
Chapter 432 - Things Shifting, the Hope to take on the Old Dragon

Chapter 432: Things Shifting, the Hope to take on the Old Dragon

Living beings were seen dying all across the world.

All of the cities along the coastlines of the Atlantic Ocean were attacked. Even a sea monster that had not mutilated toon much was deemed extremely terrifying by regular folks.

All those sea monsters seemed to be under the command of someone or something, attacking the cities of human nations without any consideration for casualties on their side.

Military forces of various countries were mobilized urgently. The wrestle between the humans’ small firearms and the sea monsters’ strength had begun.

An unknown number of human military forces were destroyed. While armored vehicles were crushed, soldiers were also torn apart. Meanwhile, countless sea monsters were all reduced to bloody pieces from bombardment from all kinds of missiles, shells, and bullets.

Casualties on both sides were heavy, with dead bodies strewn as far as the eye could see.

Cultivators from all nations were instantly mobilized. In the years after the restoration of spirit qi to the planet took place, the monsters from deep seas became something totally different from what they once were after being mutated by the spirit qi.

Then again, cultivators were also in their golden age as well.

The human cultivators fought against the massive waves of ferocious beasts from the seas all at once.

It took three whole days for enough of those sea monsters to be killed before they retreated to the seas.

Within mere days, any renowned cities throughout the world were reduced to ruins that could barely be kept together.

Countless people were rendered injured or dead.

Within three days, there was an estimate of over ten million casualties.

The world was utterly shocked by this fact right there and then.

There had never been so many people rendered injured and dead since World War II. To make matters worse, it all happened within mere days, with the overwhelming majority of the casualties coming from civilians.

Countless people were mourning, while many were busy packing and fleeing for their lives as well.

People living along the coasts fled to the mountains en masse ever since they learned of those sea monsters’ existence.

The wave of sea monsters attacking human cities had proven to be a significant warning for humanity. The mass exodus did not happen only along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean; the phenomenon was seen in coastal settlements all over the world.

The economy of human civilization was badly damaged right away.

Everyone could see that the sudden surge of sea monsters was probably a retaliatory attack against the US, England, and France for deploying nuclear bombs that killed millions of sea monsters.

However, such a series of events also proved that someone behind the scenes was definitely commanding those sea monsters as opposed to the monsters gathering and attacking at their own will.

The attacks that suddenly came out of nowhere killed countless humans, but the modern heavy weapons developed by humans proved their worth in the battles. Millions of dead bodies of various sea monsters were collected from the cities and bases.

There was also a good number of said monsters who were at the Divine Treasure Realm, which served as the leaders and core members of attacks. Due to human armies and cultivators making such creatures their primary targets, however, they were able to destroy over a dozen of them before long.

Then again, many of the powerful sea monsters managed to retreat unscathed and unfazed by the battle.

It was as if they were mocking how incompetent the human military forces were against them.

The three nations involved were criticized and condemned by just about everyone around the world for deploying nuclear weapons in such a haphazard fashion.

It was especially so in the case of those from the affected areas, who felt that they have never suffered such mass destruction throughout their lives.

However, many more people realized something even more terrifying from the incidents.

They realized that Lu Xuan was definitely not bluffing or spewing nonsense the whole time.

The demons had indeed gained extremely terrifying power before the humans realized what happened.

The humans had no idea if the sea monsters belonged to the same force as the ones on land.

However, the strength demonstrated by the sea monsters had nonetheless proven shocking enough for nations throughout the world.

If such a force were to be mobilized to invade a place instead of retaliating against the nations along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, the sea monsters would have had absolutely no problem taking out a whole continent.

The first nation to bear the brunt of the possibility of such an attack spanned an entire continent but had little military prowess to speak of: Australia.

Everyone saw that Lu Xuan’s prior prediction had come true before long.

The demons were indeed powerful enough to take a continent for themselves and build their own nation.

Humanity as a whole was shocked and riled up, with many people feeling that they had to rethink what they knew about the demons in general.

All of humanity’s adversaries of old, be it the Vampiric Empire or the Covenant of Darkness or whatever else, were not worth mentioning when compared to such a massive number of demons.

There was simply no contest between the two.

None of the other nations dared to launch another nuclear missile at that spatial fissure for the time being, yet the upper echelons of governments across the world had apparently gotten more frequently in touch.

The big five held a private emergency meeting within the United Nations to discuss how to take out the sea monsters.

Despite the mass commotion in the outside world, Lu Xuan remained unfazed. A huge formation was being laid out at the back of the mountains where the Yunxuan Villa was located.

Lu Xuan ensured that every single piece of precious materials was laid out as planned.

It was not that he paid no attention to the commotion in the outside world; it was just that such levels of casualties were hardly worth mentioning when compared to the massacres he knew of back in his previous life.

The incident with the demons taking the entire continent of Australia and building a nation for themselves itself had resulted in tens of thousands of local casualties. The casualties among cultivators and military forces all over the world far exceeded what was currently seen in the world.

Such levels of casualties were far from enough to faze him.

Despite his best efforts to prevent such incidents from happening, he nonetheless knew all too well that there was ultimately no way to prevent such incidents from happening.

The forces of the sea monsters had been organized for a while now. It was because of them that the forces of the Myriad Demon Valley were able to establish their own nation back in the latter days of his past life.

Nevertheless, he believed that it was a good thing for such forces to be exposed to the world. At the very least, the incidents were enough to warn the humans that they were not all that unique and special. Before the humans could realize it, the demons as a whole had grown large enough to pose a grave threat to the human race.

Other than widespread propagation of cultivation among the common people, the other key factor to suppressing the demon threat was to kill that old dragon along with the generals among the demons.

Afterward, the rest of the demonic forces would then be reduced to manageable levels. While the demonic forces would continue to grow, they would no longer be great enough to pose a threat against the humans without a leader unifying them.

As the humans continued to grow stronger, the threat would eventually be diminished to the point that the demons would no longer be a threat.

Because he knew all of that, Lu Xuan cared so little about what was going on out there that he even refused to see that old dragon.

This was so he could lay out that massive formation.

That formation was the only hope he had for taking on that old dragon.

That formation was considered one of the most renowned ones in the later years, which was called the ‘Heaven Isolation Formation’. It was something specifically made for addressing the problems with the rules shackling the planet.

Methods for briefly getting rid of the planet’s shackles were not exclusive to Earth. A lot of other planets in the cosmos were doing the same as well.

Despite the precious materials that Lu Xuan currently had access to, he was nonetheless unable to keep the formation going for long.

One needed to face repercussions from the heavens when one intended to isolate an area from the power of the heavens. As such, the formation would be quickly expended, with the fuel cost being 100 to even 1000 times that of other formations.

Even though Lu Xuan had depleted the stores of both the Special Task Force and the Heavenly Palace, he was unable to gather enough to lay more than just a single formation. Furthermore, the formation wouldn’t last very long: he had only three days to work with.

While three days would be deemed too short for everyone else, it was enough for him to work with.

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