
Chapter 101: Are You Abusing the Glitch?

After hearing the news of the destruction of the Bloodhand Clan, these merchants only took two and a half days to march to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

The longer the delay, the colder the weather, and the lower the probability of the captives’ survival. They needed to transport these captives back to Red River Town and then sell them to suitable buyers before they froze to death.

If more than half of them died on the way back, they wouldn’t make much money on this trip...

Under the heavy snow, the travel-worn caravan arrived at the gate of the abandoned tire factory.

Signaling the team behind to stop, a man wearing a cotton coat with a semi-automatic rifle strapped on his chest walked out.

Looking up at Chu Guang and Hein standing on the gate, he said in a loud voice. "I\'m an employee of Horseshoe Firm, and all the goods you want are here!"

Hein\'s bodyguard, Wen, was also in the caravan.

However, his status does not allow him to interrupt the man, so he just stood next to the yak carrying supplies and cleared the cylinder of the revolver rifle to pass the time, bored.

"Wait a minute." Chu Guang gestured, then looked at the player beside him.

Seeing the look in the administrator\'s eyes, the players who could not wait to skip the cutscene immediately turned the winch and opened the wooden gate.

As the gate opened, a group of marauder captives walked out of the underground cells with their heads bowed dejectedly under the custody of 4 players.


"Don’t do anything stupid!"

In fact, these marauders didn\'t dare move slower at all. The players just wanted to shout something to feel cool.

Due to the language barrier, these marauder captives could not understand what the people in the blue coats were saying. They could only feel from the shaking muzzles that they were probably urging them to move forward.

Many marauder veterans had already guessed their future after looking at the yak caravan at the gate of the camp and the horseshoe-shaped badge, their faces filling with despair.

There were only a few young marauders who were at a loss, not knowing where they would be taken to and how they would end up.

The players holding the rifles talked quietly.

Some of them died in the battle a few days ago and had just respawned recently.

Makka_Pakka: "There are a few prisoners in there I find quite familiar."

Big_eyes_in_debt: "You mean the one who killed you?"

Makka_Pakka: "Who knows. It was so dark at that time and the bullets were flying everywhere. I didn\'t know if I was even killed by them. Huh! It irritates me just thinking about it. How did I die?!"

Big_eyes_in_debt: “Just stop and admit that you suck at playing this game, would you? It’s not like there are people who don’t like you enough to kill you during the battle. By the way, does this mean there’s no kill cam in this game?"

Makka_Pakka: "Fine, I’ll stop thinking about it... Say, do you know where these marauders will be sent to?"

Big_eyes_in_debt: "It seems that the administrator’s selling them to Red River Town."

Makka_Pakka: "Red River Town?"

Big_eyes_in_debt: "It’s on the official website’s setting page, haven’t you read it? It’s a town under Qingquan City, probably a few tens of kilometers away. There are many pre-war landfills there. Slaves sold there will be sent into mines to dig mines until they die."

"Tsk tsk, so miserable..." Makka_Pakka swiveled around in thought and suddenly said, "But then again, if I sell myself and then commit suicide. Do you think it is possible to make some money?"

Hearing such a shameless plan, Big_eyes_in_debt was shocked. "Dayum, are you planning to abuse this glitch?"

Although the crimes they committed were enough to hang them on the gallows ten times, Chu Guang still retained their basic human rights, allowing them to keep their clothes and shoes and eat meat of unknown composition in the warehouse. He even bandaged their wounds with a small number of bandages they found.

The reason for doing this was not out of pity.

It was purely for the concern that if too many people died, it would affect his income.

The good days of these people were yet to come.

"Thirty?" The man in the lead counted the number of prisoners, looked at Chu Guang, and asked, "Why is there one missing?"

"Maybe died?"

Chu Guang came down from the gate, casually looking back, just happened to see a player dragging a corpse with a broken leg out of the underground cell.

Seeing that the numbers were right, the leading man nodded without saying anything. He signaled to the guards behind him to help unload the goods.

If the transaction was completed earlier, they would go home sooner.

According to the agreement between Chu Guang and Hein, regardless of whether they were disabled or not, each prisoner would exchange the good equivalent to 20 kilograms of coarse salt.

Since one of the 31 prisoners died, 30 of them were exchanged for 600 kilograms of coarse salt in the end.

Coarse salt was a specialty of Red River Town, and it was also the general equivalent of the transaction between the two parties.

