
Chapter 156 I Became The Top Cultivator With My Harem Of Beauties Beside Me 29

He Yuan had no idea what to do with Gu Long\'s call so he just stood silently and patted Gu Long\'s back. The sooner the young man was done crying the faster he could get the answers he needed.

"I\'m tired~" Gu Long said as he wailed.

He Yuan nodded. "You should be. You\'d be a fool not to be tired of Mo Jiu\'s nonsense."

Gu Long soon stopped crying and He Yuan was able to find out what had happened in a roundabout way. His drug had been to stop Mo Jiu\'s manhood from functioning properly. Whether Mo Jiu was willing to admit it or not, the man was heavily dependent on sex. Rendering his tool useless would be all the demotivating Mo Jiu needed.

Mo Jiu\'s mind worked like this: Gather beauties, get stronger, reach the top, gather more beauties. The man could say as many high sounding words about self preservation as he liked but Mo Jiu\'s main reason for getting stronger was actually the beauties his strength would bring him.

If Mo Jiu could do nothing with those beauties, then he would have no motivation to get stronger.

He Yuan sighed. He had underestimated the power of Xing Mei\'s yin physique and somehow, the drug had turned into a permanent aphrodisiac in Mo Jiu\'s system.

It was news that Mo Jiu had blamed Gu Long for his problem but He Yuan wasn\'t surprised by it. Since nothing could be found in his system after multiple checks, it was much easier for Mo Jiu to pin the blame of his dysfunctional state on someone else rather than accept a fact that he was somehow flawed.

Another thing He Yuan took note of was the evil aura Gu Long claimed to have sensed from Mo Jiu. Why would Mo Jiu have an evil aura? He\'d received the storyline from a third person point of view and anything that wasn\'t important was naturally left out.

Now He Yuan wasn\'t too sure. Was there something he missed? There were times when important events were messed up in the realm information. Like the time when the fact that Li Shiyu\'s children from his first official task realm had been possessed by a cultivator and he wasn\'t informed in the realm information.

The fact that this was a test task made it even more messed up. He Yuan ran a hand over his face. He needed to know where that evil aura came from. If it had something to do with the butterfly effect then he needed to be sure.

He Yuan walked over to the door. There was something else he needed to do before they head back to the sect. "Wait here." He said to Gu Long before walking out of the room. There was a weapon shop in the middle of the town. If he was going to catch Mo Jiu by surprise and win the dimension pass, he needed to make sure he had the right weapon to do so.

Bing was off limits as it was reserved for Mo Sheng.

Sometime later, He Yuan walked out of the weapon pavilion with a satisfied smile. He\'d gotten a pseudo high grade twin double-edged swords with a long chain connecting both hilts. The weapon was good for both long range and close range battles and most importantly, it was what his pouch of high grade spirit stones could afford.

One of the factors that had helped Mo Sheng to win over Mo Jiu had been Bing but since He Yuan couldn\'t make use of the ice cold sword, he planned to use a different method. A more crude but effective method to catch Mo Jiu off guard.

As soon as He Yuan returned to the inn, he took Gu Long with him back to the sect. They couldn\'t stay outside forever. Anyways, it was forbidden to kill a fellow disciple. All they needed to do was stay at the Cloud peak. The elders were always present there and if a disciple should be attacked on that peak, they would know.

Even if Mo Jiu was the master of skipping levels and defeating enemies, he wouldn\'t be able to go against the elders and sect master so openly if he wanted to remain in the Duoluo sect.

As soon as the lotus artifact landed on the Cloud peak, He Yuan and Gu Long ran into Mo Jiu\'s main followers. Mei Hua, Ba Duo and Han Wei all stared at Gu Long with disgust and reproach. Their eyes went from He Yuan to Gu Long repeatedly.

"So it\'s true." Ba Duo said finally as he clenched his fists.

He Yuan went over to lean against a tree as Gu Long frowned in confusion. "What is true?"

Mei Hua took her axe from its sling on her back and clenched it hard. "Don\'t play dumb. We know what you did! Boss Jiu has always been good to you and how did you repay him? By poisoning him. You wretched dog!"

Gu Long frowned. Mo Jiu had tried to harm him because of a so called poisoning and now Mei Hua was saying this. Just when did he poison Mo Jiu? "Did Mo Jiu tell you that?"

Han Wei scoffed. "He doesn\'t need to tell us, we\'re not dumb."

Gu Long raised a brow. "If Mo Jiu did not confirm anything, why are you here?"

Mei Hua grunted. "He didn\'t tell us because he didn\'t want us to worry." She blushed slightly as she spoke her next words. "He had inadvertently let some words slip when he was being intimate with Wu Ran and that was how we found out."

Han Wei sneered as soon as Mei Hua finished. "What kind of poison is it and where is the antidote?" When Gu Long remained silent, he pointed to He Yuan who was watching the show with disinterest. "Did he put you up to this? Gu Long, ah, Gu Long. After all of boss Jiu\'s sacrifice, this is how you show gratitude?"


"He trusted you the most out of all of us."

"He always made sure to put us, his followers, first."

