
Chapter 411: Treasure Hunters

Chapter 411: Treasure Hunters

Magnus and his friends did not board the Hogwarts Express for the last time, they just put their luggage inside for Abe to pick it up. They instead went to Norway to see Ragnar’s ancestry.

All the clue they had was that the Oroborus family was some sort of a well respected big family, like many other kings, they too were royals. This surprised Magnus, it turns out Ragnar too was some sort of royalty, now he was the second in line to the British Throne.

They flew over brooms while on their way to ruins sites one after another. They just hoped to find one related to the Oroborus family, it was not too hard to find any way as the coat of arms of the family was literally a snake-like dragon biting its own tail.

“Emma, maybe you should try to fit a nice music player on these luxury brooms, I’d love to hear some Queen. Mamaaaa… ooooo…” Magnus started comically singing the strangest song of the band. It was just too catchy. (A/N: It’s 1978, a lot of their songs have already been released.)

“I personally like the We Will Rock you,” Emma added.

Ragnar had a different taste though, “I too like the We Will Rock You, but I always add Fuck instead of Rock whenever I sing along.”

Everyone looked at him with a weird look. But they loved this Ragnar, he was a crazy, unpredictable, but a good loyal man. Severus, meanwhile, was clueless, not very cultured in the muggle music and movies.

“Remind me to lock Severus in dungeons below my house and let Dobby play all kinds of movies and music. Seriously, even he knows more than you. My brother, if you don’t know about the muggle world, how will you be making your students aware of it later? I want you to be my point of a cultural revolution. Of course, not the Mao kind,” Magnus advised Severus.

“I appreciate it, teacher Magnus. Teach me your craft of bullshitting too while you’re at it,” Severus japed back. This was something new, he would usually say something snarky but this time he sounded as if he was really going.

Hearing him, Magnus burst into loud laughter, “Hahaha… boy, it’s something you inherit. Bullshitting is literally in my blood from Arthur’s side.”

“I can vouch for that, he was a loudmouth,” Ragnar strongly nodded.

All four were either already 18 or on the verge of turning 18. They were adults and it honestly brought some new confidence and freedom to their minds. They were not bound by common kids laws anymore. Heck, even the Ministry could not do anything to them because of Magnus. Magnus may not be officially king yet, but the world’s wealthy and influential already see him as one.

“We’re here, the fifth ruins of the day. I hope we find it here, I’m seriously tired of flying so much,” Emma complained, stretching her arms.

They descended on the side of the snow-covered mountains and walked towards the place. There wasn’t much that could tell them it was a ruin, but what they did have was a very sensitive magic scanner. This means that whenever there is magic in the surrounding the instrument will make noise. Much like a radiation scanner.

“Hmm, it seems it’s a dead-end once again,” Ragnar, disheartened, said. For all they could see there were just rocks and snow.

Emma and Severus too started to walk back, but Magnus stayed there, with his eyes closed and his nose making movements as if it was sniffing something.

“STOOOP!” he shouted at them. “I smell something, something related to dragons, and it’s one scent I can never be wrong about.”

He started walking around trying to sniff out whatever was there. Soon enough, he found out where the strongest scent was coming from. He took out his staff and pointed at the mountainside covered in snow. Casting an Incendio spell, a big ball of the fire melted all of the snow, revealing what was underneath it. It was a wall, that also felt like it was a gate. On it was also the coat of arms of Oroborus Clan, carved into the stone itself.

“Hehe, a galleon and thanks will be enough, my brother,” Magnus cheekily grinned.

Ragnar’s eyes opened wide in astonishment, he ran to the wall and put his hand on it. As expected, the Oroborus art drawn on the wall shined in light and noise started to come.

“What’s with all these old vaults and caves opening up with our palms?” Magnus muttered to himself.

They silently watched as the entire wall, at least a few dozen metres high, slowly went into the ground, revealing the giant entrance to the cave. Inside the cave was a big castle.

There seemed to be some source of sunlight from outside inside, illuminating the frame of the castle with its pointy cones. It was big by normal standards but smaller than Hogwarts.

As they entered, out of nowhere, a lot of bright dark blue snakes appeared and covered the ground, it was a mind-numbing scene as they all slithered on top of each other as if a swarm. Emma was not used to such a scene and closed her eyes. They were not letting them pass. Magnus was about to move and tell them to go away, but Ragnar stopped him, “I got this,” he said.

He without wasting any time directly hovered his feet over the snake. One of them jumped and bit him on his ankles, as soon as that happened, all the snakes disappeared and the door of the castle in the distance opened.

“See, it was just a test. If the door opened due to my touch, these snakes were also placed for a meaning.” Ragnar deduced.

They continued forward, it was a narrow landmass connecting to the castle gate. All around the castle and the walking passage was a deep dark ravine, unknown how deep it went and what was down there.

“I feel like some sort of treasure hunter adventurer right now,” Magnus commented.

Ragnar chuckled, “It might really turn out to be one.”

They walked through the open doors of the castle. As soon as their feet stepped inside doors closed, leading to the illumination of the inside. It was a huge hall, all empty with just some rotting wood here and there. There were not even paintings.

“Anybody here? An elf maybe?” Ragnar shouted.

As expected, the silence was met in return. He turned back and asked Magnus, “Okay, do you want to split up or search around together?”

“Fuck no, we’re not splitting. That’s the most common way people die in horror movies.” Emma snapped at this absurd idea.

“Fine then, let’s head to the basement, that’s the most likely place anything precious will be,” Ragnar shrugged and continued the search.

Magnus had no idea what they were even looking at, but he did cast a few spells, “Accio, gold.”

Nothing came, “I guess you’re still dirt poor, Rag.”

“Well, considering that this place was last inhabited a thousand years ago, it’s understandable if there is nothing expensive around. But there should be some sort of vault. There is always a secret vault,” Ragnar confusedly looked around, tapping randomly on walls.

“I got an idea, I know exactly whom we need to find treasure. NIFFLERS!” Magnus exclaimed and immediately apparated away.

“He’s getting a bit too comfortable with appearing and disappearing these days,” Severus muttered.

Emma sighed and walked to help Ragnar, “Yeah, I will scold him later,”

Newton Scamander’s home,


“Mr Scamander, I need your nifflers,” Magnus shouted, already outside the house.

A surprised Mrs Scamander opened the door, a few Nifflers were already sitting on her shoulder, seemingly fighting each other over a chain of gold.

“Oh come it, Magnus, dear. Do you want to take these? Be my guest, they only mooch off the food and create trouble,” she simply handed the two nifflers to Magnus.

“What are their names?” he inquired.

“Umm… that one is Alpa and that one is Beta… wait, is that the other way, well whatever, it’s not like they listen to the call.” She babbled to herself. Old age was one heck of a thing.

Without waiting, Magnus decided to leave, “Say my thanks to Mr Scamander,”

“Congratulations on your graduation and…” that was all she could say before he disappeared.

Soon enough, Newt came, his clothes and hair dishevelled. Along with him was David, his student and an orphan boy who was on the verge of becoming an obscurus. “Who was it?”

“Magnus, he took the Nifflers for something,” she waved off and went back into the house.

“Which ones?” Newt inquired.

“Alpha and Beta,” she murmured.

This made him frown, “You did tell him that Beta likes to dig bones and not treasure, right?”

“He apparated away before I could, seriously, young people. Always in a hurry. David, sweetie, come here and help mother set the dinner table,” she called the boy, who was now 21 years old and officially adopted by the Newt couple.

[You can see the mountains castle and the nifflers on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


[A/N: Only one chap today.]


You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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