It was useless for Chu Guang to ask for so much coarse salt, so in addition to 200 kg of coarse salt, the other 400 kg of coarse salt were replaced by some specialties of Red River Town.

This included 30 revolver rifles, eight boxes of handmade copper bullets with a total of more than 4,000 rounds, a large number of copper ingots, zinc ingots, chromium ingots, and strong oxidants such as potassium permanganate.

The former was to meet the defense needs of the outpost, while the latter was the raw material that would drive the industrial development of the outpost.

In addition, there were some hardware parts that were used in processing machinery, as well as some mechanical parts such as gears and transmission shafts, which were mainly prepared for the proprietress of the weapon shop.

Although several metallurgical professional players could also make it by hand, the problem of steelmaking has not been solved yet, and the strength of the material was always a problem.

The quality of the hand-grinding tools was not always great. It was only fine to use them in the early stages. In actual use, the wear and tear were surprisingly high, and they even needed to be replaced every few days. So much so that Chu Guang wondered several times whether Xia Yan had been slacking off during work.

Although the industrial capacity of Red River Town was not as good as that of Boulder City, there was no problem in producing some processing tools, and the quality was not that bad.

This time Chu Guang bought a few more sets, and it should be no problem to last until the spring of the coming year.

In order to transport these goods, Horseshoe Firm mobilized a total of ten mutant yaks, and also hired 8 gunmen with revolver rifles as escorts.

Looking at these people unloading, Chu Guang glanced at Hein next to him and said. "Speaking of which, that person said he was an employee of Horseshoe Firm. Are they your colleagues?"

Hein explained with a grin. "Although we are all employees of Horseshoe Firm, employees like me may be slightly different from the employees you understand. Simply put, our relationship with the firm is more like cooperation than employment. The caravan guards and the yaks you see are the property of the firm, only the goods are purchased by us employees."

Chu Guang suddenly thought of something. "Purchased from the firm?"

Hein glanced at Chu Guang in surprise, as if he did not expect him to know this. He nodded and said. "Yes, our goods are purchased uniformly from the firm, and the sellers are basically the customers of the firm... Except this time. We will check every transaction, deduct the cost of purchasing and hiring guards, and we also need to give 60% of the profit to the firm."

This sounds a bit like a franchise system.

Purchasing, logistics, and even customer relations all belong to the "headquarters", and dealers like Hein are like franchisees.

In this way, even if it is a loss, Horseshoe Firm would not have to take any risk, and the loss is entirely on the franchisee\'s side.

And if the business makes a profit, the firm will take 60% of the profit from it.

No, even if it is a loss, it is profitable for the firm.

After all, all "franchisees" get their goods from the firm, and it is certainly impossible for the firm to sell these goods to the franchisees at the cost price, there must be some profit added to the cost already.

Thinking of this, Chu Guang couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion.

These indigenous people are much better at exploiting people.

Compared to them, I’m so kind!

However, I can learn from this trading model in the future.

For example, it can be applied to the trading system in the future.


"Goodbye, my friend, I hope we can trade again in the spring next year!"

The delivery of the goods was finally completed, and Hein took his two bodyguards standing next to the caravan and took off his hat to Chu Guang.

Chu Guang smiled faintly and waved his hand. "Have a safe trip."

Hein said with a hearty smile. "Hahaha, thank you! Then we shall leave now. I wish you and your shelter the best luck."

Then the group set off.

At this moment, Chu Guang noticed that the female mercenary next to Hein suddenly turned her head and gave him an upset look.

Their line of sight happened to meet each other. But the female mercenary was not embarrassed. She gave him an air kiss and mouthed the sentence "we will see you again". Then she went with the caravan and disappeared in the vast snow and fog.

Chu Guang was taken aback for a moment, frowned, and thought for a long time. However, he still couldn’t remember the name of this person, and was even more confused about her last behavior.

Is she called... Wendy?

Or Helen?

After all, he only heard the merchant named Hein say it once. Who would pay attention to the name of a mercenary next to a merchant?

Forget it, I should not waste time thinking about such inconsequential issues.

Chu Guang shook his head and signaled the players to load the supplies that had been exchanged using the slaves onto the cart, and prepare to drag them back to the warehouse in the outpost.

However, although Chu Guang himself didn\'t care, he couldn\'t hold back the enthusiastic gossip of the players around him. Especially when they saw the last blown kiss, a group of players’ imaginations instantly ran wild.

