
Chapter 36: Battle Of Wan

Chapter 36: Battle Of Wan

Lie Fan led his army marching toward Nanyang spending 10 days when they finally arrived at Nanyang Commandery, Lie Fan open the vision map and saw the Nanyang Capital City Wan location so he led them there

Reaching Wan at first they were thought to be Yellow Turbans and the Wan army was under alert closing their city gate and warning them to not step closer while their drum sounded to alert the people residing in Nanyang

Witnessing what happened, Lie Fan rides forward alongside his retinue and generals leading his army slowly approaching Nanyang while he notified his soldiers to rise the Han Army banner signaling that they were allies

When the Wan Army commander saw that he was relieved as it turns out reinforcement from the Imperial Army, he notified his soldiers that it was a false alarm as the one approaching was their reinforcement

Wan Army hearing that cheered and under the order of their commander the city gate was opened, the Commander get down from the wall and wait at the city gate to welcome the Imperial Army while he notified his soldiers to report to the Grand Administrator of Wan

Lie Fan: "Greetings I\'m Lie Fan, Vice General of Zhu Jun\'s Army here to help battle the Yellow Turbans"

Nanyang Commander: " I\'m Du Mao the commander of the Wan Army, I\'m honored that Vice General Lie arriving in Wan to help us"

Lie Fan: "No need for Gratitude, tho is the duty we shall uphold protecting the common people and the empire!"

Du Mao: "Vice General Lie Fan is too humble, Our Grand Administrator is on the way here why don\'t the Vice General\'s army enters the city and take a rest inside our training ground or barracks?"

Lie Fan: "I thank Commander Du for your generosity, My army is tired from the March and a rest is what we need before battling against the Yellow Turbans"

Lie Fan and his retinue accompanied by Du Mao enter Wan City, Lie Fan ordered Chao Bo, Chao Bai, and Zang Ba to lead the soldier following Du Mao officers toward their training ground or barracks

When Lie Fan and his retinue led by Du Mao finally arrived at the Wan City Estate, they were welcomed by the Wan Grand Administrator who was waiting for them in front of the estate

NGA: "Greetings towards you General, I\'m Wan Grand Administrator Qin Xie welcome to Nanyang"

Lie Fan: "Greetings I\'m Lie Fan Vice General of Zhu Jun Army, thank you for welcoming us, we heard that Nanyang needs some help and General Zhu Jun send me here alongside 18.675 men to reinforce Wan"

Qin Xie: "What General Zhu Jun and Vice General Lie Fan heard was right, there\'s a 15.000 Yellow turbans army residing somewhere near Wan and was threatening to attack us if we do not submit"

Lie Fan: "Then the timing of our arrival is not late, Administrator Qin doesn\'t need to throw a banquet to welcome us. The money is better spent on more food and drinks for my soldiers"

Qin Xie: "Vice General Lie caring for his soldier is admirable! Wan is honored to serve food and drinks for the Imperial Army!"

After the greetings, Qin Xie invited Lie Fan and his retinue to enter the estate leading them toward the meeting room to discuss in a more private area

Lie Fan introduces Sun Qian, Xu Kai, Liu Pi, and Bo Cai to Qin Xie as his retinues, Qin Xie was intrigued with Liu Pi and Bo Cai as the two of them wear masks to cover their face while acting as Lie Fan\'s bodyguards

Lie Fan told him why they wear masks because an unknown-faced bodyguard can be used for many tasks and go to many places undetected that\'s why he ordered them to wear masks

Qin Xie hearing that praises Lie Fan\'s ingenuity as he can think of such a brilliant idea, Qin Xie and Lie Fan talk about some common topics like scenery and poetry before entering more serious topics

Lie Fan: "Grand Administrator Qin, when does the Yellow Turbans threaten Wan? Is it already been a week or a month?"

Qin Xie: "Maybe one or two weeks, their leader Zhang Mancheng killed the previous Grand Administrator of Wan Master Chu Gong when our army clashed against the Yellow Turbans. I succeed him in this emergency time and with our low morale I decided for us to hold up inside the city"

Lie Fan: "If I may know, how many does the Wan Army number right now?"

Qin Xie: "We only have 5.000 from the original 8.000 men"

Lie Fan: "It\'s more than enough to defend Wan, I plan to station my army outside Wan and wait for the Yellow Turbans to ambush them.

