
Chapter 93 - The Labyrinth

The demon was slack-jawed, never would he imagine that there was someone who was also skillful in using mental interference in this city!

He was beaten immediately in their battle between mental attacks!

He was at odds because the real owner of the body he was possessing resisted him. In this regard, his footing in that body wasn\'t so fortified.

In addition, it was only a few minutes that had passed since he possessed that body, because of it, his spiritual link on it was quite lax and he was defeated when the battle with this newcomer started.

Not only that, but this person who defeated him had also invaded so soon the body he was occupying. Looks like those smoke-like things he was exuding weren\'t normal.

What puzzled the demon about the smoke of that person, he couldn\'t feel any malicious intent from it.

Well, the battle had already been decided before it even started.

Ice and the others were successfully rescued..


The soldiers who came down the underground channel were gasping in shock for what they saw. The ground was littered with corpses of Evil Rats, Evil Bats, and Wanderer class.


Those magician\'s experienced being possessed by the demon were tended by specialist doctors to have a deep inspection with their health issue. While their deities also needed a deep scan.

Many people were wounded gravely, but they were rescued in time before the worst came to them.

Almina and Maena only took minor wounds and were healed immediately. 

Nonetheless, they were prohibited from joining the training the next day. They exhausted their mana with that fight with the demon, so they needed enough rest.

The Mercenary Ultima had been taken to the specialist together with the other magicians who were possessed by the demon.

On the contrary, the Ace Miss Ice was obliged to rest for a week. But the next day, she was seen strolling around the academy. Her fans immediately took some stolen shots of her.

Most of the fledgling trainees didn\'t know much about her. But the Juniors and Seniors were looking at her with so much respect. She actually was admired by them, not only her beauty but also her strength.

Her appearance awakened the tigers and dragons who currently ruled the other academies. "Finally, the uncrowned queen showed up! The real competition will about to start!" Only their fierce eyes were visible. But both of them exuded an extraordinary aura.

Chief Henderson, Mayor Chan, and Principal Mar Mari were having a meeting. As the three higher officials together with the three elders, they have the final say for every decision needed to be made in this city. Although there was also a church, they were not allowed to enter such as political stuff or managing the city.

"The biggest problem we have is the lack of resources and security. I suggest to form a special squad to guard our perimeters outside and inside the city." The mayor suggested.

The others knitted their brows at this suggestion coming from the Mayor.

Not only was the city lacking in resources, but the military was also lacking soldiers.

While their meeting was in a heated discussion, all of them froze and stared wide-eyed when the door of the meeting hall slammed open and that girl walked in, as nothing happened.

Miss Ace?!

Everyone exclaimed in their minds. Never would they imagine that this girl would appear here at this moment.

"Ace! Why are you here? Didn\'t I tell you to rest for a month!" Elder Paan roared at her like a tiger.

"Wha—? Fufu, I see. Looks like Paan Elder is having a sign of age. Ehehe, for what I know, you asked me to rest for one week only," Ice chuckled playfully.

"This child! Then what you called yourself? It\'s not even 2 days yet since you rested!" Elder Paan yelled with a cross-shaped pulse appearing on her forehead, then she smacked her head.

Ice was holding her head with teary eyes, "Eh, but I am too bored staying at the hospital, besides I feel okay now."

Everyone was dumbfounded by what they heard. Is this girl even a human? They thought.

The other elders were wearing a can\'t be helped expression on their faces, while thinking, \'Elder Paan was having it hard time again. Maybe it\'s time for her to find a husband.\'

(A/N: Elder Paan age = 129)

Suddenly, everyone noticed the slight change in Elder Paan countenance. "What you say, you are okay now?" She asked.

"Fufufu, you are as quick as ever, Paan Elder," said Ice.

"Don\'t tell me, you already mastered the Perfect Breathing technique of that man?" She exclaimed.

"Eh," Ice suddenly blushed. "It wasn\'t perfect yet," she said bashfully while playing with her hair.

\'This girl really admires that person too much. In any case, it\'s good that she finally able to learn that technique,\' Elder Paan thought.

"That\'s good, I want you to teach it to someone later," Elder Paan told her.

"What?! B-But I just came back! And I almost die of exhaustion! Well, I better go, hehe..." Ice tried to escape but the Elder Paan already gripped her collar and lifted her in the air.

Such a grip from an elder, even the Ace of the academy could not budge it.

"P-Paan Elder? Isn\'t it too rude to bully a patient?"

"Kukuku said someone who escaped from the hospital."

Ice eyes turned blank.

"Fufu, let\'s ask our Ace what is really her intention of coming here. I bet she came here with a reason," Principal Mar Mari said with a chuckle.

"Principal Mar, I think the academy is just too lax towards this girl, that\'s why she acted too spoiled. Look, if this girl didn\'t go that time of the competition, the academy won\'t suffer from such humiliation."