"Holy shit! You saw what I saw? That look has a story inside!"

"I saw it! That blow kiss!"

"Do you think something happened between the administrator and that woman?"

"It can’t be. They only stayed together for a few days in total."

"A few days is more than enough!"

"Damn it, then what about the proprietress of the weapon shop?"

"Big news! The one million-word unspeakable story about the administrator and the female caravan mercenary!"

"Tsk tsk, it\'s not that simple! It\'s definitely not that simple! It sounds like a smut!"

"Understood, we should let Brother Mole draw us some pictures when we get back!"


These people really are.


Chu Guang\'s eyebrows twitched, but he finally restrained the urge to complain and kept the calmness an NPC should have.

After a cough, he used a commanding tone to urge the players who stopped to gossip to get back to their work.

"Hurry up!"

"We need to drag all the goods back before the snow becomes heavier!"

At Chu Guang\'s urging, the players finally stopped delaying and quickly packed goods on the wooden carts.

Even though they were still chattering, they never stopped from beginning to end.

After finally packing their things, the group was ready to go on the road.

Looking at the gate behind him, the [Construction_site_boy_and_bricks] who was on duty took a step forward and asked Chu Guang for instructions.

"Dear administrator, what should we do with this stronghold? Do we still need to keep guarding?"

There was nothing in the stronghold, and he wondered if he could get the award for the mission in advance if he didn\'t need to guard it anymore.

Chu Guang thought for a few seconds, then ordered.

"Burn it."

"And leave the rest for mutants."

This stronghold was too far away from the players\' resurrection point, and there was no strategic value in terms of location; it was not necessary to keep it.

Moreover, just standing inside, Chu Guang felt that his moral value was decreasing.

He really couldn\'t figure out how these marauders lived here with peace of mind.

[Construction_site_boy_and_bricks] nodded excitedly, and said. "Yes, administrator!"

Destroying is much more interesting than cutting down trees!


Chu Guang trusted the players\' search ability.

They even dug three feet into the ground. Not to mention the chips hidden in the cabinet, they even moved the whole cabinet back.

There was almost nothing left in the entire Bloodhand Clan stronghold.

And those leftovers were either inconvenient to take away, or they had no value in recycling.

Such as those air-dried meat in the warehouse.

Obviously, a considerable part of that meat was not taken from normal prey.

After air-drying, it was difficult to distinguish between the appearance of the animal meat and human meat.

Out of mental mysophobia, Chu Guang didn\'t want any of them.

Part of it had been thrown to feed the marauder captives in the underground cells, and the rest was just hanging on the suspension beams of the tire factory warehouse.

Those mice and cockroaches can have them after they leave.

As for potatoes such as shofar potatoes, full grains, and vegetables that looked very similar to Chinese cabbage, Chu Guang had asked his players to transport all of them back.

These were all good things.

Especially those vegetables, which added up to three to four thousand kilograms, could be mixed with grains and meat to eat for a long time, and they could also balance the nutrition of the clones.

Not surprisingly, these grains were probably obtained by the marauders from Brown Farm.

In addition to food, there were some furs such as hyena skins, deer skins, wild boar skins, and even bear skins, which were around 230 pieces.

It was unlikely that all of these furs came from Bett Street.

There were only a hundred households on Bett Street. Even if the old leech exploited people down to their bones, he may not be able to collect these tributes.

Chu Guang speculated that a considerable part of them must have been contributed by other nearby survivors\' settlements.

These marauders had been busy looting throughout the fall, but before they had time to enjoy them, they all fell into the hands of Chu Guang.

And Chu Guang naturally didn\'t plan to return them.

Finders keepers is the rule on the wasteland after all.

A raging fire was soon ignited at the gate of the camp, and sparks that were blown by the north wind were slowly moving in the direction of the main building.

Looking at the fire in front of him and thinking of the contents of the two diaries, Chu Guang felt a little bit of emotion in his heart.

Pulling out the "Silver Snake" revolver next to his waist, he fired a shot into the sky.


The gunshot echoed on the snow-covered street, drowning in the wind and snow, signaling the ending of the dead souls who died here.

Waving off the white smoke floating on the barrel, Chu Guang inserted the revolver back into the gun holster made by Teng Teng, turned to look at the waiting players, and walked in front of them.

"Let’s go home!”

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