All Sold both alive and processed in exchange for souls or traded for anything of value.

As they walked across the street, Cain quickly noted that the cheapest of the sinners was quite affordable. One soul was enough, and a cup of water would probably net him over twenty.

The devils stared at Cain and Selena, but their eyes fixed on Jack. It was rare to see a sinner wandering free, let alone wearing an expensive-looking coat.

"She\'s inside that mountain," Selena said, "I can feel her from here."

Cain bent down and touched the ground, closing his eyes as he extended his magic through the ground.


"I can hear her heart. It\'s weak but still beating." Cain opened his eyes and stood, "It won\'t be pleasant to pull her out of the lava with how weak she is. We should find a place to stay while I get my magic ready."

"You magic? Can you heal her from here?" Selena stared at Cain.

"I won\'t call it healing. She will recover on her own after my spell." Cain intended to grant her some extra lifespan, thus giving her body a chance to regain its strength.

He turned and looked around, "Let\'s go,"

Walking across the streets, they soon found what looked like an inn. A large obsidian building with screams raging inside, stinking with blood and curses.

One looked inside, and Cain could see it looked more like a torture dungeon than a comfortable inn, but, this was the best you can ask for in the lowest layer of the nine hells.

Cain walked inside, and the two followed him, "Two rooms!"

The devils sitting inside glared at him, and the devil woman sitting behind the counter growled, her eyes glowing red as flame gushed out of her nostrils and her triple-breasted chest expanded. "Who the fuck are you?"

"The one who just asked for two rooms," Cain replied with a smile.

GRRR! Selena growled behind Cain, taking a step forward and staring at the devil with a nasty glare, "Who are you to speak like that with him-gaw?"

"You are..." The moment the devil woman stared at Selena for a few seconds, she gasped. "Maharaja!"

All devils jumped back as the woman rushed to bow, head smacking on the ground faster than she gasped. "Please forgive my rudeness. I didn\'t know he was with you."

^Why is the queen of hunt here? Who is this man for her to side with, and since when she was this calm? The one we know would have already ripped a half of the city by now.^ The devil woman\'s voice raced with thoughts, sweat dripping from her forehead like rivers as she started shaking.

"Let her be. We need the rooms." Cain looked at Selena with a smile and then turned toward the woman, "Hurry,"

"At your order!" The woman ran away, tripping on her legs twice as she tried to get the rooms sorted out.

"Don\'t let them disrespect you-nya," Selena looked at Cain, "I don\'t know why they seem irritated by just looking at you though-nya."

"I mean..." Jack looked at Cain, "Isn\'t it obvious?"

"Like what?" Cain asked.

"Everything here is red and black, rarely with a tint of red-orange mixed in. On the other hand, you\'re white, blue, and gray. You stand like a sore thumb. And you always looked far clearer than anything else, making everything around you seem like a background like you\'re faintly glowing." Jack tried to explain it as best as he could.

Cain nodded, "I see," he then looked at the other devils in the hall, "Should I change how I look?"

"No-nya!" Selena stared at him, "You look best like this-nya!" She glared at everyone, "Don\'t you think so-gaw?" Her eyes expanded as they gleamed with a faint golden light. Everyone who looked at her face could feel the sting of her fangs on their head as cold shivers ran down their spines.

They all nodded, sweating buckets.

As they headed to the room, Cain gave Selena more food as she didn\'t seem full and left to explore the town. She asked if he would be fine, and he assured her that he would stay out of trouble as much as possible.


Fierna sighed, walking into the inner keep of hell\'s lip. "Devil lord Fierna, it\'s an honor to meet you," A devil bowed to her.

Fierna looked at the devil, "The trade has been locked up for a while. I came for ores and weapons," She replied.

The devil looked up, "We expected that, and we have everything stocked."

"That\'s good," Fierna smiled.

"While the men handle that, would you mind joining for a drink?" The devil asked, and Fierna smiled, "Why not? There are a lot of future matters to discuss."

They walked across the hallway, "Is the rumors true? About the over god." The devil asked, sweating as the mere thought terrified him to the bones.

"All are true," Fierna replied with a smile, "The over god open a gate for us to his heaven. Thousands of devils already moved there to work, but not everyone was accepted. There is a selection process."

"For real? Did you see it?" The devil asked, and Fierna giggled with a grin on her face. "I can walk into his inner heaven whenever I want. I\'m pretty close to him,"

With a flick of her finger, a large glass bottle emerged from think air. "Look at this beauty."

The devil stared at the bottle, "Pure cold water, this much? No, this one seems a bit strange."

"I asked his Archon Aria to fill this for me. This is a blessed water, one sip, and you will never feel thirst ever again. It would also heal you fully from all aliment no matter who you are." She tapped the bottle\'s cap, "Even devils can use it. You can have."

"I appreciate the bottle, but before that, I have another question." He stared at Fierna, "Is it true that he blew Maladomini to dust?"

"To be exact. That was one of the paladins that blew Maladomini off, not even him. Baalzebul is in the heavens with me, but the cockroaches are a toast." The smug smile couldn\'t escape Fierna\'s face. Before, even she would tremble in fear standing in Nessus as all devils were far higher than her, but now, they can\'t even talk back.

"Some diviners saw it with their magic. A little girl with red hair flew into the sky, and then a blinding light fell, blasting the whole layer to oblivion. So that wasn\'t even an angel. He isn\'t the overgod for nothing." He sighed.

"I hope he isn\'t a tyrant. Wait, this seems strange coming from a devil."

Fierna shook her head, "He can be surprisingly goofy at times. There isn\'t much to harm him, so he would take it easy."

They reached the room, and the devil opened the door. Two devil maids brought their drinks as they sat. "Goofy? The over god?"

"He won\'t resort to violence from the start and might try having fun in a fight. He also is far too gentle with those that are far weaker than himself." Fierna looked at a cage at the window side table. A tiny soul work wiggled there.

"You won\'t just smash her even if it bites you. Her teeth can\'t pierce your skin after all," Fierna stood and approached the worm, "He\'s the same. You can attack or insult him. But he won\'t take it seriously no matter what unless you prove to be a threat."

"But we can\'t trust that, can we?" The devil asked.

"I wouldn\'t test his patience. Treat him like a sensitive bomb," As Fierna said that, she sat to drink. She looked out of the window.

BA-dump! She could feel her heart clenched as her eyes spotted something.

PUFFFFFFFFFFFF! She spat all of her drink at the devil\'s face, seeing Cain carried like a bag by a devil guard, heading toward the dungeon.

"What?" As the devil growled, Firena blasted forth.

CRACK! She shattered the wall and flew at the devil guard, slicing his arm with her claws, and snatched Cain away. At the corner of the garden. She stood with Cain in her arms and growled.

"Fierna, what\'s the meaning of this?" The devil walked out of the broken wall, seeing her holding this strange white glowing man.

"What did I say earlier?" Fierna growled, "Don\'t play with a bomb!"

The devil froze in place, staring at Cain. ^It can\'t be...The overgod was here?^ He tried to bow, but the fear froze his bones in place. His body refused to do his bidding.

The devil growled, "My arm," And glared at Fierna, "This is..." He was about to attack when Cain lifted his hand, "Fierna, what are you doing?"

The devil finally managed to gather his courage, "You! Get away from them!" He shouted at the guard.

Cain smiled, "Come on, don\'t be hard on him." With a single wave of his hand, the devil guard healed, and the wall Fierna broke got fixed.

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