
Chapter 244 - Ahead

We didn\'t actually get to meet many Battlesuins: I kind of didn\'t want to, so this was for the best anyway.

The branch family head had come to see us off. He was supposedly Blaze\'s father so he probably had a grudge against me. He sure didn\'t let any hate slip though. The guy was a pro.

Nellie had also come to see us off and she was still in her maid outfit. A batch of maids and butlers were behind her, bowing.

"Tell me, why do you dress like this again?"

We were waiting for the plane pretenders, so we had about a few mins. 

"Just a hobby."

Silence. It was so silent; I could literally hear the wind pass us by.


Anyway, the plane pretenders arrived and we got on. They were kind of confused as to why this place was still intact though. Seriously had they expected we\'d literally blow this whole place up? Actually, I was tempted at one point. So-

And so, the journey home began. 

I was really careful about incoming attacks midair though. But nothing came. 

Oh well. I guess they weren\'t as dumb as I assumed them to be. 


The return journey was supposed to be normal. But it wasn\'t. 

The reason being?

We had an extra with us. That extra being- Elsa. 

The spacing in this compartment was good for up to three people on either side. That meant, one seat each for mom, Marg, and me. But then where would Elsa sit? 

Actually, father wanted to come with us too- at least until he saw our ride. "I\'ll just catch a flight later," he\'d said before running away with a nervous chuckle. 

For the first few minutes, Elsa just stood in the middle of the compartment. Then she proposed to sit on my lap. Normally I wouldn\'t have opposed, since she was my kid sister- but I couldn\'t just stay in the mindset of \'she\'s just a kid\' forever. She\'d turn fifteen in like a month for crying out loud! Besides, there were other grownups here too. She could have just asked uncle or grandma. She probably didn\'t have enough courage to ask mom though. About five years ago she sat on mom\'s lap and a lot of stuff had happened. 

It was probably too traumatic for her. 

"Why don\'t you just have a seat and let the new couple do that instead?" Grandma said.

Marg stood up immediately. She was game.

Her attitude was normal and she didn\'t hesitate for a second to sit on my lap. She gently pressed her bottom on my lap and looked out the window like it was the most natural thing to do. Like what the hell!

She was warm and she smelled good but seriously! 

Uncle and grandma were giggling from the sides while mom just rolled her eyes. 

Meanwhile, Elsa kind of sat down with a bit of grumpiness. Did she just want a comfier cushion or something?

Anyway- the return journey just got a lot, lot warmer and more exciting. And for once I regretted bringing my family- cause this sure was embarrassing. 


We arrived just after the evening. I could still see some warm light near the edges of the western hemisphere. 

"Welcome back." The bunny maid welcomed us in. 

Inside, Raea and the girl from another world were making it home. 

They were enjoying some freshly fried shrimps.

I was too tired for all this stuff. 

Anyway- now that we were back home. 

"You guys aren\'t coming in?" I noticed uncle and the rest weren\'t coming inside.

"I think I\'ll go hunting. Too bored." Uncle chuckled. 

Auntie just smiled slightly- a rare sight. "It was fun."

"Take care. And we\'ll be here for the wedding: I\'ll bring everyone." Grandma also smiled. 

We were definitely going to get married but we hadn\'t actually decided on a date yet though.

Wait, did she just say everyone? The house of Romswell was big- like really, really big. We were technically from the main family but there were countless branch families and yeah… oh boy.

"Come on mom. You know we can\'t host everyone," Mom chuckled. "Though I would have preferred you stayed at least the night." 

Grandma chuckled and got on the compartment. "I\'ll come back eventually."

I guess the plane pretenders had more work. I sure hope they were being paid enough. Uncle just got his hands on treasure so they\'d probably be paid extra.

"Oh, almost forgot." Uncle threw something at me: I caught it. "I found it. Don\'t need it so you can have it." He got on the compartment with his wife and it took off.

As the compartment became too little to see, I breathed a sigh of relief. Everything worked out and it was thanks to my family and friends… I guess I wasn\'t alone and I shouldn\'t have tried to do everything on my own.

I took a look at the stuff uncle threw- and apparently, it was a small crystal: a very black crystal. The blackest I\'d seen so far.

"A rather powerful core," Mom said.

"Well, it better be." I pulled out my saber and put the core on the handle. 

Nothing happened for a second.

"You sure you don\'t need a better seal?" Mom was kind of next to me: we were about to head inside. "I mean if your condition worsens and-"

The core got absorbed and the saber flickered a few times. Nothing happened. 

"Let\'s not worry about that. I don\'t think this seal will break that soon anyway. And I\'d rather not bear more deaths on me." Mom and I came inside and locked the door. "Besides, lately Enira\'s gotten a whole lotta powerful and once she recovers, we\'ll talk more about this." I was definitely not going to kill a dozen kids for my sake though.


"So, what are you guys doing here?"

In the living room Raea and the girl- I really needed to remember her name. What was it again? Arena? Arika? Oh yeah, Aria! Right! Yeah! Anyway, they were both eating fried shrimps and watching some drama on the Holo TV.

Just where the hell did they even get the shrimps?

\'Had we even bought fish?\'

"Making ourselves at home?" Raea said, tilting her head slightly.

"I don\'t remember giving you permission."

She grinned. "But I\'m in love and it won\'t change. So, I\'ll use every opportunity I get."

Not that again.

I sighed. "I\'ll let you handle this." I gave Marg a pat. "From now on, if you see any homewreckers- kick \'em out or something," I said to the bunny girl. 

For some reason, both of their eyes lit up and they grinned. 

This was for the best. I loved Marg and I was content with her. I recently developed Feelings for Enira but that was it. I didn\'t want to get more involved with these things. 

Anyway, with that done, I slowly headed downstairs. I needed a shower. 

As I headed down though- I heard slight screams.

Rest in peace.

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