He immediately shut his mouth. No matter what, he could not anger an elder, especially someone like Elder Paan who was an unmarried woman.

Ice remained quiet, but actually, her shoulder was trembling, and she was chuckling while looking in different directions. She really did something silly at that time.


Out of a sudden, they heard Elder Paan grinned menacingly. For some reason, a foreboding feeling creeped out in Ice skin.

Then they heard Elder Paan saying, "Although, at first I dislike the incompetent plan of Mayor Chan..."

Hearing his name spoken by the elder, Mayor Chan felt a chill running down his spine. It was known all around the city that Elder Paan was the scariest Elder. Even he would not dare to anger her.

He gulped.

Everyone showed interest in Elder Paan\'s next word.

"Let\'s do what Mayor Chan suggested. And I wanted this silly girl to be the leader of that special squad," said Elder Paan coldly.

Question marks floating above the head of their so-called Ace.

Ice for some reason felt she made a big mistake invading here!

"Even though I am the renowned Ace of the academy...why bullying such a lonely girl..." she mumbled.

The others did not react against Elder Paan and drily shrugged their shoulders.

Later on, Ice told them what she came for.

She explained to them all about that demon, if how she encountered it. And she also told them about the rift. After she mentioned it, everyone\'s eyes lit up.

The solemn atmosphere a while ago immediately washed away. Because the rift was mostly connected to the labyrinth. And the labyrinth was known to store a massive amount of treasure and resources. But of course, it wasn\'t easy to gather these resources. After all, the labyrinth was also the house of many kinds of monsters and traps. It was the very meaning of danger.

However, it could also be the best training grounds to accumulate combat experience.

So this achievement of securing the rift or the entrance was truly big success.

Before they celebrated, Ice asked them about a certain magician that made the elder\'s brows knitted to each other.

"A talented fledgling male magician who defeated the demon?" Elder Nitan asked.

"Yes Nitan Elder, that person did defeat the demon," Ice said but she noticed the puzzled expressions shown in the faces of these oldies.

"Wasn\'t the black magician the one who defeated the demon?" Mayor Chan asked as well.

"Actually, I also was curious about this black magician who defeated the demon. But before that, that demon fled from the underground channel in haste after he was defeated by a newbie."

"What? It was not because of you that the demon flees from the underground channel?" Chief Henderson exclaimed.

"Yes, Mr. Chief."

Everyone was surprised by what they heard from the academy\'s ace.

It was out of the question that a fledgling trainee was able to defeat a demon of such a degree. Never in history, it happened.

"Was that person really had fought the demon?"

"Wasn\'t it Kiko of the Sun family?" Mayor Chan said.

"Possible, after all that young man was truly a talented person," the principal added.

"In any case, let\'s find it out tomorrow..." Elder Paan said.

The next morning, it was already 2 days ago when the demon attack happened.

Most people in the city of Zone 7 were in the celebratory mode. The officials together with some important people(Probably businessmen) in the city were currently in the underground channel.

They were watching the academy ace as she lifted the ice mirror she cast to cover the rift.

A moment later, they noticed the whole underground channel trembled slightly.

Then they saw the ice slowly broken apart. When the ice mirror finally broke apart, their eyes were greeted by 10 meters in height and a 5 meters surface that looked like a surface of the water in crimson color.

Some tester soldiers tried to enter it but after three minutes.

"I-It\'s an active labyrinth!!" Exclaimed the soldiers when it came out.

They went out with some herbs, loots and they even found a chest treasure. And some scratches on their armors.

Everyone immediately jumped in joy. The excitement they felt could not be asserted after it had been proven as an active labyrinth.

The bigshot businessmen together with the city officials did not waste their time and immediately made a conclusion.

It was agreed that The Ace of the academy would get a 10 percent commission as the one who discovered and secured the rift.

2 percent for Almina Amulet and Maena Hex as the two girls contributed with the fight against the demon.

1 percent for the Mercenary Ultima who at least did a little thing.

2 percent to the mysterious black magician who defeated the demon.

Everyone was looking at the poster posted in the academy and barracks announcement board, and on the academy\'s website with full of envy in their eyes.

Everyone gawked in disbelief after they saw the final name listed.

Yman Talisman - will get a total of 3% commission of the total income of the labyrinth.


The chief and the other officials and even the elders, could not believe it at first. But the one who told them was the famous Almina Amulet, that it was that person who came with them and the one who first defeated the demon.

"Tsk, what the f**k is this? Did they make a bluff in it?" Marco questioned annoyingly.

"Damn, that toad! I wonder how he cheated!" Bruno added. He believed that person was only leeching at the others. But how come he had the second biggest commission? He was even bigger than the mysterious black magician who defeaed the demon.

Kiko on the other hand was burning in anger.

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