
Chapter 118 - Taking In Yang Chengsi

Chapter 118: Taking In Yang Chengsi

There was an old saying that a person’s own virtue would never match the social status and treatment they enjoyed. In this case, Yang Chengsi’s strength did not match the benefits he enjoyed.

This was an extremely dangerous situation for him!

He had already sensed the danger he was in, but he was unable to do anything about it.

In this world, which was changing, and in the age of the revival of spirit qi, not everybody was blessed with limitless strength that could continue to make breakthroughs.

He had initially just been a regular Huajin warrior, but later on, when the world changed, over the span of a few years, he made a breakthrough to become a Baodan Grandmaster. Years ago, he broke through again to become a Martial Arts Legend.

Even so, he was beginning to feel his bottleneck, and trying to make any further progress was very difficult.

Perhaps when the world progressed to the next stage of its revival, his power might be able to break through to the National Guardian level or even the Divine level. At such a time, however, the people who started out at the same time as him would have already ascended to an even higher level.

Without moving forward and improving, one would fall behind, and was equivalent to moving backward!

This was beyond all doubt!

The times could be said to be rapidly changing. It was a situation where a martial arts legend, who could originally call themselves a boss of an area and hold the top position, was no longer strong enough to do so.

He had already resolved himself to realize that he was no longer capable of holding the position of a top dog, and at this time, allying himself with a strong backer was the optimal choice.

And at this very moment, Lu Xuan, who had just shaken up the world of Cultivators in Huaxia, had appeared before him. Lu Xuan was different from the other two top powers, the Agency of Special Affairs and the Southern Shaolin.

Those two organizations were already very powerful. If he chose to throw in his lot with them, they would quickly take full advantage of him until he was spent, and it was highly possible that he would end up as a simple hired thug.

On the other hand, Lu Xuan was an individual who worked alone. No matter how you cut it, he seemed to be the best target!

Most critically, he had no choice. In his early years, he once offended someone, or to put it more precisely, he made an enemy when he was carving out a position for himself back then.

After all, his position as the Min Province Master of the Coalition of the Woods was not a position passed down by his family, but something he fought for tooth and nail, so he made a strong foe in the past.

Afterward, he was the first to break through to the Baodan Grandmaster level, and defeated this enemy, chasing them out of Min Province, and seizing full power over the Min Province Coalition of the Woods.

However, as the saying goes, the winds of fate are volatile and difficult to predict, and revenge can come swiftly.

He did not know what kind of miraculous encounter his old rival had, but they had actually broken through to the National Guardian level and was a superpower outside the province.

Just two days ago, his rival sent one of his Martial Arts Legend level subordinates to kill him. Although he finally scared off his assailant, he still received injuries from the attack.

This fight caused an unparalleled terror to grow within him. He earnestly understood that if a National Guardian level master wanted his life, there was nowhere he could run to.

Though he was a businessman, he was not just a businessman, and neither were his opponents. In the world of business, losing in a contest just meant losing some money.

However, in the world of Cultivators, losing in a contest would cost you your life.

Hearing this, Lu Xuan finally understood why Yang Chengsi had seemed to surrender himself to him as a lackey for no reason.

It was because being a lackey was not the scariest thing that could happen, but being beaten to death was!

Lu Xuan gave it some thought, as taking in Yang Chengsi naturally came with pros and cons. The pros were that he could take over Yang Chengsi’s enormous enterprise and the many connections he had developed over the years. This would shore up many of the aspects Lu Xuan was currently lacking.

The cons were that Yang Chengsi’s enemies would become his own enemies.

Even so, he was not too concerned about this. It was only a National Guardian level master, who he could squash beneath a single finger, and they posed no threat to him whatsoever.

With his level of cultivation, he was on top of the world right now, and naturally had nothing to fear.

After thinking for some time, Lu Xuan said, “You are to pay me half of the profits you earn every month. As for that enemy, you can rest easy. With me around, nobody can stand against us!”

“Thank you so much, Mister Lu!” Yang Chengsi was overjoyed as he hurriedly replied. “Oh, no, I should say thank you, Young Master!”

“Aside from the money, I also want you to help me keep tabs on the Luo family!” Lu Xuan then proceeded to tell him about what had happened with the Luo family, but, of course, he only revealed the insignificant details.

This was the main reason Lu Xuan was willing to take in Yang Chengsi. Presently, the information source he was reliant on was primarily the Agency of Special Affairs. However, at the end of the day, they were an external force, and he needed someone in his own faction who could provide him with information so that he would not be blindsided at a key moment.

“Understood!” Yang Chengsi nodded in acknowledgement.

“Still, I have one more condition for people who want to work under me, and that is your life and death is completely within my hands. You need to think carefully for yourself whether you’re willing to accept this condition!” Lu Xuan warned.

Lu Xuan did not have the means to exert so much control, but this was fundamentally a question of principles.

Yang Chengsi thought for some time, but he finally decided to accept the conditions. At this point, there was nothing more he could hope for, and the only thing he could do was try to stay alive.

“As long as you don’t betray me, this is just a safeguard. But betray me, and with a single thought, I will have your life!” Lu Xuan said icily.

Even so, Yang Chengsi was a formidable person at his core and only hesitated for a moment before agreeing, allowing Lu Xuan to brand his mark into Yang Chengsi’s own soul.

After being branded with the mark, Yang Chengsi suddenly had a strange feeling, as though he had been bound by someone, and could not even have the slightest thought of resisting Lu Xuan. Once such a thought came to mind, there would be a severe pain gushing out from his soul, like it had ruptured.

At that moment, he knew that his destiny was now entirely in Lu Xuan’s hands. However, he had no other choice, and this was probably his best available option.

With a Divine level master backing him, his estate would certainly be extremely secure.

“Since you’ve pledged yourself under me, you’re naturally on my side now. If that enemy of yours appears again, let me know at once!” Lu Xuan said.

“Ok!” Yang Chengsi replied.

An hour later, Lu Tianxiang and Liu Wanrong had already finished signing the contract.

Their highest level boss had given the order that the manager of the sales gallery was to handle this deal personally, so the process of signing the contract was naturally very fast, and they were given top priority for the various procedures.

Having signed the contract, Liu Wanrong returned to Lu Xuan’s side. Looking at Yang Chengsi in the distance, she asked, “Who is this person and what did he want from you to so readily give you a villa worth over a 100 million!”

Liu Wanrong’s delicate features were tinged with worry. She was keenly aware that people had sinister hearts, and a free lunch would not just drop into one’s lap.

A villa worth over 100 million would certainly not just come for free. The bigger the gift, the greater the favor expected in return, and she feared that Lu Xuan would be getting himself dragged in too deep.

Lu Xuan revealed everything he knew about Yang Chengsi and had no intention of hiding anything.

“I see. So are you confident that you can handle that enemy of his?” Liu Wanrong suddenly saw the light, and everything began to make sense.

“Yup!” Lu Xuan nodded. “I’m in control of the situation here, Mom, so you don’t need to worry. His life and death are in my hands, and there won’t be any unforeseen situations!”

“If that’s the case, I won’t say anything more about it!” Liu Wanrong had her own thoughts about the matter but finally decided not to interfere with her son’s decisions.

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