
Chapter 489 Taken to Yamen

Chapter 489 Taken to Yamen

Once they reached the town, Su Wan noticed that Lin Chen got out of the carriage rather quickly, in fact, he was rushing through the streets like he had wheels on his feet. She narrowed her eyes, as far as she knew through Lin Chen was rather serious about his work he wasn\'t this passionate as to run off to the shop as his life depended on it, something was definitely up.

" Miss, should I follow master Chen?" The carriage driver was an old servant of the Shen family and knew just how important Su Wan was to the Shen brothers, being disrespectful to her was the same as being disrespectful to his masters that was why the old servant was extra careful while talking with Su Wan. He didn\'t even dare to complain about the crowd that was jamming the road instead he asked Su Wan whether or not she wanted to follow Lin Chen.

Su Wan nodded her head. " Thank you for your hard work, grandpa Cheng." She knew that driving in these conditions would be rather tough for Grandpa Cheng, no matter how skilled of a driver he was but she too was in a hurry, unlike Lin Chen, her legs weren\'t that long and she might not be able to catch up to him on time and then maybe she would miss to catch what was happening at the shop and with Lin Chen, so it was better to follow him in the carriage than chase after him on foot.

" Ah, this is no trouble," said Grandpa Cheng with a toothy smile as he whipped the glossy behind of the horse and clipped clopped all the way to the shop.


" I am telling you I got these after applying the perfume for your shop! You better give me an explanation for this!" A young woman dressed in a pastel blue dress stood in front of the makeup shop that Su Wan had given Lin Chen to manage with an expression that was full of nothing but fury, she glared at Lin Chen who was standing in front of her with a helpless expression and felt even more irritated. " what are you looking at me like this? Do you think that I am here to con you? Let me tell you that I am the young mistress of the Wang family, I have enough money in my pocket to buy you and your shop together, what are you looking at me like that?"

Lin Chen felt a headache coming, yesterday it was a young lady from the Liu family who came to complain that the scented oil from their shop gave her nightmares instead of soothing her headaches and today it was a lady from the Wang family, what was going on? Why was it that only the young ladies from the esteemed family had trouble with their products?


At the sound of someone laughing, Lin Chen\'s head snapped up and he swivelled his head around to see who exactly was that bastard who was laughing at him but he couldn\'t find anyone, and what was more, was that the young lady Wang thought that he was being disrespectful towards her by not paying attention to what she was saying so she immediately erupted as she pointed at him and ordered the guards from the Yamen " Catch him, he dared to slight this young lady and even caused me to have physical injuries, I want him to be punished and this shop to be closed at once lest it harms another lady from the town."

The Yamen guards moved at once, it wasn\'t that they had anything against Lin Chen but the young lady indeed had sufficient evidence against him, the small box with the cream perfume was indeed from Zhimei and the young lady had a valid paper receipt for her purchase as well, thus, they had no choice but to take her complaints seriously. If the products that were being sold at Zhimei were indeed substandard then they would have no choice but to take action against the offender. And in all honesty, this was the seventh complaint in just a single week.

Lin Chen saw that two Yamen officers were coming toward him and stiffened, all of a sudden those old memories from the time when he was beaten by the crowd of villagers when his second sister vindictively made him a villain. He wanted to say something, prove his innocence but there was nothing he could say, hell he couldn\'t even open his mouth much less say anything.

The Yamen guards got closer and closer and Lin Chen started to hyperventilate, those questioning glances, those eyes filled with contempt, they all were looking at him like he did something wrong - but he didn\'t! He was innocent!

Lin Chen\'s breathing quickened and he started to feel dizzy as his anxiety shot through the roof, what was he going to do now? He needs to do something, but what-

A small hand wrapped around his interrupting the panic attack that was clogging his mind, his dizzy surroundings cleared up as a small figure stood in front of him and intercepted the Yamen officers who already had their hands stretched to take him.

" Wait for a second," said Su Wan raising her hand as she calmly looked at the officers in front of her. She knew that something was up but she didn\'t know that things were this bad, she turned to look at the workers who worked in her shop and almost instantly they all lowered their heads, Su Wan narrowed her eyes at them before turning her attention to the Yamen officers and announcing " I am the one under whose name this shop is and I am the one responsible for making these products if you have something to discuss it please discuss it with me. My husband is only responsible for selling them, if there is anything wrong with the products then I am afraid you have to take me with you."

The Yamen officers were shocked and so was Lin Chen.

" Wan Wan!" He shouted after the shock passed and he realised what his wife just said: " You… this is why I didn\'t want to tell you."

" Shut up, you idiot." Su Wan was so angry that she didn\'t even mince her words nor did she control her actions as she smacked Lin Chen as she chided " If you told me earlier, things wouldn\'t have gotten to this point" she glared at the workers who were staring at the ground and sneered " clearly, someone is trying to mess with us. The products are all self-tested on us before coming to the shop everything was fine then how come they ended up getting messed up after entering the shop?"

The workers all shiver they didn\'t know who ate the gall of the leopard that they chose to betray their masters. Now because of one all of them would suffer!

" This young lady.. are you sure you want to come with us?" asked one of the Yamen officers, he was worried that if they took this frail lady to Yamen she would cry out in fear, he didn\'t want to meddle in such affairs.

Su Wan nodded solemnly. " I am the one who made these products, so if there is anything wrong with it, I should be the one who should be questioned."

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