
Chapter 110 Visit from Princess Ming Yue

"Oh yes, King Ming had invited me over to his tent tonight to have a drink with him, so you can rest early."

This was to say that she was sleeping alone tonight.

Somehow, Lin Mengya felt a sense of disappointment at this news.

Things were getting stranger for her.

"In addition, King Ming had asked to have Hongyu returned to them. He said she must have provoked you to anger and he was very sorry."

As the face of this foreign woman came to her mind, Lin Mengya could not help but smiled an evil smile.

She held guessed correctly that this woman had something up her sleeve, which was why Lin Mengya had to deal with her in this way.

King Ming was a forthright man after all. He simply said a word and he got the woman to go back to them, at the same it only proved Hongyu to be a shrew.

When Lin Mengya thought about how back at the mansion, there would be peace and quiet once the foreign woman was gone, her mood was lifted immediately.

"Alright, you should go quickly and come back early."

Lin Mengya held on to the pup while she sat on the bed. There was not much going on in the afternoon, mostly just people eating and drinking in their tents.

She was too lazy to go out so she remained in the tent to play with Snow.

There was no need for Qinghu to hide at this moment, so he appeared before Lin Mengya and watched her play with Snow.

"I didn’t expect you to be addicted to taking care of a wolf pup."

Snow was wary of Qinghu, so much so that every time Qinghu got near, it would gnash its teeth and make a grrr sound with its throat.

"What are you talking about? I’m just keeping one wolf pup, which is Snow."

She pouted as Qinghu picked up Snow with one hand and put it down in front of himself.

"You’re also raising Lin Zhongyu, who could be an alpha wolf which left its pack."

Lin Mengya knew enough about Xiaoyu to know what had happened to him.

Lin Mengya could draw a reasonable conclusion from looking at Baisu’s level of martial skills and her other qualities. However, Lin Mengya felt a tinge of sadness whenever she thought of how Xiaoyu would leave her once he grew up.

"Sooner or later, they would show themselves to be leaders, I’m not worried about it. Oh yes, I’ve asked you to watch Hu Lunan, so what have you found?"

Qinghu’s expression turned serious the moment they started talking business.

"That second prince is truly a licentious man, unlike his father and brother. Last night, I saw his man capture a woman from the village and sent her to him to satisfy his lust. I’m afraid this woman’s body would have been abandoned somewhere by now."

Mercy was never in Qinghu’s dictionary.

Therefore, he did not even try to save that woman. However, there was a rise of fury in Lin Mengya. How despicable was this second prince of the western vassal state to take innocent lives just to satisfy his own desire?

"Go and find out where they dumped the body. I’ve use of it."

Qinghu smiled an evil smile. He could tell immediately that Lin Mengya was going to get someone in trouble.

"No problem, wait for the good news from me."

"Miss, Princess Ming Yue of the western vassal state is asking to meet you."

A moment after Qinghu disappeared from the tent, Baiji’s voice echoed through the air outside the tent.

"Princess Ming Yue? Lin Mengya pondered for a long time before she finally remembered that King Ming had indeed brought two princesses on this trip.

One of whom was named Ming Yue.

"Since she’s here, please invite her inside. She’s our guest and we should not keep her waiting."

"Yes, Miss."

Immediately, a beautiful lady in a green court dress strode up to Lin Mengya.

The women of the western vassal state were totally different from the women in Dajin.

The women of the western vassal state were tall, just like the modern day models.

Their features looked like those of mixed blood descendants so there was a unique quality about them.

If this princess were to live in the modern-day, she would be one stunning lady. Lin Mengya lifted her gaze to this smiling lady standing before him.

"Greetings to Princess Yu."

"There’s no need to stand on ceremony, Princess Ming Yue."

Both of them said their polite greeting and then stood there looking at each other.

King Ming of the western vassal state was a valiant hero, and all his daughters were outstanding ladies.

Princess Ming Yue’s mannerism and every gesture were composed and elegant, like a lady from a noble family. She was no ordinary person.

"I’ve heard from my brother, the crown prince, that Prince Yu and Princess are both exceptional and excellent. Finally, I get to meet you today and what I’ve heard is indeed true."

Princess Ming Yue’s voice was bright and clear. She did not sound as if she was trying to curry favor nor flatter her.

In fact, she sounded sincere, so much so Lin Mengya thought her voice was rather soothing.

Lin Mengya smiled at her in response but did not understand Princess Ming Yue’s intention for making such a statement.

"You’re too kinds with your words. Baiji, serve tea."

The four maidservants were standing behind Lin Mengya. Compared to the maidservants of other families, Lin Mengya’s four maidservants were more like the daughters of wealthy families.

Lin Mengya could see from Princess Ming Yue’s eyes that she was quietly sizing up her maidservants and she suddenly realized the purpose of her visit.

She had come for Baizhi.

"In the western vassal state, everyone claims that the servants in our mansion were the most capable. I guess mine are nothing compared to yours."

As Princess Ming Yue moved on to talk about their servants, Lin Mengya merely smiled and remained silent.

What a cunning Hu Tianbei. While he was himself too embarrassed to come to ask for Baizhi again, he had sent his sister to do it on his behalf!

"I heard that my elder brother refused to pick a girl from the daughters of the nobles and royals in Dajin, but had fancied a maidservant of Your Highness. It looks like my brother’s taste for a woman is as exotic as before."

