
Chapter 669 The power normally reserved exclusively for Angels

669 The power normally reserved exclusively for Angels

Fortunately, all went well and all the different energies could be stored in these crystals.

Even Colin when they had discovered these crystals, hadn\'t thought of using them to store the multicolored energy, let alone the blessing light of the Angels, but the fact that this was possible was really excellent news to say the least.

Miguel then called Caleb and Isaac and he asked them to test whether or not they could really use these different energies using these crystals.

So, Caleb and Isaac each took a crystal and they first tried to use the energy inside them without activating their Stage 2.

But as Miguel thought, to be able to use this kind of energy you needed to possess a huge reserve of Soul force or Chakra, so he told them to try again, using their Stage 2 this time, and he told them to simply try to form small balls of energy, so that they could control them much more easily.

Caleb who was holding the crystal containing the Sacred fired energy then could indeed fianlly connect to this energy and so he shaped it into 3 small balls of energy that he could control perfectly over 50 meters around him, after that he started to loose control of them and so to try their lethality Elias made the same kind of dummies that Mykael used to train his men appear and even with a ball of energy the size of a marble, the Sacred fire energy could destroyed 3 dummies at once.

Caleb then stored once again the remaining Sacred Fire energy and he told them that when he used his Stage 2 it was a piece of cake for him to connect to this energy.

Miguel was very satisfied with this result, to be able to control them over 50 meters was already great and Isaac who was holding the multicolored energy could also connect to it but contrary to the Sacred Fire energy he could only create 2 energy balls of the same size as the ones Caleb had use and he could only control them over 20 meters.

It wasn\'t because Caleb was stronger than Isaac because in reality there level was quite close, but this energy was more powerful than the Sacred Fire energy and that was why it was harder to control.

When Isaac threw one of his small balls of energy against the dummies, 5 were destroyed at once, and then, just like Caleb had done he stored the second one into the crystal.

Isaac then told them that they would need to train to be able to use these energy balls during a fight because they couldn\'t take the risk of hitting their allies with them, so they had to be very familiar with the distance with which they could control them perfectly well.

Miguel and Elias agreed with that, moreover these crystals could be filled again and again once empty, so there was no problem for them to train until they were sure that they had mastered these energies.

Everyone was now looking at the last crystal which contained the blessing light of the Angels and Axel then was volunteered to test it.

Miguel and Elias before coming to that world had warned them that the blessing light of the Angels could desintegrated everything in its path and that this energy was very powerful.

Axel then used the power he had stored in his Runic symbols to connect to this energy and he then said to Miguel: "I\'m sorry, but I can\'t shape it into a ball of energy… Actually I can\'t shape it at all, I think that once released it can only be spread over a certain distance."

Miguel then told him: "Okay, then focus on the dummies and try to concentrate this energy for it to be as powerful as possible."

Axel then followed Miguel\'s advice and he sent all the energy that was inside the crystal against the dummies.

Miguel and Elias had asked everyone to stay behind Axel to avoid being hit by this white light, which Axel didn\'t seem to be able to control.

But contrary to what Miguel and Elias had thought, the white light moved towards the dummies and desintegrated them all, stopping right at the last dummies, and finally this white light spread only around them, not scattering anywhere else, which was a huge relief.

The blessing light of the Angels was really powerful, but the problem was that this energy was really hard to use.

Axel then told them: "When I first connected with this energy it seemed gentle and completely harmless, but when you asked me to concentrate on the dummies and try to concentrate this energy to make it as powerful as possible, it became quite different and its power quadrupled at once and it became extremely aggressive."

Elias then looked at Miguel because he was the expert when it came to understanding the different energies and so Miguel after thinking about what Axel had just told them then said: "In that case, it means we can use it to purify and heal as well... Let\'s give it another try, but this time you\'ll try to spread it as far as possible and purify the air and ground with it."

Axel nodded and he handed the crystal back to Lena, who immediately filled it with the power normally reserved exclusively for Angels, and Axel then gave it another try.

This time there were no more dummies and he released this benevolent energy which spread out over fifty kilometers in front of them.

And everywhere this energy passed by, the ground seemed to come back to life and grass and wild flowers began to appear everywhere, bringing life back to this completely barren landscape.

Everyone was watching in amazement at this change and Lena then walked over where the ground had already started to heal and she then opened her arms wide and a much more powerful white light came out of her body, spreading as far their eyes could see.

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