
Chapter 193 Alice Veko

"What do you say?" Alex asked with a sly smile as he turned to Galahan.

Galahan was surprised, "Well, well, you invited her here without my knowledge, but now you\'re asking me how to proceed?"

Alex shrugged, "If there\'s a way to get your opinion, I\'ll always take it. After all, your intuition is a super ability you had even before Fallen Fate."


Suddenly the room got hot, as Alice\'s hands flashed red flames and her face contorted in anger.

"I think we had a deal, don\'t you?" Alice stared at Alix with an angry look.

Alex shook his head, "You shouldn\'t act so aggressively, because you\'re not the only one capable of such tricks."

Streams of water appeared next to Alex, slowly swirling around his palms, ready to turn into sharp blades against which Alice had no defense at any moment.

"Calm down." Galahan said seriously, putting his hands together with a thoughtful expression, "We all understand that the situation is difficult, so let\'s act like adults and not wild children."

Alex glanced at Alice, "You first."

Alice grimaced but canceled the skill, then Alex did the same, and everything went back to normal. The relationship between them was strained because, over the past few years, they had often had to interact with each other, and because of Alex\'s past, they sometimes had disagreements. Also, it was all pure work, without any follow-up.

"I think... It\'s not a bad idea. If we unite and Zayne is still our ally, then we will have everything we need to be first in the new world." Galahan said quietly, pondering her options.

"Yeah... Really, I haven\'t heard from him in a long time. It\'s been a while since he got to Mage Academy, but it\'s like he disappeared, even the other Players have stopped posting pictures of him online." Alex muttered, turning back to his cookies.

Galahan looked at Alice, "If you agree to be our ally without setting up any games, we can take you to Zayne, I think he can see us tomorrow morning."

"Now!" Alice said confidently, "I accept all the terms, and you can come to me for help just as you do, but I have to meet with Zayne right now. I need confirmation from him so I can consider this deal complete as well as the creation of our alliance."

Alex and Galahan looked at each other. It was late at night now, and most people were sound asleep, preparing for another day that would be unusual because of the special news that had come out tonight.

"Well... It\'s possible, however, it might not be the best decision." Galahan scratched the back of his head, "We\'ll have to get him out of the capsule, I\'m sure it\'ll piss him off. Are you certain that\'s how you should start?"

Alice nodded without question, "I have a lot of work to do, even more, to do tomorrow for obvious reasons. If it weren\'t for the strengthening of our physical stats, I\'d have died of exhaustion long ago."

Alex gave her a questioning look.

"Damn, it seems unlike me you don\'t need to spend all your time working. I\'ve gotten less sleep, since I only get three or four hours now, without any effect on my body." Alice explained, thus conveying another valuable piece of information to them.

Alex shrugged, grabbed some cookies, and headed for the exit, "Come on. Let\'s not waste our busy lady\'s time."

Galahan shook his head. He preferred to proceed at his own pace and not force things, but right now he had no other option.

\'Damn... A lot of problems often come from Alex, but Alice Veko... Fuck, she\'s a special case. Having that much power at her age isn\'t safe at all, especially, considering the fact that she\'s superhuman now. And so are we all.\' Galahan pondered, watching their departing backs.

They took the elevator straight down to the parking lot, got into the black sports car that belonged to Alex, and headed straight for Zayne\'s house. Given that it was nighttime and the roads were empty, thanks to Alex\'s special driving style they made it to Zayne\'s faster than Alice expected.

"Shit... That was fast, but I feel like I was driving a cart instead of an expensive sports car." Alice said irritably, getting out of the car.

"Shut up. If you don\'t like the way I drive, you\'ll walk next time." Alex waved his hand, tossed his keys, and headed for the front door.

They went up to the second floor, where there was a capsule in the center of the room, where Zayne was right now. Waves of light occasionally passed along its edges, indicating that the capsule had been turned on.

Alice stepped forward, she wasn\'t going to wait for Zayne to come out and decided to do everything herself. She pressed the button that was supposed to open the capsule and disconnect Zayne from the game.

"Agh...? Why isn\'t it working?" Alice was puzzled, looking at the capsule that remained motionless. It didn\'t open and didn\'t seem to pay attention to Alice\'s actions at all.

Alice turned to Alex, "Hey... Is Zayne Fellen using the broken capsule? The button is definitely not working."

Click. Click. Click.

Alice pressed the button a few more times, but nothing happened, the capsule just ignored her actions.

Alex frowned, "That\'s impossible. This is the capsule I gave him right after I bought it. It works properly, and what\'s more, I don\'t see any signs of damage."

Galahan stepped forward, examined the capsule, and pushed the button harder to check, but it had no effect. Zayne was still in Fallen Fate and they couldn\'t change that.

"Fine, in that case, I\'ll have to move on to more drastic methods." Alice walked over to the capsule and gripped the joint tightly. 

"Wait... What are you going to do?" Alex tilted his head.

"Hah, isn\'t it obvious? I\'m going to open it with brute force! If it breaks the capsule, that\'s okay. I\'ll just buy him a new one." Alice said calmly before pulling on the lid.

On the outside, she was an average girl, but considering what she had managed to accomplish in Fallen Fate, her physical strength was immense, so opening the capsule for her should have been as easy as a tin can.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

A loud creak was heard, as the capsule\'s lock slowly began to break, Alice approached to open it.

"Just a little more." Alice smirked, but the next moment her eyes went wide.


Blue energy began to emerge from the gaps, causing Alice to step aside.

"What the hell is that?" Alice became wary as well as Alex and Galahan. Neither of them had seen anything like it.

"Wait... Is that Fate Energy...? Or is it Zayne\'s energy? Either way... it\'s something unusual..." Alex muttered with a confused expression.

Galahan turned to Alice, "You didn\'t seem to expect this to happen at all. Didn\'t you check what happens if you open the capsule while there\'s a person in it?"

Alice frowned, "What do you take me for? Of course, I\'ve checked it. However, nothing like that has happened to any of the hundreds of test subjects. Hah, Zayne Fellen is actually unique."

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

The Capsule began to tremble as thin streams of red energy, representing Chaos, emerged from beneath it. Unlike the blue energy that covered the capsule, as if trying to protect it, the red streams were trying to turn into something.

"Hmm? What\'s going on?" Galahan muttered looking at the slow-moving Chaos Energy, the two red streams creating different seals in the air, like two artist\'s brushes.

Each time a new seal appeared, the space shook slightly and the more seals there were, the stronger the effect was.

"Mhm, though I wonder what\'s going to happen next, it\'s obvious that we have to stop it somehow. It wouldn\'t be good if it had any negative consequences, would it?" Alex muttered before rushing forward.


As he approached the capsule, two red streams came crashing down on him like cruel whips, preventing him from getting any closer. The attacks were quite real as a deep trail of smoke was left on the floor.

"I\'ll do it!" Alice exclaimed as she found herself next to the capsule, about to open it, but, the red currents threw her aside again.

In the meantime, the seals continued to appear, making the whole house tremble. Alex was wary, he needed to think of a plan quickly, and one idea immediately popped into his head.

He ran up to the capsule, but his target wasn\'t it, but a thick, long wire that carried electricity.

Alex pulled out his knives, quickly cutting the wire in two, as the electricity stopped going to the capsule.

"Agh...? It still works?" Alex was completely puzzled, looking at the capsule with streams of light around its edges.

"The capsule stores energy for emergencies, that\'s enough for a few hours, so we need to come up with another plan." Alice said seriously, preparing to apply her skill.

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