
Chapter 181 - Something That Rarely Happened

Kevin shook his head and said : "I don\'t understand either Erik ... Have you ever passed out after training too hard ?"

Erik shook his head and suddenly thought of Alan... But that was impossible, it couldn\'t be because of that … could it ?

Erik coughed to hide his embarrassment but he had no choice but to ask Kevin, he felt he was blushing and finally after having gathered some courage he asked him : "Does sex matter ?"

Kevin, who hadn\'t expected this kind of answer, asked him : "What do you mean, does sex count ? Why are you asking me that ?"

Axel understood what Erik meant but preferred to let them talk about their Warrior Spirit skill without intervening and enjoying the show.

Erik blushed even more and turned to Axel looking for support, but the latter made him understand that he would not interfere in this conversation, so he had no choice but to confess : "Alan is someone who has a lot of stamina ... But really a lot of stamina ... And even if it happens less often now, I sometimes end up fainting from fatigue when we make love ... So, does it count ?"

Holy shit, no kidding, thought Kevin.

Then suddenly he remembered that the Warrior Spirit who had trained him had told him about something that rarely happened but was still possible and he then asked Axel : "Honey, since Alan is officially with Erik, have you noticed that he is getting stronger, that his progression is too fast to be normal for example."

Axel, who didn\'t know why he was talking about this, thought about what Kevin had just asked him and said to him frowning : "Now that I think about it, a few months after they got together, I started to work harder in my training because Alan kept teasing me that if I didn\'t improve he would soon be able to beat me to easily.

Kevin opened his eyes wide in amazement after this revelation, Alan and Erik had truly created a bond that allowed them to do dual cultivation.

Erik\'s potential was unlimited, so Alan had tapped into his power without realizing it and used it to become more powerful.

And as for Erik he asked him to be sure : "Did you often pass out when you were having sex ?"

Erik was still a little embarrassed but he nodded anyway, he was well aware that Kevin had discovered something and he was just waiting for him to explain.

Kevin then exclaimed loudly : "Damn, that\'s insane ! I had heard about this but I didn\'t know it was really possible."

He looked at Erik and said : "I don\'t have time to go into detail now, but you absolutely must talk to Alan or you risk fracturing your bond with him."

Kevin saw the fear in Erik\'s eyes and he could feel that he was starting to be nervous so he quickly explained to him : "You and Alan have managed to create a very rare bond called dual cultivation.

This bond must have come from you and the fact that you want to protect Alan, but as you are still too weak for the moment, unconsciously when you make love with him you give him access to the power that lies dormant in you, it is like an inexhaustible source of energy for him and it allows him to become stronger.

But Alan would never have been able to tap into that energy if he didn\'t share that need to protect you, and in order to do dual cultivation he had to accept and strengthen that bond, which is quite amazing, because both of you did it completely unconsciously.

My mentor, the Warrior Spirit who trained me when I was still in my world, told me that in order for this bond to be created, both people had to be compatible and both had to be willing to sacrifice themselves if necessary to protect their partner."

Kevin, who was trying to explain to them what his mentor had taught him as his memories of that conversation came back to him, suddenly exclaimed : "I found the solution to our problem, and we need Alan.

This bond that you have created together and that allows you to do dual cultivation is a very powerful bond and it also means that even unconscious you will never attack Alan, unlike me who can attack anyone even Axel."

Axel then interrupted him and said : "Not anymore babe, and the last time it happened, it was because of me.

I had awakened your survival instinct because of my intention to kill, and even then I managed to approach you with my wolf form."

He then said with a smile that made Kevin\'s heart racing : "Our bond too must have strengthened babe, and that was before the mark of the Union appeared, I think from now on even if you lose control you will recognize me."

Kevin had to admit that Axel was the only person who had ever managed to get close to him while he was unconscious, but he didn\'t have time to think about it too much because Erik then asked him a little worried : "I\'ll talk about it with Alan tonight ... Do you think that keeping the truth about my true potential from him is really going to have an effect on our bond."

It was Axel who answered him sure of himself : "Nonsense ! Alan really loves you, he\'ll forgive you don\'t worry, and if you want to make sure he doesn\'t get upset, tell him about your dual cultivation bond I\'m sure he\'ll be thrilled ... Just remind him that we have to go looting some dungeons tomorrow to level you up and test his new spells."

Erik nodded, he didn\'t know how Alan would react to the fact that he was a future Warrior Spirit, but he knew perfectly well how he would react when he would find out that they had created a dual cultivation bond.

Erik massaged the back of his neck, tonight was going to be a long night, Alan wouldn\'t let him rest until he was satified, he was sure they would hardly have time to rest before going to loot dungeons.

Kevin then said : "Well, it will soon be time to go join the others, how are you feeling ?"

Erik stood up and felt good, he made a few quick movements and smiled at Kevin saying to him : "No more dizziness and my body doesn\'t hurt at all, I feel great."

Kevin smiled too and said : "Cool ! Ashton\'s remedy is really a wonder."

Kevin quickly checked Erik\'s Stats before leaving and he was shocked to see that he had increased his Strength, Agility and Stamina by 4 points .... 4 points !

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