
Chapter 383 I gave you my word

Erik then winked at Alan and he immediately activated his Stage 2 and the mercenaries in front of them immediately took a few steps back as if by pure reflex and then they heard them stammering to each other : “An Absolute Warrior… It’s an Absolute Warrior… What the hell are we doing now ?… I don’t wanna die here… me neither…”

And Alan then said to his brother : “I can’t wait to see this, are there any weird symbols appearing on your body too ?”

Kelan then join him and he told him : “No, not weird symbols, but his eyes are turning silver, and at the beginning there were only silver filaments around him, but since he learned to master this ability, these filaments have become a real silver aura that’s surrounded his body.”

Alan then watched his twin brother activate his ability and when he saw the powerful silver aura that was emanating from him now, he whistled in admiration and he said to him feeling his new power : “Not bad bro, but not as cool as my man !”

Nolan then said to him : “May be, but I can kick your ass easily using this ability.”.

Kelan then said to them : “Well, brothers, I would like to join my man as soon as possible, so what do we do ? Do we just send them back to your in-laws or do we pay them a visit and let them know that when a Lan has set his sights on someone that person has no chance of escaping, let alone being kidnapped.”

Erik then said to them as he had just had a vision : “We won’t need to intervene, the Sun Sect leaders will take care of it for us.”

Alan then quickly said to him : “Crap, get back to normal quickly !”

Erik looked at him and he said shrugging his shoulders : “Why ? Tomorrow, we’ll all fight together, and they’ll see me and Kevin using our Warrior Spirit skill so there’s no need to hide anymore.”

Alan didn’t want too many people to know about Erik and the fact that he was a Warrior Spirit because like the bearer of the Pentagram Mark here, the Absolute Warrior, as they called him, was at the top of the food chain, and he didn’t want power-hungry people trying to use his innocent man.

But Erik was also right and tomorrow everyone would know, and he really didn’t like it, so he gritted his teeth because this situation displeased him greatly and Erik then took his hand and he said : “Everything will be fine, you’ll see.”

Just then 5 people appeared, 2 men and 2 women who were the leaders with Liam of the Sun Sect and Douglas who had come with one of the men and the latter then said furiously while looking at the mercenaries : “You really believe that you can penetrate the territory of the Sun Sect as you like without exposing yourselves to reprisals ?”

Nolan immediately deactivated his ability and he looked at the man accompanying Douglas : “Garry, what took you so long to intervene, good thing I asked you to keep an eye on Ashton.”

Garry smirked and he said to him : “I’m sorry, but we were busy planning for tomorrow night, and Sandra and I had added extra protection to your pavilion, why do you think Ashton is still not out… It’s because we both added our force fields to yours, Ashton could never have been in danger, I gave you my word.”

Nolan and Garry knew each other well because they had often fought together on the border and even though Garry was from his father’s generation and Douglas’, they both got along very well and that’s also why he had managed to be transferred to the Sun Sect in less than a week.

Garry then said to him : “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of them and we’ll send a warning message to his parents, but as soon as you and Ashton will share the mark of the Union, you’ll have to go to the capital to get your marriage validated, only after that will they leave you alone.”

Nolan nodded and he said to him : “That will have to wait a bit, we were also in the process of organizing tomorrow’s assault on the palace.”

As they spoke, one of the women conjured up vines and tied up the 8 mercenaries before opening a teleportation portal and disappearing with them and the other 2 Sun Sect leaders inside.

Garry then told him : “They went straight to Ashton’s parents and they will tell them that this was the first and last time that we would let something like this go.”

Erik, who had also deactivated his Warrior Spirit skill, said to Nolan : “You should stay here with him, if you go back there with us you won’t be able to concentrate, Alan and Kelan can explain to you in the morning what has been decided, don’t worry.”

Alan put a possessive arm around Erik’s shoulders and he said to Nolan while opening a teleportation portal : “You’d better listen to him and join Ashton.”

He then turned to Garry and Douglas and bowed his head to show his respect and he said : “Thank you for your help and for protecting us no matter who we are.”

Garry nodded his head and he said : “Alan, Erik, Kelan, we will see you tomorrow on the battlefield.”

The three of them then returned with the others to prepare for tomorrow’s battle and Douglas couldn’t help but ask : “Erik has really become an Absolute Warrior, is this the great potential Axel was talking about ?”

Garry then looked at Nolan and Nolan then said to them : “All I know is that they’re called Warrior Spirits and Erik is the weakest of them right now, because he just activated this skill after seeing my brother almost die in front of him in a dungeon.

And the first time I met my dear brother-in-law, he was unconscious but that didn’t stop him from trying to kill me because he thought I was a threat to Alan.”

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