
Chapter 51 - Shooting

When Yman finally arrived at their room, his sister was so shocked when she saw him. He looks so beat-up and sluggish.

She asked him worriedly of what happened, Yman told her that he went to map the Underground Channel where his solo mission as a trainee was located.

But unfortunately, he had met with the monsters so soon and a fight was inescapable. He did not mention the evolved one and about his power. Because he knew that his sister would feel regretful if she knew what happened to him in the past after they were being separated. Even though she was not at fault about it. However, she keeps on blaming herself for being a disabled person. Which Yman is trying to avoid.

An idea popped up in his mind. He must bring extra clothes next time so that before coming back he looks fine and avoids worrying his sister. Hmm… why did it just come to his mind? Yman regretted.. Anyways, he was too exhausted to think of any sensible things.

Regardless, at the moment, only he and Ms. Pai knew about his secret.

He also told his sister that the monster inflicted a poison on him but good thing that he was well-prepared, not only he wore some suit with poison resistance, he also bought potions for poison ailments.

He explained to her that after drinking the potion, the poison healed but his body protested because of the side effect and that he was having diarrhea at the moment.

Yana had a worried face and was trying to get up and sit on the bed. He hastily said that he\'s fine now and that no need to get worried about him. This diarrhea will probably go away after taking some medicine.

In reality, his diarrhea was the after effect from using his Black Mana, and it could not be healed by ordinary medicine. Although it would be gone even without medicine, he just needed some rest, but for the main time, Yman had to suffer before that.

To assure his sister that he was really fine as of the moment, Yman self-proclaimed that he was a strong person, and this kind of disease was nothing to him.

Yana could only force a smile to her brother\'s act. She knew that he was forcing himself too much, and right now he was acting fine. She could even feel his deep breathing at the moment, and his messy hair was even messy and clearly wet from his sweat. He\'s exhausted no matter how she looks at him.

Certainly, Yman was not a good actor in front of his sister.

If only she could stand on her own. If only, she could help even with the house chores, she could help to lighten up some of his burden that he was lifting through his thin shoulders.

However, here she was, limped lying on the bed. Could only sit but could not walk. She doesn\'t like this, being an addition to his heavy loads that he carried on by himself.

She really doesn\'t care if her brother was the weakest person in the world, as long as he\'s fine and away from danger.

Yman noticed that Yana had a solemn face, and at the corner of her eyes, started to wet. He then moved beside her and gently touched her head while forcing the sweetest smile a big brother can muster.

"Sorry, I made you worry again. Don\'t worry your big brother will be more careful next time." He said with a gentle smile and gently wiped her eyes that started to get wet and red.

Yana also smiled from her brother\'s words: "Mhm." And she nodded her head. Then entangled her arms on Yman\'s thin waist.

Yman knew what his sister was thinking. That she felt like she was a load on his shoulder, which is not true. He was very happy to see her again, after many years that they had separated. Every day he was praying to reunite with her. Because of her, he was able to stay alive from that torturous hell-like place.

And because of her, he did not lose his sanity and remained sane even after that horrendous past of him.

Yman gently brushed Yana\'s hair with his hand. His hand slides on his sister\'s long silky brown hair.

A moment later, she asked about Sistela when it came to her mind. Yman explained truthfully, he said that Sistela was in hibernation mode at the moment. Then he handed to her the soundless sleeping ball-shaped deity. Every 2 seconds, blue flashes of lightning occasionally trailed in the imprint that could be seen around its body. Indicating that it was charging at the moment.

The next morning,

Yman woke up early per usual, he needed to attend the physical training which is held at 4 AM - 8 AM early in the morning.

But this time, Yman was not in his top condition. His stamina did not regain fully. He had to suffer being woken up and had to run to the toilet several times last night.

He didn\'t even have a good sleep last night. And now his eyes have black circles surrounded around it.

Sistela was left in the hotel to take care of his sister. There is no need to bring her to the training grounds.

After he finished changing his uniform into a training suit, he directly went into the training grounds where he saw Bob and his deity doing some stretching in front of one of the punching dummies.

Near it is a shooting area, where every trainee can practice their shooting skills.

He even saw some trainees using magic-based guns and some using bows and crossbows while shooting at a distance of 30 - 50 meters, each one of them was busy trying to hit the bullseye target inside the flat wooden cardboard.