I will lend my advisor Master Sun Qian here to help you coordinate the defense for when the Yellow Turbans attack Wan and when the Yellow Turbans was focused on attacking Wan that\'s when My army will begin to attack them"

Qin Xie: "Vice General Lie\'s plan is a brilliant one, having Master Sun Qian beside me to coordinate the defense of Nanyang is increasing my confidence. Let\'s do as Vice General Lie plans and If I remember correctly the Yellow Turbans will arrive in 3 days, I think it\'s more than enough time to prepare"

Sun Qian: "My Lord if I may, Grand Administrator Qin can cut some lumbers and apply some oil to lumbers setting them on fire when we rolled them down from the wall causing massive damage to their numbers and morale"

Lie Fan: "Great Idea Master Sun! I think Grand Administrator Qin is acquiescing with what Master Sun proposed?"

Qin Xie: "Of Course! With Vice General Lie and Master Sun on Wan\'s side, those Yellow Turban will never know what hit them"

Lie Fan, Sun Qian, and Qin Xie talk for about an hour perfection the strategy then Lie Fan and Sun Qian take their leave to return to their army to inform them of the plan

When Lie Fan and Sun Qian arrived at Wan Barracks to meet with the rest of the Generals, he informed them of the plan and where each of their position will be making sure that they remember the signal as it was vital for the success of their plan

He also tells them to capture the Yellow Turban leaders, from their commander to higher-ranking officers as he wanted to interrogate them

Lie Fan ordered them to take rest for the day and from tomorrow they will organize the army to their position, making sure it was hidden in plain sight to not attract the Yellow Turban\'s attention

In the next two days, Lie Fan prepares everything that needed to be prepared while making sure his army is well-equipped and provided with enough food to strengthen their constitution

Grand Administrator Qin Xie is nervous about the battle but not afraid, he has a background in martial arts and adequate skills to protect himself. Sun Qian was beside him and advising on what was next to be done

Lie Fan was stationed west of Nanyang accompanied by Bo Cai, Liu Pi, and Zhu Hao where from this position he will lead 1.500 cavalries to attack the Yellow Turbans

When the sun was right atop their heads, they were the Yellow Turbans finally arrived and Lie Fan uses Sun Tzu to calculate their numbers and confirmed that their number is 15.000

Zhang Mancheng the Leader of Nanyang Yellow Turbans feels confident and strode out to the front when they reach Wan to address the administrator of the city

Zhang Mancheng: "Qin Xie you coward! Your Father has arrived and demands you to give proper respect by opening this gate and kowtowing before me!"

Qin Xie who heard that was angry while Sun Qian is calming him down reminding him to not be instigated by what Zhang Mancheng said

Qin Xie: "Yellow Turbans scum! We will never submit to the likes of you and will battle to the death for our safety!"

Zhang Mancheng: "Humph! Then you just ordered your funeral for you and your city! Brothers show them what we are made of attack the city!"

Yellow Turbans: "Hoahhhh!!!"

The Yellow Turbans under Zhang Mancheng\'s orders began to attack Nanyang, Qin Xie seeing that tells his soldier to prepare the lumber and rolled them down when the Yellow Turbans reached the wall to raise their ladders

The Wan Army began to shoot their bows under the order of Qin Xie, Wan Archery Battallion Commander an middle aged man giba the order to fire and he also shoot his bow with an accuracy so accurate that many Yellow Turbans Fall

The Yellow Turbans reached under the wall were crushed by the numbers and some were set on fire thanks to the oil applied to them with a fire burning strongly killing them

Zhang Mancheng saw the tactics Nanyang used and feel annoyed by it, he ordered his right-hand man Zhao Hong to lead the attack and bring some water to extinguish the burning Yellow Turbans soldier

Zhao Hong followed Zhang Mancheng\'s orders and ordered his soldiers to begin to take some water to douse off the burning Yellow Turbans

Zhang Mancheng: "Since when these bastards know how to use tactics, Han Zhong, Sun Zhong go help and command left flank and right flank respectively command the archers to shoot at those bastards when they wanted to roll down the numbers"

Sun Zhong and Han Zhong followed the orders and enter their position ordering the archers to prepare to shoot, when they wanted to order to shoot Lie Fan\'s army who were waiting finally receive the signal and began to attack the Yellow Turbans

Zhang Mancheng who was watching the attack at Wan suddenly received a report of the Han Army attacking them from all sides making him panic and when he went outside his tent he saw many Han armies coming at them

Zhang Mancheng: "Brothers! Enter defensive formation and do not panic as that\'s what the Enemies wanted us to do!"

The Yellow Turbans who were panicking ignored or doesn\'t hear Zhang Mancheng\'s orders, scattered to each side thinning their ranks as they fight at all sides

Zhao Hong: "Big Brother! What shall we do now?! The Brothers were too panicked and ignored your orders! Since when did a Han Army this big come and we never saw them?!"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 16 Years Old

Level: 11

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 48

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 151.700


STR: 290

VIT: 95

AGI: 88

INT: 104

CHR: 88

WIS: 74

Will: 40

ATR Points: 0

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