The voices of the three all blended together as they berated Gu Long until Gu Long finally snapped. "SHUT UP!" The three froze and glared at Gu Long. "Aside from the fact that I\'m being wrongly accused, you talked about Mo Jiu sacrifice. What sacrifice? What does that even mean?! How exactly did he do it? What should I be grateful for?"

Han Wei scoffed. "You sound so arrogant now, forgetting all the times when boss Jiu had rushed forward to protect us in the face of danger. When he always shared the spoils of his kills with us even when he didn\'t have to!"

Gu Long smiled bitterly. "When Mo Jiu rushed into danger? I want you all to think carefully. All the disputes and fights we\'ve been involved in, which one of them had been our individual enemies?

-All the people who had come to fight us had always had something to do with Mo Jiu so why should I be grateful to Mo Jiu for fixing the mess that he got all of us into? If we\'re being honest, our lives would be much more peaceful without Mo Jiu attracting enemies all the time!"

The three of them narrowed their eyes at him and Mei Hua grit her teeth. "T-That\'s not true! We\'re a team. There were other times when he fought to protect us."

Gu Long scoffed. "When were we ever a team with Mo Jiu? The other times Mo Jiu had rushed forward was not because of the need to protect us but because he never saw us as a team in the first place! To Mo Jiu, we were nothing but decorative subordinates!

-His ego would never accept when he wasn\'t the centre of attention. His high sense of superiority would never make him take any of us seriously!"

Han Wei laughed. "What righteous words. You\'re only saying all these because you\'ve always been secretly jealous of boss Jiu!" The other two hummed in agreement.

Gu Long froze. It felt as though he was seeing these three for the first time in his life. Out of everything he said, that was all they could deduce? Was something wrong with their heads?

He shook his head bitterly before staring at them coldly. "You know what? Fine. Think whatever, but you better go back and tell that boss of yours not to come to me for any antidote because I have no idea what this is even about!

-If he wants to blame anyone then he should blame himself. I\'m not the one who made it my life mission to sleep with the entire world!" He said and stormed off.

He Yuan chuckled at the constipated look on the faces of the trio as he walked away.

After that day, Gu Long received questioning and threats from more than half of the entire sect. Even people from other sect joined in. Shen Mianmian, Xing Mei, Mu Qingqing, Wu Ran, the and tons of others badgered him incessantly for an antidote.

The Alchemy peak master had berated her disciple fiercely and called him heartless for doing such a thing. Gu Long had ignored her. It was always such a pain to know that he\'d been sharing a man with his own master.

Shen Mianmian went ahead to challenge him to the arena, blaming him for what had happened in the inn with Mo Jiu. She knew her Jiu-ge was not like that. She thought back to Mo Jiu\'s departing words and felt she\'d figured out the answer.

Mo Jiu had acted that way because he was somehow poisoned by Gu Long!

No one really knew what kind of poison it was or what effect it had but the word had already spread and everyone blamed Gu Long.

The questioning increased to the point that Gu Long was called in by the sect master and elders. With no proof, they couldn\'t do anything to Gu Long. After all, Mo Jiu himself had gone missing after that day.

Mo Jiu had reportedly gone into seclusion to solve his problem himself.

Ru Cheng watched all these but remained silent. In his former life, he hadn\'t met Mo Jiu during this time so he had no idea if all these had happened. He was more than happy with Mo Jiu going into seclusion. That way, he wouldn\'t have to watch him get intimate with others.

A few of Mo Jiu\'s harem members got into accidents during that period but none lost their lives. Ru Cheng saw no need to take extreme measures... Yet.

A little punishment was enough.

He Yuan had at first been shocked to see Ru Cheng at this time but quickly got over his shock. With the messed up timeline. Nothing should surprise him anymore.

He instead spent his days diligently practicing and cultivating. Mo Jiu had gone into impromptu seclusion and He Yuan had no idea why. It was better to focus on strengthening himself so he wouldn\'t be caught off guard.

The more time Mo Jiu spent in seclusion, the less fire his harem members had and soon enough, they stopped bothering Gu Long altogether.

They were more focused on avoiding the sudden inexplicable accidents that had begun to befall them one after the other.

Slowly but surely, four years passed by and the time for the tournament arrived.




He Yuan calmly walked out of the Back mountain amidst the loud noise. He\'d spent more of his time honing his skills at different training sites both in and outside the Duoluo sect. He also took some time to acclimatize himself with his demonic form and now.

Finally, He Yuan had managed to advance to the early stage of Spirit severing. A higher level than Mo Sheng had been at this age in the storyline. As soon as he stepped out, he ran into Gu Long.

Gu Long stared up at the straight faced Mo Sheng. At twenty five, his features grew more chiseled and he was incredibly handsome. They\'d spent a lot of time over the years and he realized that Mo Sheng was not bad to be around.

The man never made him feel incompetent or treated him like an inferior. Gu Long blushed and cleared his throat before stating his reason for coming here. "Mo Jiu is finally out of seclusion."

He Yuan\'s eyebrow quirked up a bit.

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