Yman noticed from Bob\'s face that something good happened to him. He guessed that he successfully advanced into level 3.

When Bob saw him, he immediately lifted his hand in the air and called out to Yman excitedly.

"Yman bro!"

His voice was so loud that even the other trainees around had to take a glance at him. When they noticed the most hated person, they scoffed at Yman.

Yman disregarded them and walked towards Bob\'s direction.

He also noticed Chloe together with her deity Jazz sitting on a bench near the shooting area, she was talking with the other girls from their class. Looks like she made some friends already. But for some reason, she was having a red face and was trying to shake his head and hands in between her and the other girls.

It was easy to guess what their topic was. He used to read some romance novels inside the facility. It was his way to divert himself away from the thought of suicide.

Yman was thinking that they might be having some girl talks. It\'s not uncommon with girls of such age to have such conversations.

He wondered if Yana was not ill, would she also have an interest towards a person of the opposite gender? After all, his sister was a cute and beautiful girl also.

Yman immediately disregarded the thought and chose to forget it without a second thought.

He believed that Chloe just finished her shooting practice. A magic-based pistol with blue color was hanging on her waist, inside its holster.

When Yman finally neared Bob, his guess was proven right. Bob had successfully advanced to level 3. And right now, all his attributes had increased a lot and so his mana. However, his strength and vitality had greater growth than his other attributes. This is normal for someone like Bob who had a physically fit body, and most of his activity before the advancement was based on strength and endurance.

He could only envy this guy. His physically fit body, had now glimmering, this is one of the effects after a successful advancement of a magician.

On the other hand, Yman\'s CE is almost at the peak. Probably, he believes that after the training it would reach the peak. So he was excited also for his coming breakthrough.

When Yman checked his mission tab after he woke up, he noticed that killing the Noble Rat was not counted in the list of total Evil Rat killed. Maybe because it was an evolved form, and since his mission was the Evil Rat, so killing monsters other than that would not be counted.

Yet a question from Bob stunned him: "Yman bro, what happened to you? You look like -- you are dying!"

"Wha — ?"

|What an insensitive person!| Yman screamed inwardly. However, Yman knew that Bob didn\'t mean bad for what he just said.

He knew that Bob is the type of person who\'s not concerned about his choice of words. But mostly he did not mean ill with his words.

After noticing the stunned face of his friend: "Ah - aaaah, I - I didn\'t mean for you t-to die bro. I - I\'m just kinda..." Bob hastily explained with a stammering voice after he noticed that his words might sound rude to Yman.

"Haha. No, don\'t mind it, Bob. The truth is, I met with an unexpected bad luck yesterday while mapping the area of my mission." Yman said with a can\'t be helped gesture.

"Hah, I - Is that so? Then how\'s your progress?" Bob sighed in relief when he felt Yman was not angry with his remarks. He really was trying to change his way of talking but sometimes it would come out unexpectedly from his mouth. Especially when he felt excited or tense.

Yman sighed and said: "Not bad, I guess. Although I killed one in difficulty."

Bob forced a dry smile. He knew how Yman had zero mana. And had to rely on his channeling talent. In any case, what is a channeling talent? Even Bob has no idea what this talent can do.

Not only him. Even Yman himself was not quite familiar with it. Because the logic behind it was whenever he used it, his stamina would be consumed.

In these thoughts, he assumed that he was channeling his stamina as a substitute for his mana.

Regardless, after their small talk, and before their 20 kilometers run started, Yman excused himself first and went into the shooting platform. He really wanted to increase his accuracy.

He saw some magic-based training guns, bows, bowgun, throwing weapons, and etcetera lined accordingly on a long table in front of the shooting platform.

Yman did not decide long as he picked the bow. He checked on it. It was a normal wooden bow bind with a garter on its handle for a stable gripping.

He took a quiver of arrows next and positioned himself in front of the shooting platform. He adjusted the target at 10 meters distance only since he was not proficient enough as a range magician.

When everything was set. He readied himself and inhaled then exhaled three times. He focused himself, getting rid of all the surrounding noise coming from around him. His eyes were dead set on the tip of the arrow towards the bullseye.

After relaxing his hands and the tip of the arrow well aligned on the bullseye, his hand released the grip on the arrow\'s tail.

The arrow travels the space between him and the bullseye in just an instant. And landed a few centimeters at the top right corner of the center.

Yman sighed. He needed more practice.

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