It seemed that he really fancied Baizhi! Lin Mengya was curious about how King Ming’s family was so unique and so different from the others.

"You’re very generous with your praises, Princess Ming Yue. Baizhi had been with me for a long time, so we have a very close relationship. I can’t bear to let her go to the western vassal state."

Whatever she was trying to say points to her wish for Baizhi to enter into marriage for convenience with the crown prince.

"I suppose Princess Yu means that it’s natural to develop a close relationship with your maidservant over time. However, my elder brother really fancied Miss Baizhi. What about if I give these two maidservants of mine here? They are very intelligent. Do you think you can grant out wishes, Princess Yu?"

Princess Ming Yue’s words displeased Lin Mengya.

She had repeated herself, be it in the form of a hint or out-rightly, that Baizhi would not be a tool to them, neither was she a servant to her, but she was Lin Mengya’s good sister.

Why did these people keep thinking that a maidservant was a level lower than normal people?

"I’m not being irrespectful to you, Princess Ming Yue. I’ve already said it clearly, that Baizhi is like a sister to me, not just a maidservant. Even if your crown prince wishes to marry her, he has to respect her wishes too."

Princess Ming Yue, who was all smiles, was now wearing a frozen expression.

She could not understand the reason this princess refused to grant their wishes after she implored her in such a manner. To her, Baizhi was merely a maidservant.

"Marriage for convenience between the two countries is a win-win situation. Not to mention Princess Yu’s maidservant, I’m sure your country would even agree to us picking a Dajin princess as the consort for our crown prince. Although I can empathize your sentiments, someone ought to make a sacrifice to maintain the peace between the two countries."

She speaking in a friendly manner like a moment ago, but was rather sharp-tongued.

Lin Mengya supposed Princess Ming Yue’s patience had been pushed to her boundaries.

However, she did not mind getting into a debate with Princess Ming Yue.

When it comes to eloquence, Lin Mengya was second to none.

"Wars are the result of the selfish ambitions of the person in power. How many among the commoners willingly go for war? Instead of sacrificing the happiness of numerous innocent commoners, why can’t the people in power give up their selfish ambitions? Just because of one man’s selfish ambition, innumerous people’s happiness is ruined, and then forces people to say that they are willing. This is as good as robbery."

Everyone in the tent was surprised to learn of Lin Mengya’s understanding and foresight.

"Your Highness, what you’re saying is not right. No doubt the countries were in constant conflict as a result of ambition. However, would you be able to endure if your country has been taken captive to be slaves and trampled upon?"

The western vassal state belonged to Dajin and it was obliged to pay taxes to Dajin annually.

All the best resources were allocated by Dajin. To the vassal state, this arrangement was indeed somewhat unfair.

"Is marriage for convenience the solution then? The conflicts of interests between different countries could not be explained simply by a few sentences. 120 years ago, the western vassal state possessed a powerful army. The power of Dajin, on the other hand, was waning. When the army of the western vassal state attacked us, the Dajin emperor led his subjects to surrender to the western vassal state, but the 150 thousand Dajin commoners were slaughtered as a result, and your royal family indiscriminately humiliated the Dajin royals and nobles. How do you think Dajin should deal with the western vassal state today?"

This was the historical knowledge Lin Mengya gathered from reading history books recently when she had nothing much to do.

The grievances between the western vassal state and Dajin was so profound that even if they were to push for marriage for convenience in an attempt to alleviate their tension, conflict between them was still inevitable.

By then, Baizhi would be at the forefront of this conflict.

"Look, we’re looking too far ahead. Rest assured that Miss Baizhi would be treated kindly once she is in the western vassal state. We won’t allow her to suffer any wrong."

Prince Ming Yue had softened her tone and a smile crept onto her face. Lin Mengya also calmed down and relaxed a little, although she remained adamant.

"You can’t speak too early whether Baizhi would be treated kindly, but please go back and tell the crown prince that if he wants to marry my maidservant, he has to show us his sincerity. If not, not even King Ming would be able to persuade me."

Princess Ming Yue was so persistent and unyielding that Princess Ming Yue was beginning to look displeased.

She got up and left Lin Mengya’s tent in a hurry. She must have been cursing her under her breath for being unappreciative.

Lin Mengya went into deep thoughts when she spied the look of relief on Baizhi’s face.

If she did not resolve the problem regarding Baizhi, she would be continuously weighed down in her heart by this matter.

"Bad news, Miss! The white tiger had escaped from its cage. Now, everyone is running after it to capture it!"

Baishao dashed into the tent and broke the news to them, her face drained off its colors. There was great chaos outside.

Lin Mengya carried Snow in her arms and ran to the entrance of the tent to find out more information about it.

"How did the tiger escape from its cage?"

Lin Mengya was standing behind the crowd, tiptoeing, in hope that she could catch a glimpse of what was happening.

The tents belonging to the royals and nobles had been surrounded by a few layers of guards for protection. All Lin Mengya could see was people walking around and talking noisily.

"I heard that they wanted to make sure that the tiger will be in its top form three days from now, so as they were feeding, someone accidentally unlocked the cage and the tiger escaped."

Baishao had deduced this was what happened after listening to the many conversations discussing about it.

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